Wednesday, August 31, 2016
August 31, 2016
The temperature was warmer when I left the office yesterday than it was the day before — but not really by a whole lot. The radio said it was 90° as I was driving home. Forecasters say it will reach 95° today, then it will drop off as we begin September.
Last night's low was expected to be in the mid–70s. It was 79° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33764. Yesterday's reading was 33738. Consumption was 26 kWh.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
August 30, 2016
Yesterday was like several days we have witnessed recently. Clear skies were replaced by a sudden — and brief — storm that left cooler temperatures in its wake. Temperatures may well have been warmer earlier in the day, — I wouldn't know because I was inside all day — but the radio reported a temperature of 83° when I was driving home.
Last night's low was expected to be in the mid–70s. It was 77° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33738. Yesterday's reading was 33723. Consumption was 15 kWh.
Monday, August 29, 2016
August 29, 2016
The temperature was back in the 90s yesterday, and it was fairly humid so the heat index was higher than it has been. Autumn weather can't get her soon enough or stay long enough to suit me.
Last night's low was expected to be 75°. It was 76° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33723. Yesterday's reading was 33684. Consumption was 39 kWh.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
August 28, 2016
Yesterday was evidence that summer is far from over in Texas. The temperature was entrenched in the 90s most of the day — and forecasters assure us it will be that way all week.
Last night's low was expected to be in the mid–70s, and it was 75° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33684. Yesterday's reading was 33653. Consumption was 31 kWh.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
August 27, 2016
Yesterday was sunny until about 4 p.m., then a heavy rain came through for about 10 or 15 minutes. By the time I got into my car to go home, the radio was reporting a temperature of 87°. I don't know if it ever got warmer than that, but the forecast called for a high of 89°.
Last night's low was expected to be 75°. I slept later than I intended this morning, but it was 75° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33653. Yesterday's reading was 33641. Consumption was 12 kWh.
Friday, August 26, 2016
August 26, 2016
The radio reported a temperature of 95° when I left the office yesterday. It should be cooler (comparatively) tomorrow, but it should also be wetter, if the forecasters can be believed.
Last night's low was expected to be 76°. It was 77° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33641. Yesterday's reading was 33614. Consumption was 27 kWh.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
August 25, 2016
We're back in summer mode although it isn't as hot as it was before the cool front and the rain came and stayed for a week. The radio reported a temperature of 93° when I was driving home from work yesterday.
Last night's low was expected to be 76°. It was 79° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33614. Yesterday's reading was 33590. Consumption was 24 kWh.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
August 24, 2016
We plunged back into the 90s yesterday. The radio reported a temperature of 94° when I was driving home yesterday afternoon. More of the same is expected for the next week. No rain is in the forecast — except for Friday, which currently has a precipitation probability of 60%.
Last night's low was expected to be 75°. It was 77° when I woke up.
This morning's reading is 33590. Yesterday's reading was 33564. Consumption was 26 kWh.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
August 23, 2016
It may have been warmer earlier in the day, but in the middle of the afternoon we started getting some rain, and it was in the low 80s when I left the office to drive home.
That won't last. Forecasters have been quick to predict the return of 90° temperatures today.
They predicted a low of 76° last night. It was 79° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33564. Yesterday's reading was 33545. Consumption was 19 kWh.
Monday, August 22, 2016
August 22, 2016
Yesterday was warmer than it has been in a week. The temperature was in the upper 80s in the early afternoon and probably got warmer than that as the afternoon progressed. More summerlike temperatures are back, and, with the exception of some slim chances of rain today, it looks like precipitation is out of the immediate forecast.
Last night's low was predicted to be in the low 70s. It was 75° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33545. Yesterday's reading was between 33514 and 33515. Consumption was 30½ kWh.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
August 21, 2016
We got some significant rain yesterday morning, but the clouds cleared in the afternoon, and the temperature appears to have gotten into the low 80s. Rain is gradually leaving the forecast, and temperatures appear to be poised to rise to near–normal levels by the middle of next week.
Nighttime lows, however, are expected to stay in the 70s. Last night's low, for example, was expected to be 71°. The temperature was 72° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 33514 and 33515. Yesterday's reading was between 33500 and 33501. Consumption was 14 kWh.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
August 20, 2016
The skies were overcast all day yesterday, and we got a pretty steady — at times heavy — downpour. Forecasters called for a high of about 87°, but the radio reported a temperature of 70° when I left the office. It was raining, too, which slowed the commute down considerably.
Last night's low was expected to be 70°. It was 78° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 33500 and 33501. Yesterday's reading was 33491. Consumption was 9½ kWh.
Friday, August 19, 2016
August 19, 2016
The weather really has been amazing for this time of year. The overcast conditions have persisted, and we keep getting spotty showers. The temperature has been at least 10° cooler than normal nearly every day. Yesterday when I was driving home, the radio said the temperature was 82°.
A low of 74° was predicted for last night. It was 75° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33491. Yesterday's reading was 33474. Consumption was 17 kWh.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
August 18, 2016
The cool front is still with us. Yesterday was overcast all day. We even had some spotty rain. And the radio reported a temperature of 82° when I left the office.
Last night's low was expected to be 73°. It was 75° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33474. Yesterday's reading was 33461. Consumption was 13 kWh.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
August 17, 2016
The temperature was more summery yesterday, but it still wasn't nearly as hot as it has been. The radio said it was 86° when I was driving home. Forecasters say today's high will be about 83°.
Last night's low was expected to be around 73°. It was 75° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33461. Yesterday's reading was 33444. Consumption was 17 kWh.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
August 16, 2016
I was inside most of the day so I don't really know what the temperature was, but I think it must have been in the 70s most, if not all, of the day. It was overcast all day and it even rained a time or two in Plano. I have no idea what it did in Dallas.
Forecasters say we will have varying chances for rain all week.
The radio said our low last night would be 70°. It was 73° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33444. Yesterday's reading was between 33432 and 33433. Consumption was only 11½ kWh.
Monday, August 15, 2016
August 15, 2016
Yesterday's temperature got into the 90s, but forecasters say we can expect mid–80s most of this week. The skies were overcast through the morning and into the afternoon, but we never got any rain. Still, a chance of rain will continue through the week.
Last night's low was expected to be 74°. It was 75° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 33432 and 33433. Yesterday's reading was between 33400 and 33401. Consumption was 32 kWh.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
August 14, 2016
The temperature got into the 90s yesterday afternoon, but it was noticeably milder all day than it has been for weeks — still it was quite humid. The trend is expected to continue this week, although the forecast has been revised for today. Initially, forecasters said today's high would be in the upper 80s. They are now calling for a high of 92°.
It is still August, I have to remind myself. Daytime forecasts in the 80s are probably more wishful thinking than anything else.
Anyway, it was 75° when I woke up this morning.
This morning's meter reading is between 33400 and 33401. Yesterday's reading was 33362. Consumption was 38½ kWh.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
August 13, 2016
On the way to work yesterday, the radio made it sound like our streak of triple–digit days would not end gracefully. The forecasters warned of highs of 103° or 104° with a heat index that pushed 110°.
As usual, I spent the lunch break in the office so I have no idea how hot it actually became yesterday, but the skies were overcast and thunder could be heard midway through the afternoon and, by the time I left the office, it was noticeably cooler than it has been. Not cold Cooler.
The radio confirmed that for me, reporting a temperature of 93°. Forecasts are calling for highs in the 90s, even upper 80s, in the next seven days.
Last night's low was expected to be 80°, and that is precisely what the temperature was when I woke up. Forecasters say lows will be in the 70s for the next week or so.
This morning's meter reading is 33362. Yesterday's reading was is 33337. Consumption was 25 kWh. It's the first time in more than two weeks that my 24–hour consumption has been below 30 kWh.
Friday, August 12, 2016
August 12, 2016
If the forecasters are correct, today will be the last of our triple–digit days — at least for a little while. But it doesn't look like it will go down gracefully. The radio reported a temperature of 102° when I was driving home yesterday. The forecast calls for a high of 103° today.
But then a cool front is slated to arrive in about 24 hours, bringing temperatures in the 90s and a pretty good chance of rain tomorrow and Sunday.
Last night's low was expected to be in the low 80s. It was 87° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33337. Yesterday's reading was between 33298 and 33299. Consumption was 38½ kWh.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
August 11, 2016
Yesterday was another triple–digit day. The temperature was 100° when I was driving home from work.
But relief may be in sight this weekend.
Last night's low was expected to be around 83°. It was 86° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 33298 and 33299. Yesterday's reading was 33259. Consumption was 39½ kWh.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
August 10, 2016
The temperature was in triple digits when I left the office yesterday, just as it has been for a couple of weeks now, and that should continue for the next three days, but the forecasters are sticking to their prediction that a cool front will bring double–digit highs — and possibly rain — by the weekend.
Last night's low was expected to be around 82°.
This morning's meter reading is 33259. Yesterday's reading was 33220. Consumption was 39 kWh.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
August 9, 2016
It occurs to me from time to time that the summer is the only time when the old adage about waiting five minutes if you don't like the weather in Texas because it will change in that time doesn't hold true. It is always hot here in the summer, even when it rains. They are still saying, by the way, that we could get some rain this weekend.
We didn't get any rain yesterday, and the radio reported a temperature of 100° when I was driving home. Forecasts have said the heat index this week could be as high as 110° at times.
The radio said our low last night would be "in the lower 80s." It was 83° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33220. Yesterday's reading was 33181. Consumption was 39 kWh.
Monday, August 8, 2016
August 8, 2016
There really isn't anything new to say about our weather. We were in triple digits again yesterday, we expect to be in triple digits again today, we'll probably be in triple digits again tomorrow. There is talk of a cool front that may bring temperatures in the mid–90s to the area this weekend, but that certainly could change. The weekend is several days away.
Last night's low was expected to be 82°, and that is exactly what it was when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33181. Yesterday's reading was 33129. Consumption was 52 kWh.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
August 7, 2016
The string of triple–digit days continued yesterday. The high was over 100° by perhaps a degree or two. More of the same is expected today.
Last night's low was expected to be 81°. I slept a little later than usual today, as I tend to do on Sundays, and the temperature was 84° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 33129. Yesterday's reading was 33085. Consumption was 44 kWh.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
August 6, 2016
The temperature was 100° when I left the office yesterday. They say it will be 101° today — which could well have been yesterday's high since it was already inching its way down by the time I left the office.
We can expect this to continue, forecasters say, until about Tuesday, when the high will be in double digits.
Last night's low was expected to be 82°. Hold on to your hats. It was 86° when I woke up. And, even though today is Saturday, I did not sleep in. I did sleep until about 6:30, which is only about 30 minutes later than I sleep on weekdays.
This morning's meter reading is 33085. Yesterday's reading was between 33046 and 33047. Consumption was 38½ kWh.
Friday, August 5, 2016
August 5, 2016
The radio reported that slightly cooler temperatures and modest chances for rain are looming on the horizon — in the extended forecast for next week. The immediate future will be much like the immediate past with triple–digit highs and dry, very dry. The temperature was 101° when I was driving home yesterday.
Last night's low would be around 80°, forecasters said. It was 84° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is between 33046 and 33047. Yesterday's reading was between 33007 and 33008. Consumption was 39 kWh.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
August 4, 2016
Apparently, yesterday was exactly like the day before. Once again, the radio reported a temperature of 100° when I was driving home from work.
The radio predicted a low of 80° for last night, but when I got up, it was 84°, same as it was yesterday morning.
This morning's meter reading is between 33007 and 33008. Yesterday's reading was between 32974 and 32975. Consumption was 33 kWh.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
August 3, 2016
The dog days of summer are here. Temperatures were back in triple digits yesterday, and the forecast calls for triple digits every day for the next week — and probably beyond although forecasts typically only extend for seven days. The radio said the temperature was right at 100° when I was driving home.
The radio also said last night's low would be in the "lower 80s," and that one was apparently correct, too. The temperature was 84° when I woke up this morning.
This morning's meter reading is between 32974 and 32975. Yesterday's reading was 32939. Consumption was 35½ kWh.
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
August 2, 2016
The radio reported that the temperature was 101° when I was driving home yesterday — which, I suppose, would make it the hottest day of the year so far. Triple digits are expected for the rest of the week, though, so that title may go to another day in the not–so–distant future.
The radio said it wouldn't cool off much last night. A low of 80° was predicted, but it was 93° when I went to bad last night, and it was 82° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 32939. Yesterday's reading was 32905. Consumption was 34 kWh.
Monday, August 1, 2016
August 1, 2016
Apparently, yesterday was a preview of this week — very hot with temperatures around 100°. It was probably about that hot yesterday. I don't know for sure.
The overnight low was expected to be around 80°. It was 82° when I woke up.
This morning's meter reading is 32905. Yesterday's reading was 32862. Consumption was 43 kWh.
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