Sunday, August 31, 2014
August 31, 2014
The temperature yesterday stayed in the 70s and 80s in the morning, then warmed up rather dramatically in the afternoon. The eventual high was somewhere in the mid–90s.
Last night's low was expected to be in the mid–90s. I slept a little later than usual this morning so my observation doesn't necessarily reflect the low temperature; however, it was 77°.
This morning's meter reading is 18144. Yesterday's reading was between 18116 and 18117 so I used 26½ kWh in the last 24 hours. That is nearly 56% higher than the previous 24 hours, but it is nearly 4% lower than my consumption on this date a year ago.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
August 30, 2014
Yesterday was warm, but, for August in Texas, it was a mild warm. The temperature got into the mid–90s — eventually — but it seems to have stayed in the 80s all morning and into the afternoon.
Last night's low was expected to be in the mid–70s. It was 76° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 18116 and 18117. Yesterday's meter reading was between 18099 and 18100. That means I consumed 17 kWh om the last 24–hour period. That's a drop of about 17%, and it is nearly 35% lower than on this date in 2013.
Friday, August 29, 2014
August 29, 2014
I don't know how warm it was yesterday. It was in the 90s — mid–90s, according to the radio — when I left the office.
Last night's low was expected to be in the 70s, and it was. When I got up, the temperature was 73°.
It's overcast and drizzly this morning, which hinders the readability of my meter. Yesterday's reading was 18079. This morning's reading is between 18099 and 18100. Thus, my consumption was 20½ kWh in the last 24 hours. That is exactly what my consumption was on this day a year ago.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
August 28, 2014
Yesterday had to be in the upper 90s. I didn't go outside at the hottest point of the day, but the radio reported a temperature in the mid–90s when I left the office.
Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 70s. I guess that was true because it was 77° when I woke up.
My consumption should have been about half of what it turned out to be, but I made a mistake yesterday. In my haste to leave for work, I neglected to adjust the thermostat. Consequently, my consumption was much higher than it should have been. Not even worth calculating the difference when compared to yesterday or this day in 2013.
This morning's meter reading is 18079. Yesterday's reading was 18025.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
August 27, 2014
The temperature may have come close to double digits yesterday, but, by the time I left work, it was in the mid–90s.
Today is expected to be a lot like yesterday, then there is talk of a minor cool down, accompanied by a chance of rain, by Friday and Saturday.
Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 70s. It was 80° when I got up.
Yesterday's meter reading was 18025. This morning's reading is 18054. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 29 kWh. That is more than 9% lower than my consumption in the previous 24 hours, but it is 26% higher than my consumption a year ago.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
August 26, 2014
As I was driving home yesterday afternoon, the radio reported that we did reach triple digits earlier in the day — but we had dropped to 98°.
It was hot, and it was supposed to be followed by another warm night. The forecast low was 79° as I wrote here recently, that usually means the temperature will be in the 80s when I get up. Speaking of which, the temperature was 81° when I got up this morning.
This morning's meter reading is 18025. Yesterday's reading was 17993. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 32 kWh. That is a drop of nearly 6% compared to the previous 24 hours, but it is more than 23% higher than my consumption on this date in 2013.
Monday, August 25, 2014
August 25, 2014
Yesterday was another scorcher — into the 90s before noon and in triple digits in the afternoon. The temperature is supposed to drop gradually after today, but that doesn't mean it will be cool, only that the daytime highs will remain in double digits.
Lows are expected to be in the upper 70s, but it was 81° when I got up this morning.
This morning's meter reading is 17993. Yesterday's reading was 17959. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 34 kWh, which is more than 8% lower than my consumption in the previous 24 hours, and it is about 3% higher than my consumption on this date in 2013.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
August 24, 2014
All week, the forecasters have been warning that the weekend would bring triple–digit temperatures that would continue into early next week.
Such a forecast didn't really come true last weekend — but this is Texas, and such forecasts are, regrettably, more often true than not.
I don't really know if the temperature was 100° at any time during the day yesterday. I do know it was in the 90s before noon, and it was 98° just before 6 p.m. Odds are that we were in triple digits for awhile.
The forecast says we can expect highs in the upper 70s for the next week, but, in my experience, that means it will probably only drop as low as 80°. Today, however, it was 79° when I got up.
This morning's reading is 17959. Yesterday's reading was 17922. My consumption was a whopping 37 kWh, one of my few 30–plus days this summer. Consumption was 54% higher than it was in the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 35% higher than this day in 2013.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
August 23, 2014
Yesterday was another scorcher. It may have been in triple digits — at 5:30 p.m., the radio reported that it was 99°. It might have been in triple digits earlier in the afternoon.
Last night's low was supposed to be in the upper 70s. I slept later than I intended (it is Saturday, after all), and the temperature was 81° when I got up.
This morning's meter reading is 17922. Yesterday's reading was 17898. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 24 kWh, which is a drop of a little more than 2% compared to the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 6% lower than this day a year ago.
Friday, August 22, 2014
August 22, 2014
The radio reported yesterday afternoon that the temperature was 98°. It was still 90° around 11 p.m. And that appears to be what we can expect every day for the next week — if we're lucky. Heat indices will be in triple digits, I am sure.
Last night's low was supposed to be in the upper 70s. It was 80° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17898. Yesterday's reading was between 17873 and 17874. My consumption was 24½ kWh, about 2% lower than my consumption in the previous 24 hours, but it is more than 32% higher than my consumption on this date in 2013.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
August 21, 2014
According to the radio, the temperature was in the upper 90s when I left the office yesterday.
It remained hot past sunset.
Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 70s. It was 80° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 17873 and 17874. Yesterday's reading was between 17848 and 17849. My consumption in the last 24 hours was roughly 25 kWh. That is just shy of 2% lower than the previous 24 hours; it is 19% higher than on this date in 2013.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
August 20, 2014
Yesterday was warmer than the day before — at least, by a few degrees when I went out to my car to drive home. The radio reported the temperature was 92° — quite warm when you're sitting at a red light but not too bad when you're driving along at 55 or 60 mph on the highway.
It stayed in the 90s until sundown, then the temperature was supposed to drop to 75° overnight. It was 81° when I got up.
This morning's meter reading is between 17848 and 17849. Yesterday's reading was 17823. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 25½ kWh, which is 50% higher than the day before and 24% higher than this date a year ago.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
August 19, 2014
Yesterday morning's weather forecast said the high yesterday would be in the mid–90s.
I was inside all day so I don't know if it got that warm, but it was only 89° when I left work. The radio said so, and I believe it. It was warm (and muggy), but it wasn't hot.
Last night's low was supposed to be in 76°. It was 78° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17823. Yesterday's reading was 17806. That means my consumption in the last 24 hours was 17 kWh — that is just 3% higher than my consumption in the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 13% lower than my consumption on this date in 2013.
Monday, August 18, 2014
August 18, 2014
All last week, the forecasters in this area told us we could expect triple digits this weekend. And, early on, it appeared they were right.
But then we got some rain on Saturday afternoon, and the temperature dropped into the upper 70s.
It rained, off and on, in the morning, then the rain stopped, but the sky remained overcast and the temperature remained in the 70s well into the afternoon. It got into to the mid–80s before the sun went down.
All in all, though, extraordinarily nice for mid–August in Texas. They say the heat will be back this week, but the weekend sure was nice.
Last night's low was expected to be 73° or 74°. The temperature was 77° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17806. Yesterday's reading was between 17789 and 17790. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 16½ kWh. That is about 30% lower than the previous 24 hours, and it is about 21% lower than my consumption on this day in 2013.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
August 17, 2014
By the middle of the afternoon yesterday, the temperature was hovering near triple digits. I don't know if it ever actually crossed that threshold, but the heat index certainly did.
And then around 4 p.m. a rainstorm came through the area, and it dropped to 80°. By 5 p.m., the temperature was in the upper 70s. Honest.
Last night's low was expected to be 77°. It was 78° when I woke up.
It is overcast and drizzly this morning.
This morning's meter reading is between 17789 and 17790. Yesterday's reading was 17768 so consumption was 21½ kWh. That is roughly the same as the day before, about 2% lower, but it is about 65% higher than this date last year.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
August 16, 2014
Apparently, it got quite warm yesterday.
I was at my full–time job during the day, then I advised the student newspaper staff last night so I wasn't outside in the heat much. But, as I was driving home, the radio reported that the temperature had been in triple digits for awhile — it was 98° when I drove home — and they say we can expect more triple digits (along with humidity bringing the heat index up a few degrees more) this weekend.
Last night's low was expected to be 78°. I slept later than I planned, but the temperature was 81° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17768. Yesterday's reading was 17746 so my consumption — since the last time I checked the meter — has been 22 kWh. That is 10% higher than my usage in the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 19% higher than my consumption on this date in 2013.
Friday, August 15, 2014
August 15, 2014
Well, the forecasters sure were right about that gradual warming trend. Yesterday was hotter than the day before — which was hotter than the day before — and the forecasts say it will be hotter still today.
The radio reported the temperature was 95° when I left the office. I have no reason to doubt that.
Last night's low was expected to be around 73°. It was 76° when I woke up.
Anyway, the bottom line is that my electricity consumption went up ... slightly.
This morning's meter reading is 17746. Yesterday's reading was 17726. My consumption was 20 kWh, which is an increase of a little more than 5% compared to the previous 24–hour period, and it is more than 17% higher than my consumption on this date a year ago.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
August 14, 2014
Yesterday was warmer than the day before — but still not as hot as it was over the weekend.
On the way home yesterday, the radio reported the temperature was in the 90s. How long it was there, I do not know.
Last night's low was expected to be around 70°, possibly the upper 60s. It was 75° when I got up. Disappointing but not entirely unexpected.
This morning's meter reading is 17726. Yesterday's reading was 17707. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 19 kWh, which is 5% lower than the previous 24 hours and 24% lower than my consumption on this date a year ago.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Yesterday's high barely got into the 90s — well, that's what the radio said — but higher temperatures will be back before the weekend, I hear.
Nevertheless, it was nice to have the temperature in the 80s by 6 p.m.
Last night's low was expected to be 67°, and tonight's low is expected to be around 70°. It was 71° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17707. Yesterday's reading was 17687. Thus, my consumption in the last 24 hours has been 20 kWh. That is 23% lower than the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 30% lower than my usage on this date in 2013.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
August 12, 2014
Apparently, it wasn't as hot yesterday as it was during the weekend. The radio reported that it was 95° when I was driving home. That is about what we can expect today and tomorrow, too, the forecasters say, then a gradual warming trend will begin and, by the weekend, talk of triple digits returns.
Last night't low was expected to be 73°. It was 79° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17687. Yesterday's reading was 17661. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 26 kWh. That is nearly 27% lower than my consumption in the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 15% lower than my consumption on this date last year.
Monday, August 11, 2014
August 11, 2014
It was clear very early yesterday that it was going to be a very hot day.
The temperature was 86° (heat index 91°) before 9 a.m. The temperature lingered in the 90s through most of the afternoon, possibly reaching triple digits, but it cooled into the 80s by nightfall.
Things are expected to be better (by comparison) this week.
Last night's low was only expected to be about 80°. The temperature was 82° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17661. Yesterday's reading was between 17625 and 17626. That means I used 35½ kWh in the last 24 hours. That is nearly 3% lower than the previous 24 hours. It is more than 7% higher than this date in 2013.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
August 10, 2014
Supposedly, the end of the weekend will bring an end to this grip of triple–digit days.
Of course, you never know around here. It could be extended ... but, right now, the forecast indicates the temperature will drop into double digits in a few days. There is even talk of another 70° low on Tuesday night.
By then, of course, we will be halfway through August, and the hope of cooler temperatures in September won't be so far away.
It was in triple digits yesterday, probably 101° or 102°, but the index was 105° or higher most of the day. It was still in the upper 90s at 8 p.m.
Last night's low was predicted to be 79°. It was 81° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 17625 and 17626. Yesterday's reading was 17589. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 36½ kWh. That is just about 34% higher than my consumption in the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 22% higher than this date last year.
I'm afraid it will be much the same today.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
August 9, 2014
As I was driving home yesterday, the radio reported that the high temperature that day had been 104°. I was inside most of the day — I did leave the office for lunch — so I can't say how hot it was, only that my truck was hot, as it usually is.
The radio reported that the present temperature was 94° at DFW Airport. I suspect that the true temperature was somewhere in between. It was hot, but it didn't feel as hot as 104° — nor did it feel as cool as 94°.
Strangely, it dropped into the upper 80s before sundown.
It sounds like today may be the hottest day of the year. Current forecasts are expecting highs of 102° or 103°, which wouldn't beat yesterday's 104°, but if reality exceeds expectations, as it often does in the summer, it could.
As far as I was concerned, it was a normal, hot August afternoon in north Texas. I must have lived through thousands of 'em.
Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 70s. It was 81° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17589. Yesterday's reading was 17561 so my consumption in the last 24 hours was 28 kWh. That's nearly 9% higher than the previous 24–hour period, which isn't nearly as much of an increase as I feared, given the temperature readings we've had lately, and it is about 9% lower than my consumption on this day in 2013.
Friday, August 8, 2014
August 8, 2014
Well, the summer I have been expecting for the last couple of months is here with a vengeance — and it may well stay awhile.
When I left work this afternoon, the radio reported that the temperature was 100°. The forecast says it will be 101° today.
Last night, it was still in the 90s by 10 p.m.
Last night's low was expected to be around 79°. It was 82° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17561. Yesterday's reading was between 17535 and 17536. My consumption in the last 24 hours has been 25½ kWh, which is, inexplicably, nearly 11% lower than the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 22% lower than this date in 2013.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
August 7, 2014
The radio reported it was 98° when I left work yesterday.
Last night's low was supposed to be around 78°. The temperature was 80° when I got up.
The meter reading this morning is between 17535 and 17536. Yesterday's reading was between 17507 and 17508. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 28 kWh. That's more than 43% higher than my consumption in the previous 24 hours, but it is nearly 7% lower than my consumption on this date a year ago.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
August 6, 2014
The temperature was in the upper 90s as I made my way home yesterday. At least, that is what they said on the radio.
But after a storm front moved through the area in the early evening, the temperature dropped dramatically — to the mid–80s before 8 p.m.
Last night's low was expected to be 77°. It was 80° when I woke up this morning.
This morning's meter reading is between 17507 and 17508. Yesterday's reading was 17488. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 19½ kWh, which is more than 5% higher than my consumption in the previous 24 hours, but it is about 39% lower than my consumption on this date in 2013.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
August 5, 2014
Yesterday was my first day at my new job, and I was indoors nearly all day. I know it got hot because it was hot when I went to my vehicle to drive home yesterday afternoon, and the radio confirmed it, saying it was 93°.
It may well have been hotter earlier in the afternoon. Anyway, sometime between 7 and 8 p.m., the temperature dropped into the 80s.
Last night's low was predicted to be in the mid–70s. It was 75° when I got up.
This morning's meter reading is 17488. Yesterday's reading was between 17469 and 17470. My consumption in the last 24 hours has been 18½ kWh. That is 29% lower than the previous 24 hours, and it is nearly 48% lower than this date last year.
Monday, August 4, 2014
August 4, 2014
The temperature was in the upper 80s by noon yesterday, and the forecast called for an eventual high of about 92°. The temperature was in the 90s before 2 p.m.; it dropped back into the 80s before sundown.
Last night's low was expected to be 72°. It was 76° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 17469 and 17470. Yesterday's reading was 17444. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 25½ kWh. That is nearly 65% higher than the previous 24 hours. It is nearly 23% lower than my consumption on this date in 2013.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
August 3, 2014
The weather was noticeably warmer yesterday.
By 3 p.m., the temperature was 86° (heat index 88°). Late–afternoon cloud cover helped keep the temperature down for awhile, but the temperature still reached 90° sometime between 4 and 5 p.m.
Needless to say, my single–digit consumption days have ended.
Last night's low was expected to be in the low 70s. It was 72° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17444. Yesterday's reading was between 17428 and 17429. Thus, my consumption in the last 24 hours has been 15½ kWh, a little more than double my usage in the previous 24 hours, but it is about half what my consumption was on this date in 2013.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
August 2, 2014
I fear that the mild weather we have been enjoying will end sometime today.
It may return in a couple of weeks, as it did a few days ago, or it might not return for a couple of months. All I know is it has been nice while it's been here. I don't think the temperature ever got out of the 70s yesterday.
Last night's low was supposed to be in the upper 60s. It was 68° when I woke up. That, too, may not return for a couple of months.
This morning's meter reading is between 17428 and 17429. Yesterday's reading was 17421. My consumption in the last 24 hours was 7½ kWh — an amazingly low figure for early August, but it is still more than 7% higher than my consumption in the previous 24 hours.
It is nearly 80% lower than my consumption of a year ago. In early August last year, Dallas was sweltering through a stretch of 100°–plus days, and daily utility consumption was exceeding 30 kWh in spite of my best efforts.
Friday, August 1, 2014
August 1, 2014
The temperature got into the low 80s for awhile yesterday, but, mostly, it was in the 70s and overcast.
Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 60s. It was 71° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 17421. Yesterday's reading was 17414. My electricity consumption was 7 kWh. My consumption went down more than 62% in 24 hours. And, since the area was in the grip of a stretch of triple–digit days at this time last year, my consumption is nearly 77% lower than it was on this day in 2013.
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