Monday, December 31, 2012

December 31, 2012

Well, today is the last day of 2012.

I kept my thermostat below 60° yesterday and last night. It got cold in my apartment, but not as cold as it has been, and the result appears to have been a saving in electricity.

Today's meter reading is 7528. Yesterday's reading was 7497. So, apparently, I used slightly more than 30 kWh in the last 24–hour period.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 30, 2012

Temperature–wise, this is supposed to be the best 24–hour period we're going to have in these parts for the next several days.

Today's high will be in the upper 40s or low 50s, and the low is supposed to be around 40. Ordinarily, that should be the kind of 24–hour period I can get through without too much electricity consumption. But there is talk of significant cloud cover this afternoon, which won't help to warm my apartment very much, and then rain is supposed to come through the area early in the morning and stay for most of the day, driving temperatures down as we wind up the old year.

The bottom line is, I don't know what to expect.

I can tell you that today's meter reading is 7497. The reading yesterday was 7457. That's 40 kWh to keep this apartment in the 50s for the last 24 hours.

That's more than I used on all but a handful of days last summer.

Something isn't right.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

December 29, 2012

I wish we would have slightly warmer temperatures — at least above freezing at night and maybe in the 50s during the day.

That would keep my heat from running as much, and I'm getting tired of having to sleep in a sweatshirt every night.

According to the meter readings, I used 50 kWh of energy in the last 24 hours — and my thermostat was set in the 50s the whole time.

As I have written here before, I don't think I ever used 50 kWh in a single 24–hour period last summer — and we definitely had days when the temperatures were in triple digits.

But now I'm burning up 50 kWh a day in a tiny one–bedroom apartment just to avoid freezing to death. Look back at my recent entries. You'll see that this has become routine.

This morning's reading is 7457. Yesterday's reading was 7407.

Friday, December 28, 2012

December 28, 2012

The temperature was mostly in the 40s yesterday — and I don't think it went much below 40° last night — and my electricity consumption was lower in the last 24 hours than it was in the previous 24 hours.

But "lower" is a relative term in this case. Because of the sub–freezing temperatures we were having (and are predicted to have again in the next couple of nights), my electricity consumption was up dramatically.

Today's meter reading appears to be around 7407. Yesterday's reading was 7382, which means that, in the last 24 hours, I used about 25 kWh to keep this tiny, one–bedroom apartment semi–warm. The meter reading the day before yesterday was 7335 (making my consumption during that 24–hour period 47 kWh).

Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 27, 2012

I photographed my meter about 20 hours ago. Between the ice and rain and snow, I wasn't able to take a picture from Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon.

Most of it has melted off now, and temperatures are supposed to get into the 40s this afternoon — although it is right around freezing (31°) as I write this. And it's supposed to stay above freezing tonight, but it's been in the 20s the last couple of nights.

I've been trying to keep my thermostat down the last couple of nights, but it was just too cold night before last so I wore a sweatshirt to bed last night.

Nevertheless, I appear to have used nearly 50 kWh since just yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday's meter reading was 7335. Today's reading is 7382.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 26, 2012

As I attempted to explain yesterday, I wasn't able to get a meter photo on Christmas Day because of the rain and snow and clouds.

When I did manage to make my way over there, it was so dark that my flash kept going off and washing out the image. So I have no photographic proof of what the meter reading was yesterday, and it is situated about 6–8 inches above my head so it is hard for me to read.

Nevertheless, it looked like it said 7255. It was cold, but it was before it got really cold.

Well, it is now about 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 26. I have only just managed to get over to my meter — I hope to be able to do this earlier tomorrow — but, as you can see, the reading is 7335. That is slightly more than 100 kWh since my last photograph more than two days ago (Monday's photo was probably taken about 53 or 54 hours ago).

I'm not running my heat at high levels, either, but I no longer have downstairs neighbors so I can't benefit from their heat anymore. I kept my thermostat at or below 60° the last couple of days. I dressed in layers when I went to bed, and I still felt cold all night. Both nights.

And, apparently, I still used about 50 kWh per 24–hour period for the last couple of days — which is higher than any day last summer.

Cold nights are expected to linger for the next seven days, but, in general, daytime temperatures are expected to be back in the upper 40s and lower 50s.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

December 25, 2012

I tried, I really did, to get a picture of the meter today.

But it's cold and gray and raining outside. And the drainage in this apartment complex isn't good, which means it doesn't take long for water to accumulate where my meter is.

If the weather is mild, I can live with that. But not when it is 45° and dropping outside.

Nevertheless, I slogged to that spot and tried to take some pictures, but the flash kept making everything illegible, and my feet were soon soaking wet (and cold) so I gave up.

This is about the nastiest Christmas I can recall.

My meter is about 6–8 inches above my head, and it's a little hard for me to read, especially when it is as dark as it is today. But I think this morning's reading was 7255. Yesterday's reading was 7233, so that would make my consumption 22 kWh. That sounds about right — a few kWh higher than yesterday.

Monday, December 24, 2012

December 24, 2012

The temperature dropped into the 30s last night, and my electricity consumption went up.

Roughly the same is expected tonight, then the talk is of temperatures in the 20s tomorrow night and Wednesday night.

So I don't know what to expect.

This morning's meter reading is 7233. Yesterday's reading was 7214.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

December 23, 2012

Well, I'm bracing myself for the pending arrival of a cold front that seems sure to blow my electricity consumption out of the water.

The weekend has shaped up about as predicted, with highs in the 60s and lows last night in the 50s. But it is supposed to drop into the 30s tonight and tomorrow's high (in the low 50s) is about as warm as it is apt to get — at least in the next week.

Yesterday's meter reading was 7202. This morning's reading is 7214.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 22, 2012

It was cold last night — although not as cold as it was the night before — and it was warmer yesterday than it was the day before so my electricity consumption wasn't as high.

Yesterday's meter reading was 7186 (the day before, it was between 7156 and 7157 so my consumption was nearly 30 kWh). This morning's reading is 7202; my consumption in the last 24 hours went down to 16 kWh.

I'm hopeful it will drop some more — temporarily, though. Today's high is supposed to be in the 60s, and tonight's low is supposed to be in the mid–50s, followed by highs near 70° tomorrow.

Then another cold front is supposed to come through the area and hold everything in the 40s during the day and 20s or 30s at night until at least the end of the week.

Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21, 2012

As expected, the temperature dipped below freezing last night.

My thermostat was set about as low as it could go, but it still kicked on periodically during the night.

And my electricity consumption went up.

Yesterday's meter reading was 7157. This morning's reading is 7186. Thus, my consumption in the last 24 hours was just under 30 kWh.

That's better than the 50 kWh day I had last week, but it's worse than what I have been getting lately. It will probably stay elevated today — this afternoon's high is supposed to be in the 60s, but, after the sun goes down, the temperature is expected to drop into the 30s.

The weekend looks pretty mild — tomorrow night's low is supposed to be in the 50s — but Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the day after Christmas are looking like they will be cold.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012

A cold front arrived in the area in the wee hours of this morning, and the temperature in my apartment dropped.

But I still managed to keep my electricity consumption in single digits.

This morning's meter reading is around 7157. Yesterday's reading was 7150.

I expect my consumption to go up in the next 24 hours, though. The forecasters are calling for lows around 29° tonight.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19, 2012

The weather has been quite mild for mid–December, but I'm afraid that is at an end.

The forecast for the next three nights calls for lows in the 30s. Highs should be in the 60s so it will continue to be mild during the day, but nights like the one we had last night (during which the low might have dipped below 60°) are probably over until March or April.

Anyway, my electricity consumption stayed in single digits. Today's meter reading is 7150. Yesterday's reading was between 7143 and 7144.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18, 2012

The temperature was cooler yesterday than it has been (60s) and it dropped into the 40s last night.

Logically, I figured my consumption would go up — and it did, but not by as much as I had imagined it would.

This morning's reading is between 7143 and 7144. Yesterday's reading was 7133 so my consumption did get into double digits — but just barely.

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17, 2012

Temperatures were in the 70s yesterday so my electricity consumption remained in single digits.

However, the temperature was a bit colder last night than it's been so my usage did go up a little.

This morning's meter reading is 7133. Yesterday's reading was 7125.

If the weather forecast turns out to be accurate, I think I'll be able to stay in single digits for at least another week — with the exception of Thursday–Friday, when highs are expected to be only in the 50s and nighttime lows are expected to be in the 30s.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

December 16, 2012

The mild weather continues — for now — and my electric consumption was at 10 kWh or less for the third straight day (and 11th of the last 15).

This morning's meter reading was 7125. Yesterday's meter reading was 7118.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 15, 2012

Last night's low apparently was in the 50s, and the high today is supposed to be in the 70s.

For the next few days, I expect my electricity usage to be in single digits.

According to my meter, it was in single digits yesterday — and it was in single digits again today. Today's reading is 7118. Yesterday's reading was 7112.

Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14, 2012

My electric meter continues to baffle me.

I haven't adjusted my meter since a few days ago when, after I discovered that my thermostat setting on a very cold night led to 50 kWh of consumption in a 24–hour period. Since then, my consumption has dropped to 25 kWh, then to between 16 and 17 kWh.

That last was my consumption level yesterday, when my meter reading was between 7103 and 7104. Today's reading is 7112, which indicates my consumption dropped into single digits again.

I haven't been adjusting my meter so the only real variable is the air temperature. And, admittedly, the temperatures have been warmer each day — but warm is a relative term in this case. The high yesterday was around 61° and more of the same — albeit with a 70% chance of rain this afternoon — is expected today.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 13, 2012

The temperatures seem to be gradually warming, and I kept my thermostat in the 50s last night.

Anyway, my electricity usage in the last 24 hours was smaller than the previous 24 hours.

Not that those previous 24 hours were any bargain — but they were significantly cheaper than the 24 hours prior to that.

Anyway, today's meter reading is between 7103 and 7104. Yesterday's meter reading was 7087.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 12, 2012

After yesterday's meter shocker, I adjusted my thermostat back to the upper 50s, and it appears to have cut my electricity consumption in half.

This morning's reading is between 7086 and 7087. Yesterday's reading was 7062, which means my usage in the last 24 hours was about 25 kWh — not great but half the consumption of the previous 24 hours.

If the forecasters are correct, tonight will be another cold one — but it won't be as cold as the last two and the forecast high for today is in the mid–50s. The extended outlook — well, through the weekend, anyway — is for highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 11, 2012

Something is not right here.

The temperature dropped into the 20s last night, and I admit that I adjusted my heat up slightly. So I expected a modest increase in electricity consumption.

When the cold front arrived Sunday night, I had my thermostat set in the upper 50s — chilly but bearable. And my consumption for that Sunday–Monday 24–hour period did, indeed, go up. Prior to that, when temperatures around here were relatively balmy for December, my daily electricity consumption had been in single digits. But it was around 14 kWh when I read the meter yesterday and compared that reading to the day before.

I knew it was going to be very cold last night, and I set my thermostat a little higher — around 60°. So I expected my consumption today to be around 20 kWh or so.

It is safe to say that I wasn't at all prepared for what I found.

This morning's meter reading is 7062. Yesterday's reading was about 7012. That is a consumption rate of 50 kWh.

I live in Dallas, Texas, where it gets H–O–T in the summer, but I've been monitoring my meter every day since April, and I have never used 50 kWh in a single 24–hour period.

Something is wrong here.

Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012

As expected, the cold front came through last night.

I tried to keep my heat as low as possible, but it still kicked on a few times during the night, and my electricity consumption returned to double digits.

This morning's reading appears to be between 7011 and 7012. Yesterday's reading was 6998.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 9, 2012

Around here, we're bracing ourselves for a wintry blast that is expected to grip the area for the next three or four days — starting tonight, when subfreezing temperatures and snow flurries are forecast.

Right now, though, it is still mild, and my electricity consumption stayed below double digits in the last 24 hours. I expect that to change over the next few days.

Today's meter reading is one of those 'tweeners — it appears to be between 6998 and 6999. Yesterday's reading was 6990.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 8, 2012

It is overcast and cool this morning.

And the weather forecasters are sticking to their guns on the cold front that is predicted to come through the area late tomorrow.

That cold front is expected to bring subfreezing nighttime temperatures with daytime highs only in the 40s or, with a little luck, low 50s.

And I expect my electricity consumption to go up as the temperatures go down.

But right now, they are staying in single digits.

This morning's meter reading is 6990. Yesterday's reading was 6984.

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7, 2012

I suppose this is a calm–before–the–storm thing.

The temperatures have been mild lately, and my electricity use confirms it — in fact, based on today's meter reading, my electricity consumption in the last 24 hours was only 6 kWh.

But I've been hearing talk about a cold front coming through the area Sunday night — possibly bringing snow — and it is supposed to remain cold at least through the end of next week.

So I expect my electricity consumption to go up.

But today, the meter reading is 6984. Yesterday, it was 6978. The day before that, it was 6971.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

December 6, 2012

My daily electricity consumption has settled into single digits — at least for now.

Today's reading is 6978. Yesterday's reading was 6971 so my consumption in the last 24–hour period was 7 kWh. The day before, my reading was 6964 — also 7 kWh.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5, 2012

My electricity consumption dipped farther below double digits in the last 24 hours.

Yesterday's meter reading was 6964, which represented usage of 9 kWh since my reading the day before. Today's reading is 6971, which indicates I used 7 kWh in the last 24 ours.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4, 2012

Well, I don't know how it happened, but my consumption dropped back into single digits.

We've had record–setting high temperatures recently — 80s in December — and I'm not exactly sure how that has affected by consumption patterns.

Anyway, this morning's reading is 6964. Yesterday's reading was 6955.

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3, 2012

My electric meter continues to baffle me.

The temperatures have been unseasonably mild the last few days, but that has meant that it has been unnecessary to run either the heat or the AC — yet my electricity consumption has returned to double–digit territory.

Yesterday, I read my meter around noon. I read the meter today around 7:50 a.m. — more than four hours earlier — but it showed 10 kWh consumption. That's the same consumption I had in a full 24–hour period yesterday.

How come? I don't know. I had my windows open yesterday, and I don't think the heat or the AC ever came on yesterday.

Anyway, this morning's reading was 6955. Yesterday's reading was 6945.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2, 2012

There wasn't much difference between yesterday's consumption and today's — when you consider one factor.

I took today's photo nearly two hours later in the day than I did yesterday.

Today's meter reading is 6945. Yesterday's meter reading was 6935. The day before, it was 6927.

If I had taken the photo earlier, the meter reading might have reflected identical usage compared to the day before.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December 1, 2012

If recent days are any indication — and, in my experience, when you're talking about Texas weather, recent days are seldom reliable indications except in the summer, when it is always hot — we may have another mild winter this year.

Which would be fine with me from an electricity consumption standpoint. But I actually have downstairs neighbors this winter (so far, anyway), and I benefit from their heat when the temperature gets cold so I fail to see how I will actually benefit financially from a mild winter — and, if we don't have a freeze that is sufficient to kill off the insects that make our lives miserable in the summer, it's hard for me to see any benefit in this for me.

Anyway, yesterday was a mild day, and I only got around to shooting the photo of my meter a few minutes ago so today's electricity consumption actually represents about a 26–hour period.

And it still remained in single digits.

This morning's meter reading is 6935. Yesterday's reading was 6927. My consumption rate seems to be consistent because Thursday's reading (which was just about 24 hours before yesterday morning's reading) was 6921.

Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012

Well, we're settling back into a single–digit pattern.

This morning's meter reading is 6927. Yesterday's reading was 6921.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 2012

It was a little bit milder yesterday than it was the day before, yet my electricity consumption went up.

OK, it only went up slightly — 2 kWh — but, as I have observed before, proportionately it is significant.

This morning's meter reading is 6921. Yesterday's reading was 6913. The day before, it was 6907.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012

Well, I am baffled once again — but in a good way this time.

My electricity consumption is declining, and I can't figure out why. Well, I sort of can, I guess. Last night was quite cold, but my heat never kicked on (well, not to my knowledge). I can only assume I am benefiting from the heat coming from downstairs.

Anyway, today's meter reading is 6913. Yesterday's reading was 6907.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27, 2012

Well, somehow, my electricity consumption dipped below double digits in the last 24 hours.

I don't know how or why it happened — except that it was kind of a nice birthday present.

Yesterday's meter reading was 6898. This morning's reading is 6907.

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012

Yep. A pattern seems to be emerging in my electricity consumption.

Last night wasn't as cold as the two nights before, but the daytime temperature was comparable — and my consumption remained in double digits (just barely, though).

My meter reading this morning is 6998. Yesterday's reading was 6988. The day before, the reading was between 6877 and 6878.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012

Inexplicably, my electricity consumption is going up.

Granted, it isn't a massive increase — as far as the raw numbers are concerned — but proportionately it is fairly significant.

And it has fluctuated a bit — but I am truly bewildered. I can't figure out why this has been happening.

Today's meter reading is 6888.

Yesterday's reading was between 6877 and 6878 so my consumption was about 10½ kWh. Friday's meter reading was between 6868 and 6869 &mdas; so my usage in that 24–hour period was about 9 kWh. The meter reading on Thursday was 6858 so my usage in that 24–hour period was about 10½ kWh. And Wednesday's reading was between 6848 and 6849, which means my usage at that time was around 9½ kWh.

All that sounds pretty consistent — but, in the week and a half prior to that, my electricity consumption was in single digits every day except one. There has been no significant change in my consumption habits in the last four days. A few of the nights have been cold, but I now have neighbors living in the apartment below me, and, typically, I benefit from the neighbor' heat in the cold months.

At my level of consumption, an increase of 2 to 4 kWh in a 24–hour period represents quite a jump.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 24, 2012

Yesterday was a mild day, and last night was cold.

But my electricity consumption doesn't appear to have gone up over the previous day.

This morning's reading is about 6877. Yesterday's reading was between 6868 and 6869. The day before that, the reading was 6858.

Friday, November 23, 2012

November 23, 2012

My electric consumption remained around double digits yesterday, and I am really baffled how that happened.

Anyway, today's meter reading is between 6868 and 6869. Yesterday's reading was 6858.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

November 22, 2012

Today is Thanksgiving, but I'm not feeling terribly thankful for my electricity meter.

By most people's standards, I suppose my reading today would be a good thing. But I've grown accustomed to expecting single–digit readings lately. The weather yesterday wasn't significantly different than it has been on most days for the last three or four weeks — but the temperature did reach 80°, and it might well have gone higher, however briefly.

And that could explain why my reading was in double digits this morning.

True, my usage was just shy of double digits — this morning's reading is 6858, and yesterday's was between 6848 and 6849 — but, compared to my recent usage, that represents an increase of between 25% and 35%.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 21, 2012

Well, my electricity consumption seems to have settled into single digits for the time being.

This morning's reading appears to be between 6848 and 6849. Yesterday's reading was 6842.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 20, 2012

The daily fluctuations in my electric consumption continue — inexplicably.

But I'm not complaining because this time it is to my benefit. There was no discernible difference between yesterday and the day before, but my consumption dropped below double digits.

Yesterday's meter reading was 6834 — that was about 11½ kWh used from the day before that, when my reading was between 6822 and 6823. (The day before that, which was about the same as the others, my meter reading was 6815.)

This morning's reading is 6842, which has me back in single digits.

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012

Inexplicably, my electricity consumption was in double digits in the last 24 hours.

Yesterday's reading was between 6822 and 6823. That represented about a 7½ kWh consumption from Saturday morning to Sunday morning, which was consistent with my usage for, well, a week.

But this morning's reading is 6834, which means my consumption between Sunday morning and this morning was about 11½ kWh.

There was no noteworthy difference in the weather conditions. Temperatures were mild. Perhaps there has been something special about Sundays lately because my last double–digit consumption period occurred from last Sunday to last Monday.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 18, 2012

The single–digit consumption pattern continues.

Yesterday's meter reading was 6815. This morning's reading was between 6822 and 6823.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 17, 2012

My electricity consumption is settling into the kind of pattern I expected at this time of year.

Yesterday's meter reading was between 6807 and 6808. Today's reading is 6815.

Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012

Electricity consumption was about the same yesterday — perhaps a bit lower — as it has been in recent days.

It was in single digits once again.

Yesterday's meter reading was 6801. Today's reading is between 6807 and 6808.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 15, 2012

Yesterday was another single–digit electricity consumption day.

Yesterday's meter reading was 6793. This morning's reading is 6801.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14, 2012

Perhaps things are settling into a normal pattern for this kind of weather — single–digit electricity consumption.

Yesterday's reading was 6786. Today's reading is 6793.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13, 2012

My electric meter continues to do astounding things.

As I have observed here lately, there has been no significant difference between one day and the next lately. There were a few days last week that were warmer than others, but that hasn't accounted for the variation in my electricity consumption.

Take the just–completed 24–hour period. Yesterday's meter reading was 6780. The day before, the reading was 6758. The day before that, the reading was 6757.

The recent pattern was double–digit consumption — possibly influenced by the fact that the previous two days were weekend days, and I was home for most of them. But I can't think of anything that I did that would result in nearly a 50% increase in my electric consumption.

Still, this morning's meter reading suggests that my absence may help keep the usage down. This morning's reading is 6786.

Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

I really thought my electricity consumption would be in single digits yesterday, but apparently I was wrong.

My meter reading this morning was 6780. Yesterday's reading was 6768.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

November 11, 2012

Electric consumption continues to bewilder me.

There was no significant difference between yesterday and the days preceding it, but, like the consumption rate from Wednesday–Thursday, my consumption was in double digits.

Yesterday's meter reading was 6757. This morning's meter reading is 6768.

My consumption over most 24–hour periods lately has been in single digits.