Thursday, January 31, 2013
January 31, 2013
I think the temperature never got into the 60s yesterday, and it plunged into the low 40s, possibly upper 30s last night so I was expecting an increase in my electricity consumption when I checked my meter this morning.
Well, that is what I was expecting. But I was surprised.
See today's meter reading (8135) suggests that there was no increase in my electricity usage. It was the same as it has been the last few days. My meter reading yesterday was 8128 so I used 7 kWh.
The reading the day before that was 8121. The day before that, the meter reading was 8114.
See the pattern?
I really do expect usage to go up in the next 24 hours, though. Forecasters say tonight's low will be around 35°.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
January 30, 2013
As predicted, the cool front arrived in the area overnight.
It was in the 40s when I got up this morning around 6 a.m. — but I'm sure that the strong wind that has been blowing this morning has been making it feel like it is in the 30s.
The last forecast I saw said the high today would be 53° — that would be nearly 30° lower than the highs we've been having around here.
Maybe then I will find out if my new downstairs neighbors are having any effect on my electricity consumption.
Judging from the last 24 hours, I don't know. My consumption remained the same as it has been for the last few days. Precisely the same.
Today's meter reading is 8128. Yesterday's reading was 8121 so my consumption was 7 kWh. Monday's reading was 8114 — again, consumption was 7 kWh. Sunday's reading was 8107. Once again, consumption was 7 kWh.
It was actually a little lower from Saturday to Sunday. Saturday morning's reading was 8101.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
January 29, 2013
Yesterday was another mild day, and my electricity consumption was about the same as it has been the last few days.
Rain is in the forecast today, and the rain is expected to be followed by a cold front.
Consequently, whereas last night's lows were in the upper 60s — or even lower 70s — and the daytime highs have been in the upper 70s, possibly the lower 80s, we can expect nighttime lows in the 40s starting tonight and daytime highs in the 50s starting tomorrow.
The cooler weather is expected to be replaced by warmer weather by the weekend.
Anyway, today's meter reading is 8121. Yesterday's reading was 8114 so consumption in the last 24 hours was 7 kWh. The meter reading on Sunday was 8107 so consumption for that 24–hour period was 7 kWh as well.
Consumption was lower for Saturday–Sunday. My meter reading on Saturday was 8101. It was even lower for Friday–Saturday. The meter reading on Friday was 8097.
I might be concerned about an increase in my electricity consumption with the temperatures expected to fall, but I have a new neighbor living downstairs now. Hopefully, I will benefit from the heat from that apartment for the rest of the winter.
Monday, January 28, 2013
January 28, 2013
Yesterday was another mild day — cooler than it was earlier in the week but not cold — and mostly gray.
I kept my electricity consumption in single digits. Today's meter reading is 8114. Yeserday it was 8107 so my consumption was 7 kWh.
That's about the same as my consumption the day before. Saturday's meter reading was 8101.
Today and tomorrow, we're expecting temperatures in the mid– to upper 70s, with a low tonight around 66°. A cool front is supposed to move through the area tomorrow night, but things will warm up again as we approach the weekend.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
January 27, 2013
Yesterday was another mild day, and my electric meter reflects that.
Today's reading is 8107. Yesterday's reading was 8101 so my consumption was 6 kWh.
That's really good, but it does actually represent about a one–third increase in electricity consumption. My meter reading on Friday was 8097.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
January 26, 2013
Yesterday was cooler than the preceding days, and I wasn't sure what to expect.
The apartment below me is still unoccupied, but I think there have been people working down there, cleaning the place to get it ready to show prospective renters, and they might have run the A/C a few days ago — and perhaps the heat yesterday.
I don't really know.
But I'm quite sure my heat hasn't been running at all in recent days.
Anyway, my daily electricity consumption has been dropping, and I was afraid that trend might reverse itself last night because forecasts called for lower 40s.
But the decline continues.
This morning's meter reading is 8101. Since yesterday's reading was 8097, my consumption was only 4 kWh. That represents a decline of nearly 50% over the previous 24–hour period (my reading on Thursday was 8090).
I'm not really sure how I accomplished that. I was on campus for about eight hours yesterday, but that's been fairly standard all through the first week of classes, and my consumption habits were pretty consistent.
Friday, January 25, 2013
January 25, 2013
I've been told that the temperature yesterday flirted with 80°.
I have no firsthand experience. I was indoors much of the day. I had back–to–back classes, then I spent about three hours in the newsroom. In short, after I got to school, I didn't go back outside for about six or seven hours.
What I do know is that it was rather warm (60s) when I went to school and it was warm (70s) when I left the building I had been in. It might very well have reached 80° at some point.
Anyway, my electricity consumption apparently dropped. This morning's meter reading is 8097. Yesterday's reading was 8090 so my consumption in the last 24 hours was a mere 7 kWh.
The reading on Wednesday was between 8081 and 8082; thus, my consumption in the previous 24 hours was 8½ kWh.
I know my usage decline in the last 24 hours was only 1½ kWh. But that's nearly 20%!
I'll take it, especially after some of the days we had during the Christmas break.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
January 24, 2013
The weather around here has remained mild.
When I left my apartment yesterday, the temperature was probably in the mid–50s. I spent yesterday afternoon inside on campus so I really don't know what the weather was like until I left for home, but it was in the 70s (possibly mid–70s) at that time.
I figure it must have been a little warmer in the middle of the afternoon.
Anyway, my electricity consumption remained in single digits.
The meter reading this morning is 8090. Yesterday's reading was between 8081 and 8082 so my consumption in the last 24 hours was about 8½ kWh.
For comparison's sake, my meter reading on Tuesday was between 8073 and 8074 so my consumption for Tuesday–Wednesday was about 8 kWh.
On Monday, my reading was 8065 so my consumption for Monday–Tuesday was 8½ kWh.
Pretty consistent, wouldn't you say?
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
January 23, 2013
I was in a building on campus most of the day yesterday so I don't really know what the temperatures were like most of the day.
I know it was in the 40s when I left for campus (but it was quite warm in my apartment) and it was in the 60s when I came home. I think it was sunny all day so I have every reason to believe that the heat never kicked on while I was gone.
And I know that, in my conscious hours last night, the heat never came on. I couldn't swear that it never came on last night, but I woke up a few times during the night (as I tend to do), the heat wasn't running (in fact, I felt a little warm, but I attributed that to the heat that built up in the apartment during the day) and the temperatures were mild when I got up this morning.
Apparently, my electricity consumption remained below double digits for the 24–hour period. My meter reading this morning is between 8081 and 8082. My reading yesterday was between 8073 and 8074.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
January 22, 2013
The weather forecasts late last week and into the weekend led me to believe that yesterday was going to be very cold — at least in comparison to the days leading up to Monday.
And I'll admit the temperatures over the weekend were very nice for January in Texas. When compared to those temperatures, almost anything would be regarded as a wintry blast.
What we got yesterday, however, definitely was not a wintry blast.
The much–anticipated cold front did bring our temperatures down — but only into the 60s. There was a bit of a cool breeze blowing, but nothing severe enough to force anyone to wear a jacket.
More of the same is expected today — and then back into the 70s tomorrow and Thursday. After a brief interlude of mid–50s on Friday, the forecast calls for 60s during the weekend.
This morning's meter reading is between 8073 and 8074. Yesterday's reading was about 8065 so my consumption was below double digits.
Monday, January 21, 2013
January 21, 2013
My electric meter continues to be a baffling thing.
Sunday was unseasonably warm. For the second straight day, temperatures rose into the 70s. I kept my windows closed but the blinds open, and by the time I went to bed, the temperature in my apartment was around 75°. When I got up this morning, it looked as if it hadn't changed. Maybe it did, but I don't see how.
Anyway, my consumption in the last 24 hours appears to be roughly the same as the previous 24 hours — but still considerably more than the 24 hours before that.
And to my knowledge, my heating — which is the only significant variable — hasn't come on in the last three days.
Today's meter reading appears to be 8065. Yesterday's reading was between 8055 and 8056 so my consumption was 9½ kWh. Saturday's reading was 8046 so my consumption from Saturday morning to Sunday morning also was 9½ kWh.
But my reading on Friday was 8041. And the only factor I can think of that was different was the fact that I wasn't home very much on Friday.
Oh, well.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
January 20, 2013
Yesterday's high temperature was around 70° yesterday — a most welcome change from the temperatures we have experienced lately.
It may have gotten a little cold during the night, causing the heat to kick on. I don't know that for sure, but I do know that my electricity consumption went up.
Perhaps that was because I was away from home so much on Friday and, as a result, the appliances that use comparatively little electricity by themselves but, when combined with other appliances, can have an impact on consumption were not running.
They were running yesterday, and I spent most of yesterday at home. I had my TV on, and I had the light in the kitchen on — and other things were used during the day, too (i.e., my computer) — so that may account for the increase.
As I said yesterday, my consumption in the 24–hour period from Friday morning through Saturday morning was about 4½ kWh. Yesterday morning's reading was 8046.
My reading this morning is between 8055 and 8056 so my consumption appears to have more than doubled.
It's a mystery to me, but I'm happy whenever my consumption is less than double digits — and it looks like my consumption in the last 24 hours managed to stay below double digits (albeit just barely).
Saturday, January 19, 2013
January 19, 2013
As predicted, temperatures were in the 60s yesterday, and they are already in the 60s as I write this. More of the same is expected tomorrow.
As a result, my electricity consumption dropped quite a bit.
Today's meter reading is 8046. Yesterday's reading was between 8041 and 8042, which means my consumption was 4½ kWh!
It's true that I was helped by the fact that I was on campus from about noon until 9 p.m. — but I really doubt that I would have felt the need to adjust my thermostat.
Thursday's meter reading was around 8029 (actually, between 8029 and 8030) so my consumption dropped by about two–thirds in a 24–hour period.
And the only significant variable had to be the use of the heat.
Friday, January 18, 2013
January 18, 2013
I understand the temperatures were in the low 60s yesterday.
I spent all afternoon and most of the evening on campus indoors so I really don't know that first hand. But my meter indicates that it is true.
It got a little cool last night, and I know for sure the heat came on around 4 a.m. because I woke up around that time and I heard the heater kick on. It may have come on a couple of times before that or a few times after that because I went back to sleep after looking at the clock and hearing the heat come one.
Apparently, though, it was a rather isolated event because this morning's meter reading appears to be between 8041 and 8042. Yesterday's reading was 8029 so my electricity consumption was roughly 12½ kWh, which was a drop of a little more than 30% in 24 hours.
I hope for more of the same in the week ahead. The forecasts are calling for highs in the 60s this weekend — perhaps even the upper 60s — and at least in the 50s through next week.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
January 17, 2013
The weather was a little milder yesterday — and it wasn't as cold last night — so my electricity consumption did go down.
But not far enough. Not nearly far enough.
Today's reading is between 8029 and 8030. Yesterday's reading was 7988. Thus, my consumption was about 41½ kWh. That's nearly one–third less than the day before, but it is still higher than just about any day last summer.
It seems to me there might have been a day or two when my consumption exceeded 40 kWh last summer.
But my consumption on some days this winter makes that figure look like nothing.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
January 16, 2013
I was expecting the worst this morning.
It's been quite cold around here the last few days, and yesterday I woke up to find a layer of snow on the ground. That's all gone now. It warmed up enough to melt it all away, but I doubt the temperature reached 40° yesterday afternoon, and it plunged into the 20s last night so, as I say, I feared the worst when I went to photograph the meter a little while ago.
And I was right.
This morning's reading is 7988. Yesterday, the reading was 7927 so my consumption was 61 kWh. That's the highest electricity consumption I have witnessed in a 24–hour period since I started monitoring my meter last April.
With that level of consumption, I would expect my apartment to be toasty warm. Hardly.
Once again, I slept in a sweatshirt — and I was still cold. I've never been a fan of summer, but I sure would like some warmer temperatures right now. And the forecasters tell me the temperatures will be progressively warmer through the weekend.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed — and, as cold as they are, that takes some doing.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
January 15, 2013
I really didn't know what to expect this morning.
Sometime around 4 a.m., the temperature dropped and the area started getting a wintry mix — snow and sleet, possibly freezing rain in some areas. I woke up around 4:45 and heard some thunder outside.
When I got up around 6:30, I looked outside and, even though it was still dark, I could tell there was some white accumulation on the grass and the street was glistening, but traffic didn't seem to be having any problems.
Yet when daylight arrived and I started to make my way over to my meter, I discovered that my stairs were iced over, and I couldn't go anywhere.
I managed to get out of my apartment and down my stairs a couple of hours later when the temperatures apparently had risen above freezing. The stairs were still a little slick, but I still managed to negotiate them with no issues.
I was still dreading what I would find when I got to my meter, though.
Compared to yesterday morning, my reading wasn't bad. Perhaps that is because we got some sunshine yesterday afternoon, and the temperature was in the mid–40s.
It really wasn't much of a break, but it was something. This morning's reading was 7927. Yesterday's reading was between 7880 and 7881. Thus, my electricity consumption was about 46½ kWh. That is higher than any day I can remember last summer, but it represents a decline from the previous 24 hours. On Sunday, my reading was 7924 so my consumption from Sunday morning to Monday morning was 56½ kWh.
That's a decrease of about 17%.
I doubt that I will have the same kind of decrease tomorrow. Forecasters are now saying the temperature won't reach 40° today, then it will drop into the 20s.
Starting tomorrow, though, the forecasts are calling for highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s, which might help.
Monday, January 14, 2013
January 14, 2013
I'm so frustrated I don't know what to do.
The forecasts for the last week have been warning of a cold front that was supposed to hit the area this past weekend. OK, I was prepared for that when it arrived late Saturday night.
Based on my experiences in the last couple of months, I knew where to set my thermostat to keep my electricity consumption down. I knew it would make it cold in my apartment so I went to bed last wearing several layers. It was bulky, but I figured it would keep me warm.
I figured wrong.
I got cold last night so I nudged my thermostat up just a little. And it helped — a little, but not much.
I can't really say I have felt warm since the cold front came through. It was sunny yesterday so I opened my blinds to let as much sunshine come through as possible. But that didn't help much, either. The temperature outside never got out of the 40s, and whatever warmth had accumulated during the daylight hours rapidly disappeared after the sun went down.
Anyway, today's meter reading is between 7880 and 7881. Yesterday's reading was 7824. That means my consumption in the last 24 hours has been about 56½ kWh.
That is more than in any other 24–hour period since I started monitoring my meter last April — including every day last summer.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013
The temperature was mild during daylight hours yesterday, but it wasn't sunny. In fact, it was rather wet.
But it was mild. I could stand on my balcony in a T–shirt and be comfortable.
But the cold temperatures moved into the area last night, and it is still cold today. Forecasters suggest that we can expect sub–freezing temperatures at night and daytime highs in the 40s.
My electricity consumption went up yesterday. For several days, my daily consumption was below 10 kWh. But it tripled overnight, and I expect it to be higher in the next few days.
This morning's meter reading was 7824. Yesterday, it was between 7794 and 7795 so I can only conclude that my consumption was almost 30 kWh.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
January 12, 2013
The weather has been quite pleasant — albeit wet — for the last few days, but forecasters say a cold front will be coming through the area tonight and should stay with us into next week.
That will likely mean a sharp spike in my electricity consumption.
Be that as it may, my electricity consumption was very low in the last 24 hours. This morning's reading is between 7794 and 7795. Yesterday's reading was another 'tweener, between 7787 and 7788; even so, my consumption was well below 10 kWh.
Friday, January 11, 2013
January 11, 2013
The temperature got colder last night, and the heat kicked on from time to time during the night so I expected to see an increase in my electricity consumption.
And there was one — but it wasn't as significant as I feared.
Today's reading is a "tweener" — between 7787 and 7788. Yesterday's reading was 7778, so my consumption was about 9½ kWh. The reading on Wednesday was between 7770 and 7771, which means my consumption between Wednesday and Thursday was about 7½ kWh.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
January 10, 2013
We are enjoying milder temperatures now, and the milder temperatures bring lower electricity consumption.
In fact, my consumption in the last 24 hours was in single digits.
This morning's meter reading is 7778. Yesterday's reading was 7770.
It won't last, though. Forecasters say nighttime lows will dip below freezing starting this weekend and continuing into next week.
But the forecasts for today, tomorrow and Saturday suggest that I might continue to enjoy single–digit consumption until Sunday.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
January 9, 2013
This morning is a lot like Christmas morning was.
It isn't nearly as cold, and the rain isn't quite as heavy, but it is gray, and I really wasn't sure if I could get a decent photo of my meter.
But I went out there and stood in the standing water that left my socks and shoes drenched and my feet far colder than the rest of me. I hope the water has a chance to drain before I have to go out and shoot a photo of my meter tomorrow — but drainage in this apartment complex is not as good as you might think, given that it is located on a hillside.
Anyway, I spent much of yesterday on campus, but I don't think my heat must have come on very often or for very long because my consumption seems a lot like it was the day before.
This morning's reading is between 7770 and 7771 (although it looks to be closer to 7770). Yesterday's reading was 7760, so my consumption actually went down a little. Monday's reading was between 7745 and 7746.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
January 8, 2013
Rain is in the forecast today and tomorrow, but temperatures are supposed to be mostly in the 50s.
It's already a bit warmer. I was back on campus yesterday afternoon, and I didn't spend much time outside, but, apparently, temperatures were in the 50s in the afternoon, and we may have had some sun.
That warmed up the apartment a bit. Well, it was warm enough that I don't think much heat was required during the night.
Anyway, my electricity consumption dropped significantly. Yesterday's meter reading was between 7745 and 7746. This morning's reading is 7760, which means my consumption was about 14½ kWh.
Monday, January 7, 2013
January 7, 2013
The temperature got close to 60° yesterday. I don't know how cold it got last night, but I think my apartment must have warmed up enough during the day to lessen the need for heat ...
Because my electricity consumption appears to have dropped a little.
Today's meter reading appears to be between 7745 and 7746. Yesterday's reading was 7723, which means my consumption was about 22½ kWh. My meter reading on Saturday was 7699, which means my consumption in that 24–hour period was 24 kWh.
Forecasters say a storm front will be moving through the area tomorrow night, Wednesday and Wednesday night. Daytime temperatures are expected to be a little lower tomorrow, then they're talking about temperatures in the 60s by this weekend.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
January 6, 2013
I guess the last 24 hours were a lot like the 24 hours before — cold nights (but not as cold as they were a couple of weeks ago) and reasonably mild days (for this time of year, anyway).
And my electricity consumption was about the same, too.
Today's meter reading is 7723. Yesterday's meter reading was 7699, which means my consumption was 24 kWh. Friday's meter reading was 7675 so my electricity consumption for that 24–hour period was also 24 kWh.
This week's forecast suggests a warming trend after we get through tonight, when the temperature is supposed to be near freezing.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
January 5, 2013
After a cold start yesterday, the temperature warmed into the 50s by the afternoon, and the sunshine helped warm my apartment.
It was cold again last night, but it probably didn't drop into the 30s. And it's been in the 40s this morning.
Anyway, my electricity consumption has been dropping. This morning's reading is 7699. Yesterday's reading was 7675 so my consumption in the last 24 hours was 24 kWh. That's an improvement over the previous 24 hours. My meter reading on Thursday was 7648, which meant my consumption during that Thursday–Friday period was 27 kWh.
And my reading on Wednesday was 7600, which means my consumption from Wednesday through Thursday was twice what it has been in the last 24 hours — 48 kWh.
Friday, January 4, 2013
January 4, 2013
I really expected the temperature to be colder last night than it turned out to be.
The forecasters were talking about sub–freezing temperatures last night, and a high today that would not reach 40°. I was expecting it to be cold today.
But when I got up this morning, around 6 a.m., the temperature was 41°. It hasn't gone up much since then — and the forecasters don't think we'll get out of the 40s with overcast skies — but it will clearly be better than I expected.
Yesterday's meter reading was 7648. My electricity consumption from Wednesday morning until Thursday morning was 48 kWh. Today's reading is 7675, which means my electricity consumption in the last 24 hours was 27 kWh.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
January 3, 2013
The temperature dipped below freezing last night, as it is apt to do at this time of the year, after a day in which temperatures lingered in the low 40s with considerable cloud cover.
So it was no surprise to me that my electricity consumption remained high. Today's meter reading is 7648. Yesterday's reading was 7600. Clearly, my consumption was 48 kWh.
This really frustrates me. As I have said before, I kept my average daily electricity consumption at — or, more frequently, below — 30 kWh during the hot months of summer.
But I have discovered that it takes more electricity to keep me from freezing to death.
My consumption reduction during the summer may have prevented me from broiling to death, but it was motivated more by economic consideration than anything else. Now, however, I am faced with a daily choice between economics and survival. There isn't much room for compromise.
It isn't just about personal comfort.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
January 2, 2013
Last night was colder than the night before, and, as I expected, my electricity consumption went up.
I didn't adjust the thermostat much. It remained around 60°. But my apartment needed more juice just to stay at that level.
Today's meter reading is almost 7600. Yesterday's reading was 7554.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
January 1, 2013
I am seriously ready for some warmer temperatures.
I suffered through another cold night with my thermostat set below 60°, and I managed to keep my electricity consumption below 30 kWh — but just barely, and the forecasts are calling for significantly cooler nights until the weekend.
Anyway, today's meter reading is 7554. Yesterday's reading was 7528.
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