Thursday, March 31, 2016

March 31, 2016

Yesterday was warm and muggy with scattered rain. Some areas got hail, as I understand it, and there was flash flooding in some places. It wasn't bad around here. Temperature was in the upper 70s most of the day. Possibly low 80s at some point.

Last night's low was expected to be 61°. It was 65° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30222 and 30223. Tuesday's reading was 30202. My average daily consumption for the last two days has been 10¼ kWh.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March 30, 2016

Yesterday was mild but overcast. The temperature was in the 70s, and the wind wasn't too blustery. Today may be a little different. Forecasters say the temperature may reach 80°, and there is a 70% to 80% chance of rain.

Last night's low was expected to be in the 60s. It was 70° when I woke up.

It's still overcast this morning, and my camera is acting up so I won't photograph my meter today. I will try again tomorrow. Yesterday's reading was 30202.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016

Yesterday was warmer than the day before. The temperature was in the 70s. Today should be similar. Forecasters call for a high around 73°. They say it will be in the upper 70s tomorrow with a 60% chance of rain.

Last night's low was expected to be in the 50s. It was 55° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30202. Yesterday's reading was 30193. Consumption was 9 kWh.

Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28, 2016

As predicted, yesterday was cooler than the day before. The temperature probably never got above the 60s.

The overnight low was expected to be in the 40s. It was 45° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30193. Yesterday's reading was between 30185 and 30186. Consumption was 7½ kWh.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

March 27, 2016

Yesterday was warm and a bit humid. The temperature didn't get into the 80s, but I'm pretty sure it was in the upper 70s. Today's forecast calls for a much cooler 63°.

Last night's low was expected to be in the 50s. It was 56° when I woke up. Tonight's low is expected to be in the low 40s.

This morning's meter reading is between 30185 and 30186. Yesterday's reading was between 30169 and 30170. Consumption was 16 kWh. That's my highest daily usage in more than a month.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 26, 2016

Yesterday's temperature was expected to be in the low 70s, and it probably reached that point. Today is expected to be in the mid–70s.

Last night's low was expected to be in the low 50s. It was 51° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30169 and 30170. Yesterday's reading was 30161. Consumption was 8½ kWh.

Friday, March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016

As predicted, yesterday was cooler than the day before with temperatures mostly in the low 60s. It was also windy, but things should start to improve today and into the Easter weekend.

Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 30s or low 40s. It was 42° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30161. Yesterday's reading was between 30154 and 30155. Consumption was 6½ kWh.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

March 24, 2016

The temperature got into the 80s yesterday, as expected, and it was quite windy. Warm and windy. Not my favorite combination.

A cool front moved through the area overnight. The low was expected to be 48°, and today's high is expected to be about 20 degrees cooler than yesterday's. It was 48° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30154 and 30155. Yesterday's reading was 30144. Consumption was 10½ kWh.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23, 2016

Yesterday was warmer than the day before. When I left the office, the temperature was 75° — and it was quite breezy.

Last night's low was only expected to be about 62°. It was 67° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30144. Monday's reading was 30131. My daily consumption average for the last couple of days has been 6½ kWh per day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016

Yesterday started off chilly and ended up being not quite so cold. The temperature was in the 60s when I left the office.

Forecasters said last night's low would be in the upper 40s. It was 49° when I woke up.

I'm having problems with my camera this morning so I will try to resume photographing my meter tomorrow. Yesterday's reading was 30131.

Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21, 2016

Sunday was a cold, windy day. The temperature was in the 50s, but a strong wind made it feel much colder.

Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 30s. It was 39° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30131. Yesterday's reading was between 30121 and 30122. Consumption was 9½ kWh.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 20, 2016

Yesterday was sunny but windy and cool with temperatures that were mostly in the upper 50s — although the temperature may have climbed into the lower 60s at times.

Forecasters were calling for a low of 38° last night. It was 40° when I got up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30121 and 30122. Yesterday's reading was between 30113 and 30114. My consumption was 8 kWh.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 19, 2016

Yesterday's high was expected to be in the low 60s. I was inside all day so I have no idea if that is what happened. I do know the temperature was 59° when I left the office.

Forecasters said last night's low would be in the low 40s. It was 42° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30113 and 30114. Yesterday's reading was between 30106 and 30107. Consumption was 7 kWh.

Friday, March 18, 2016

March 18, 2016

It was much cooler yesterday than it has been. The temperature was 66° when I left the office. It may be even cooler today.

Last night's low was expected to be in the 50s. It was 58° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30106 and 30107. Yesterday's reading was 30101. Consumption was 5½ kWh.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 17, 2016

The temperature was around 80° when I left the office yesterday. Forecasters say it will be gradually cooling down in the next few days.

Last night's low was expected to be in the 50s. It was 61° when I woke up.

Once again, the picture is a little hard to read, but today's meter reading appears to be 30101. Yesterday's reading was between 30092 and 30093. Consumption was 8½ kWh.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

March 16, 2016

Yesterday may not have been quite as warm as forecasters expected, but it was still 81° when I left the office. Forecasters say we will be in the upper 70s today.

Last night's predicted low was 52°. It was 56° when I woke up.

The photo is a little hard to read, but this morning's meter reading is between 30092 and 30093. Yesterday's reading was 30082. Consumption was 10½ kWh.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 15, 2016

Yesterday felt like early summer. The temperature was 89° when I left the office. It will be cooler today but not by much. Forecasters say the high will be 85°. It should be sunny and breezy, like today.

Last night's low was expected to be 60°. It was 67° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30082. Yesterday's reading was 30074. Consumption was 8 kWh.

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016

A warming pattern clearly began yesterday. It was mostly sunny all day with temperatures in the 70s. It is supposed to be in the mid–80s today, then it will start cooling off, but rain is entirely out of the forecast until nearly the weekend.

Last night's low was expected to be around 60°, I think. It was 58° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30074. Yesterday's reading was 30064. Consumption was 10 kWh.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

March 13, 2016

The rain appears to have left the area for now. The sun came out yesterday afternoon, and the daytime high may have reached 70°, but it was sunny.

Last night's low was supposed to be in the 50s. It was probably around 60° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30064. Yesterday's reading was 30053. Consumption was 11 kWh.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

March 12, 2016

Yesterday was cool and rainy but not as windy as it has been. Forecasters said the temperature would be in the low 60s at best, and that is probably what it was when I left the office.

Forecasters anticipated a low in the upper 50s. It was 60° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30053. Yesterday's reading was between 30046 and 30047. Consumption was 6½ kWh.

Friday, March 11, 2016

March 11, 2016

We didn't get the persistent rain yesterday that we got the day before, but we still got some rain and it was mostly cloudy. And the temperature remained in the 60s. I'm pretty sure of that.

Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 50s. It was 59° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30046 and 30047. Wednesday's reading was between 30035 and 30036. My average daily consumption for the last two days has been 5½ kWh.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

March 10, 2016

Yesterday was a lot like the day before — cooler than it has been with rain and some wind. This seems to be what passes for wintry weather this year. We haven't had any snow or ice — or very many subfreezing days, for that matter — which tends to make it somewhat bewildering when we see reports of snowstorms up north.

My guess is the temperature stayed in the 60s all day, although it is possible it reached 70° briefly.

Last night's low was expected to be 57°. It was 59° when I woke up.

It's been raining all night so I won't photograph my meter this morning. I hope to resume tomorrow; if not, then this weekend. Yesterday's reading was between 30035 and 30036.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

March 9, 2016

Yesterday was cool and drizzly, even downright rainy at times. I know the temperature was in the upper 60s. It may even have reached 70°. Rain is in the forecast for today, too, then it is supposed to gradually subside.

Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 50s. It was 60° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30035 and 30036. Yesterday's reading was 30029. Consumption was 6½ kWh.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 8, 2016

Yesterday was, apparently, cooler than it has been. The temperature was in the upper 60s when I left the office, and we got some spotty rain.

The likelihood for rain seems to be much greater today and tomorrow.

Last night's low was expected to be around 68°. It was 66° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30029. Yesterday's reading was between 30023 and 30024. Consumption was 5½ kWh.

Monday, March 7, 2016

March 7, 2016

Yesterday was another mild sunny day with temperatures in the 70s. Forecasters say the temperatures will remain mostly consistent this week, but we have varying chances of rain each day. Probably the best chances of rain will be in the middle of the week.

Last night's low was expected to be in the 50s. It was 63° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30023 and 30024. Yesterday's reading was between 30013 and 30014. Consumption was 10 kWh.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

March 6, 2016

The temperature yesterday climbed into the upper 70s. It is possible it got to 80° at some point. It was also a sunny day with relatively little wind. Forecasters say we can expect rain just about every day this week.

The low last night was expected to be in the low 50s. It was 58° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 30013 and 30014. Yesterday's reading was 30006. Consumption was 7½ kWh.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

March 5, 2016

The temperature was 70° when I left the office, and I could tell from my office window that there was little wind so it appears to have been a pretty nice day. That seems to be the prediction for today and tomorrow as well. Looks like a pretty nice weekend — with plenty of rain in the forecast next week.

Last night's low was expected to be around 51°. It was 48° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30006. Yesterday's reading was 30001. Consumption was 5 kWh.

Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4, 2016

The temperature was around 70° when I left the office yesterday. From my office window, I could see that it did, indeed, get windy around midday, but the wind died down later in the day, and forecasters say we can expect temperatures in the 70s today — but without the gusty wind.

Last night's low was expected to be in the mid–40s. It was 46° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 30001. Yesterday's reading was 29995. Consumption was 6 kWh.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3, 2016

The temperature got into the 70s yesterday, as expected, but it wasn't as windy as predicted. The next few days are supposed to be in the 70s with diminishing chances of strong wind.

Last night's low was expected to be in the 50s. It was 61° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 29995. Yesterday's reading was 29990. Consumption was 5 kWh.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March 2, 2016

The temperature dropped into the 60s yesterday, as expected, and there was some wind, which was also expected, but I don't think there was as much wind as forecasters anticipated. I heard forecasts of some pretty gusty conditions — while I will admit that I didn't spend much time outdoors yesterday, from the office window the trees didn't seem to be as animated as I would have expected.

Last night's low was expected to be around 43°. It was 45° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 29990. Yesterday's reading was between 29983 and 29984. Consumption was 6½ kWh.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 1, 2016

The warm spell continued yesterday, but they say it will be in the 60s today — then we'll be working our way back into the 70s. It was 75° when I left the office yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be in the low 60s. It was 65° when I woke up. Tonight they say will be about 20 degrees cooler than that.

This morning's reading is between 29983 and 29984. Yesterday's reading was 29976. Consumption was 7½ kWh.