Friday, August 31, 2012
August 31, 2012
I was on campus much of yesterday so I have little firsthand knowledge of how warm it was outside.
But it was already quite warm by the time I left my apartment yesterday morning, and it was still warm when I left the Richland newsroom late in the afternoon. Moreover, the radio reported that the temperature was 97° as I was driving home.
So it was no surprise, really, to find that my electricity consumption exceeded 30 kWh. But not by much.
Yesterday's reading was 5680. Today's reading was 5712.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
August 30, 2012
Lately, each day seems to be much like the one before.
And there is a consistency to my recent electricity consumption, too. Fortunately, it's been showing signs of a downward trajectory — although, with forecasts calling for highs near 100° during the Labor Day weekend, I'm afraid that trajectory will start to go up.
Anyway, yesterday's consumption was about 1 kWh below the day before. Yesterday's meter reading was 5659. This morning's reading is 5680.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
August 29, 2012
We had another day in the 90s yesterday, and the forecast indicates we'll be seeing more of that through the Labor Day weekend.
But, because I was on campus for much of the day, my electricity consumption stayed down. In fact, it was a little lower than yesterday's consumption.
Yesterday's meter reading was 5637. Today's reading is 5659. My use yesterday was 22 kWh — whereas my use the day before was 24 kWh.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
August 28, 2012
I was in school most of the day so I have no real idea how warm it was.
But my electricity consumption was about the same as it was the day before. Yesterday's reading was 5613, and today's reading is 5637 so my use was 24 kWh — about 2 kWh higher than the day before.
Monday, August 27, 2012
August 27, 2012
It was a little cooler yesterday, and my electricity consumption went down.
Yesterday's meter reading (5591) indicated I used 30 kWh in the previous 24 hours. Today's meter reading is 5613, which means my consumption was 22 kWh.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
August 26, 2012
The temperature was expected to be about 91° or 92° yesterday, but it turned out to be a few degrees warmer than that.
And my electricity consumption went up to 30 kWh as a result. Today's meter reading is 5591. Yesterday's reading was 5561.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
August 25, 2012
I spent most of yesterday in the Richland College newsroom. Didn't get outside at all from about noon until 7:30 p.m.
They tell it me was hot yesterday, which would explain the increase in my electricity consumption.
But it was still well below what I had been anticipating at this time of the year.
Yesterday's meter reading was 5537. Today's reading is 5561. My use was 24 kWh.
Friday, August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012
I spent roughly 10 hours on campus yesterday.
In addition to my usual advising in the newsroom, I attended fall convocation, the annual meet–and–greet at the start of the new school year.
I don't know what the weather was like yesterday afternoon and into the evening, but I was told it got quite warm.
I wasn't at home, where I could switch things off or adjust the thermostat.
But, apparently, it wasn't much worse than the day before. In fact, my electricity consumption was precisely what it was the day before — 16 kWh. Even though there have now been several days of sub–20 kWh days for me this August, it is still startling to see evidence of an energy consumption level that I didn't expect to see until October or November.
Yet, there it is. My meter reading yesterday was 5521 kWh. My meter reading today is 5537.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
August 23, 2012
It was a little warmer yesterday, and my electricity consumption went up a little — but not really that much.
Yesterday's reading was 5505. Today's reading is 5521, which means my use was 16 kWh in the last 24 hours.
Not bad for late August.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
August 22, 2012
I don't know precisely what yesterday's high temperature was.
I do know it got into the 80s for awhile but probably not very far, and this morning when I got up, the temperature was 68°.
All of which contributed to my lowest kWh usage day in quite awhile.
Yesterday's meter reading was 5494. Today's reading was 5505. Consequently, I used only 11 kWh.
I didn't think I would see that kind of consumption level again until late October — or perhaps November — but certainly not in August.
It isn't likely to last. Forecasts say we will be back in the 90s today with lows in the 70s.
It was nice while it lasted.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
August 21, 2012
When this month began, I didn't think we'd get much of a break on utilities.
Daytime temperatures were in triple digits, and nighttime lows were hovering in the 80s.
But we are currently in the midst of a very pleasant (for August) stretch of weather. Yesterday's high was in the low 90s — briefly — and, once again, the low was in the 60s.
My meter reading yesterday was 5476. Today's reading is 5494. Thus, my usage was 18 kWh.
It might be even better than that tomorrow. The predicted high for today is only 86°.
Monday, August 20, 2012
August 20, 2012
The temperature was a little higher than predicted yesterday, and skies weren't as overcast as they have been so my electricity consumption went up a bit — but it still wasn't bad for mid–August.
The forecasters have been right about lower temperatures at night. When I got up this morning, the temperature was 69°.
This morning's meter reading was 5476. Yesterday's reading was 5452. My use was over 20 kWh — 24 kWh, in fact — which is about my highest consumption level in a week.
I'll be advising in the student newspaper newsroom this afternoon so I hope my consumption will be lower in the next 24 hours than it was in the last 24 hours.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
August 19, 2012
Currently, we are enjoying a cool front here in north Texas.
We got quite a downpour yesterday and, after the rain moved through the area, the temperatures dropped. Around sunset, the temperature was 72°, and it actually got down into the 60s last night.
I can't remember the last time it was this pleasant in August — but, according to the forecasts, it will remain this way for a few more days.
In the last 24 hours, I had the lowest electricity consumption I have recorded in months. In recent days, I have had a few days when the usage was in the upper teens and lower 20s, but yesterday was the best in more than two months.
Today's meter reading was 5452. Yesterday's reading was 5435. Thus, my usage was 17 kWh.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
August 18, 2012
The summer has really been full of surprises for me this year.
Before the summer began, I was fearful. I expected a repeat of last summer, which was extremely hot. If I am not mistaken, Dallas either set or equaled the record for most triple–digit temperature days. And, of course, there was little, if any, rain last summer so it was hot, dry — miserable.
Even though they still tell us we are in drought conditions, those conditions are sure to have been eased a bit by this summer. We've had rain from time to time and occasional cool fronts.
When you live in Texas, you expect summerlike heat for about five or six months of the year.
But there is a difference between normal heat and extreme heat. This summer, we have had what is historically normal for north Texas — lot of days with temperatures in the 90s punctuated by a few triple–digit days and some other days with temperatures in the 80s.
The last few days qualify as normal heat, but, if the latest forecasts (which call for highs in the upper 80s and lows in the upper 60s early in the week) are correct, we are due for some sub–normal temperatures soon.
I sent a lot of yesterday in the Richland newsroom yesterday, which probably accounts for my low electricity consumption. It was a little higher than the day before but not much. Yesterday's reading indicated 18 kWh was consumed between Thursday and Friday.
That reading was 5413. This morning's reading was 5435 so my consumption was 22 kWh.
Friday, August 17, 2012
August 17, 2012
This summer continues to be a source of astonishment for me.
Uncharacteristically, our temperatures in north Texas this August have tended to hover in the 90s. That's unusual because we frequently seem to be in triple–digit territory around here in August.
Well, for several days, forecasters were warning us that we would hit 100° yesterday — but, instead, it was in the upper 80s in the middle of the afternoon and briefly rose into the 90s at the end of the day.
Yesterday's meter reading was 5395. This morning's reading was 5413. I kept my electricity consumption below 20 kWh in the last 24 hours! In August! Who'da thunk it?
Thursday, August 16, 2012
August 16, 2012
This summer has been full of surprises.
Some have been pleasant surprises. Others have been not so pleasant.
But one of the pleasant ones really has been my electricity consumption. It has been lower than I would have predicted just a few months ago.
I was away from home all afternoon yesterday, advising in the Richland College newsroom.
The exterior temperature did get into the 90s yesterday, but it must have rarely triggered my air conditioning because, apparently, I only used 20 kWh.
Today's thermostat reading is 5395. Yesterday's reading was 5375.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
August 15, 2012
I spent yesterday afternoon in the college newsroom — when, apparently, the temperatures were in triple digits.
So it was hot — but I wasn't at home to periodically adjust the thermostat for my comfort.
It was probably still in triple digits when I left to come home, and it was relatively warm in the evening, but we had some serious rain last night that brought the temperature down to the low 70s when I got up this morning.
Anyway, my electricity consumption seems to be roughly what it has been the last few days — a few kilowatt hours below 30.
This morning's meter reading is 5375. Yesterday's reading was 5349. Thus, my consumption was 26 kWh.
In fact, it has been nearly a week since I used more than 30 kWh in a 24–hour period.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
August 14, 2012
I spent a lot of time away from home yesterday — I had to go downtown in the morning and I had to advise in the school newsroom in the afternoon — so I feel like I really had very little influence on my electricity consumption.
The thermostat was set in the morning and wasn't really adjusted until I got home last night.
Anyway, my consumption was nearly the same as the day before. Yesterday's reading was 5322. This morning's reading appears to be 5349, meaning I consumed 27 kWh.
I calculated my consumption yesterday as 28.
I'll be advising all week so, hopefully, this is a trend that will continue.
Monday, August 13, 2012
August 13, 2012
I didn't check the temperature yesterday afternoon, so I don't know if we cracked triple digits yesterday.
But, somehow, I kept my electricity consumption below 30 kWh.
This morning's reading is 5322. Yesterday's reading was 5294. Consequently, my use was 28 kWh.
That's good news in August — as is the forecast of nighttime lows around 72° and 73° tonight and tomorrow night.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
August 12, 2012
I must confess that I was surprised by this morning's meter reading.
It indicates much lower usage than I expected. The high yesterday was in triple digits, and it remained relatively warm overnight.
I think one of the biggest difference makers was the fact that I slept most of Saturday afternoon — and, consequently, did not adjust the thermostat. I did wake up a couple of times, wet with perspiration, but I went back to sleep.
Anyway, yesterday's reading was 5270. Today's reading is 5294 so my consumption was 24 kWh.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
August 11, 2012
Well, yesterday may have been a little warmer than had been predicted.
And I'm not sure if it got quite as cool last night as had been predicted.
But my electricity consumption did drop from the previous 24 hours.
From Thursday to Friday, my use was 35 kWh.
My meter reading yesterday was 5241. Today's reading is just about 5270, so my use in the last 24 hours was 29 kWh.
The forecast for the coming week doesn't look too accommodating, though. Triple–digit highs and lows in the upper 70s to low 80s are currently anticipated.
Friday, August 10, 2012
August 10, 2012
Yesterday's temperature was, once again, in triple digits, and it stayed hot during the night (82° when I got up shortly before 6 a.m.), but, if the weather forecasters at NOAA are to be believed, our deliverance may be at hand — at least temporarily.
Today's high is supposed to be in the mid–90s, but the low tonight is supposed to be in the lower 70s. That may not sound like much, but in north Texas, it's like a preliminary taste of fall weather.
But, as I say, yesterday was hot, and my electricity consumption reflects that. Yesterday's meter reading was 5206. Today's reading is 5241. That's 35 kWh, which really isn't bad for this time of year, but it is nearly twice my consumption for the previous 24–hour period.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
August 9, 2012
When the weather forecast calls for a 20% or 30% chance of rain, I suppose one's tendency would be to think that it isn't going to happen.
But, lo and behold, some rain came through the area around midday yesterday, and the temperature plummeted from the mid–90s to the lower 80s.
Later in the afternoon, it climbed back to about where it had been, but the nighttime lows dropped into the mid&ndsh;70s — and my electricity consumption for the last 24 hours is proof.
Yesterday's meter reading was between 5187 and 5188. This morning's reading is 5206.
Clearly, my consumption stayed below 20 kWh — which is utterly amazing for August in Texas.
Today's forecast calls for triple digits, but the revised forecast now calls for temperatures to stay below 100° through the weekend. There is even talk of a low of 73° tomorrow night.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
August 8, 2012
At this time of year in Texas, each day is pretty much like the day that came before and the day that will come after.
I didn't see yesterday's high temperature, but, once again, I figure it was in triple digits. However, a break may be on the horizon. This morning's NOAA forecast is calling for temperatures in the 90s this weekend — and nighttime lows around 74°!
Such a shift may only be temporary. By this time next week, we may be back in triple digits and nighttime lows of 80° or so.
Anyway, this morning's meter reading is between 5188 and 5187. Yesterday's reading was 5152 so my consumption was around 35 kWh.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
August 7, 2012
Honestly, I don't know what — if anything — really was different about yesterday.
I think the temperature was in triple digits again — I didn't hear what the temperature was at any time during the day yesterday — but I didn't spend any time adjusting the thermostat. I had to replace my computer modem so I spent a fair amount of time away from home yesterday afternoon. Perhaps that played a role.
Anyway, I was delighted when I looked at my meter this morning. Yesterday's reading was 5122, which made my consumption for the previous 24 hours 42 kWh.
But this morning's reading was 5152 — only 30 kWh used in the last 24 hours.
Monday, August 6, 2012
August 6, 2012
There doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to my electricity consumption these days.
The outdoors temperature yesterday was probably as hot as it's been any other day. It was in triple digits, but we've been dealing with that for the last couple of weeks.
However, my consumption has been going up by a few kWh each day. Between last Thursday and Friday, my consumption was 34 kWh. Between Friday and Saturday, it was 37. Saturday to Sunday was kind of a hiccup — it went down to 35 — but it was over 40 between Sunday and this morning.
Today's reading is 5122. The reading yesterday was 5080.
The forecast for this week is reasonably consistent. Early in the week, the temperature should hover in the lower triple digits, but late in the week, the forecast calls for it to dip below 100°. And there is a 20% chance of rain just about every day and every night.
Rain usually brings the temperature down — at least a little.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
August 5, 2012
The temperature still broke the "century mark," but it was a little milder yesterday than it was the day before.
And my electricity consumption was down a little, too. Today's reading is 5080. Yesterday's reading was 5045. So my use was 35 kWh.
That's down by 2 kWh from the day before. My reading on Friday morning was 5008, so my consumption on Friday was 37.
Still hoping for some rain and some cooler temperatures this week.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
August 4, 2012
We're in the midst of this triple–digit siege — but there are occasional glimmers of hope.
The latest forecasts say we might stay under 100° on Wednesday and Friday of next week — and there is a 20% chance of rain on Monday.
But yesterday was remarkably like the day before — or the day before that or the day before that.
From the electricity consumption view, my usage went up a little over the day before but it was still below the usage of the day before that.
Yesterday's meter reading was 5008. Today's reading is 5045. My use in the last 24 hours was 37 kWh — which is 3 kWh higher than my usage the day before. But Thursday's consumption was 3 kWh higher than the day before.
Friday, August 3, 2012
August 3, 2012
Yesterday was almost exactly like the day before.
The temperature was in triple digits, and I kept my thermostat in the low to mid–80s during the daylight hours.
But, somehow, I used approximately 7 kWh less in the last 24 hours than I did in the previous 24 hours.
The meter reading this morning is 5008. Yesterday's reading was 4974. So my use was 34 kWh.
How the heck did I do that? I don't know.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
August 2, 2012
It was supposed to be 107° yesterday.
I don'tknow if it got that high or not. I do know that it was well into triple digits — 105° — when I checked the NOAA web site around 3 p.m.
In these conditions, you do whatever you must, and I spent a lot of time adjusting my thermostat yesterday — first downward to cool off, then upward to save a little money, then downward again, then upward again. I guess you can get the drift of things from that.
I didn't manage to keep my consumption below 40 kWh, but I came close. Today's reading is 4974. Yesterday's was 4933. So my use was 41 kWh.
I expect to use about that much energy today — maybe more. I've heard forecasts of 109° today.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
August 1, 2012
I know it was hot yesterday.
I looked at NOAA's web site yesterday afternoon, and the temperature was 105°. I don't know if the actual temperature went any higher than that, but it is supposed to be 107° today and tomorrow — after which it is expected to cool down to 103°.
I struggled to get through the day with my thermostat set in the mid–80s until well after dark, but it paid off. My electricity consumption actually went down a little.
Yesterday, my consumption for the previous 24–hour period was 39 kWh. But my usage in the most recent 24–hour period appears to be 35 kWh.
My reading this morning was 4933. Yesterday's reading was 4898.
I doubt that I can keep this up. The forecast for the next seven days calls for triple–digit highs every day.
But I will try.
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