Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January 31, 2018

The temperature got into the lower 60s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 43°. It was 45° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42838. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42827 and 42828. Consumption was 10½ kWh.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

January 30, 2018

The temperature may have reached the mid–50s yesterday. It should be warmer today.

Last night's low was expected to be 32°. It was 36° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42827 and 42828. Sunday's meter reading was 42796. Average daily consumption for the last two days was 15¾ kWh.

Monday, January 29, 2018

January 29, 2018

The temperature got well into the 60s yesterday afternoon, and the sun was shining most of the day.

Last night's low was expected to be 36°. It was 42° when I woke up.

My camera is acting up this morning so I will try to get a meter picture tomorrow. Yesterday's meter reading was 42796.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

January 28, 2018

The temperature got into the 60s yesterday afternoon.

Last night's low was expected to be 39°. It was 38° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42796. Yesterday's meter reading was 42789. Consumption was 7 kWh.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

January 27, 2018

It was cooler and overcast yesterday, but the temperature eventually got into the low 60s.

Last night's low was expected to stay in the 50s. The predicted low was 54°. It was 61° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42789. Yesterday's meter reading was 42782. Consumption was 7 kWh.

Friday, January 26, 2018

January 26, 2018

The temperature was in the 60s by lunch yesterday and warmed into the mid–60s by the afternoon.

Last night's low was expected to be 46°. It was 51° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42782. Yesterday's meter reading was 42774. Consumption was 8 kWh.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

January 25, 2018

The temperature got into the 60s yesterday afternoon.

Last night's low was expected to be 37°. It was 39° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42774. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42753 and 42754. Consumption was 20½ kWh.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January 24, 2018

The temperature got into the 50s yesterday afternoon. It may have reached 60° for awhile.

Last night's low was expected to be 34°, and that is what it was when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42753 and 42754. Yesterday's meter reading was 42731. Consumption was 22½ kWh.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 23, 2018

It was noticeably cooler yesterday. The temperature was in the upper 50s in the afternoon. It even managed to clear the 60° hurdle for awhile.

Last night's low was expected to be 36°. It was 37° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42731. Yesterday's meter reading was 42710. Consumption was 21 kWh.

Monday, January 22, 2018

January 22, 2018

The temperature reached 70° before noon yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 44°. It was 47° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42710. Yesterday's meter reading was 42702. Consumption was 8 kWh.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

January 21, 2018

The temperature soared into the upper 60s yesterday.

Last night't low was only expected to be 60°. It was 64° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42702. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42695 and 42696. Consumption was 6½ kWh.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

January 20, 2018

The temperature rose above 50° yesterday. In fact it probably reached the mid–50s. Forecasters say the temperature will be in the upper 60s today. Might even reach 70° on Sunday.

Last night's low was expected to be in the upper 40s. It was 57° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42695 and 42696. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42686 and 42687. Consumption was 9 kWh.

Friday, January 19, 2018

January 19, 2018

After a rather chilly start, yesterday's temperature climbed into the 40s, and it is expected to be in the 50s tomorrow.

Last night's low was predicted to be 30°. It was 40° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42686 and 42687. Yesterday's meter reading was 42641. Consumption was 45½ kWh.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

January 18, 2018

Yesterday started bitterly cold with frozen water pipes, but the temperature rose above freezing in the afternoon and the sun came out to warm everything up. They say it will be in the mid– to upper 40s today, then 50s tomorrow and 60s over the weekend.

Last night's low was expected to fall to 16°. It was 23° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42641. Yesterday's meter reading was 42593. Consumption was 48 kWh.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 17, 2018

As predicted yesterday's temperature never rose above freezing.

Last night's low was expected to be 10°. It was 17° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42593. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42519 and 42520. Consumption was 73½ kWh.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 16, 2018

The temperature got into the mid–50s yesterday, but it was overcast and a bit windy so it didn't feel as pleasant as it could have. It should be much colder today. Forecasters say it won't rise above freezing.

Last night's low was expected to be 24°. It was 23° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42519 and 42520. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42487 and 42488. Consumption was 32 kWh.

Monday, January 15, 2018

January 15, 2018

After a cold start to the day, it warmed into the 50s in the afternoon. The temperature may even have cracked 60° at some point.

Last night's low was expected to be a little above freezing. It was 37° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42487 and 42488. Saturday's meter reading was between 42428 and 42429. Average daily consumption for the last two days has been 29½ kWh.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

January 14, 2018

The temperature was in the 40s yesterday. Forecasters say we can expect 50s today and tomorrow.

Last night's low was expected to be 29°. It was 32° when I woke up.

I'm having some trouble with my camera this morning so there will be no meter photo today. I will try again tomorrow. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42428 and 42429.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

January 13, 2018

The temperature got into the mid–40s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be a very chilly 25°. It was a slightly warmer 28° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42428 and 42429. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42377 and 43278. Consumption was 51 kWh.

Friday, January 12, 2018

January 12, 2018

The temperature started out in the 50s yesterday morning, but it gradually cooled off to the 30s late in the day and, ultimately, the 20s overnight.

Last night's low was expected to be 26°. It was 24° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42377 and 43278. Yesterday's meter reading was 42336. Consumption was 41½ kWh.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 11, 2018

Yesterday's temperature got into the upper 50s, but it was breezy and overcast most of the day so it felt colder. By mid–afternoon, though, the sun came out, and the temperature probably got close to 60°.

Last night's low was expected to be 51°. It was 55° when I woke up.

A cold front is expected in the area today, and the forecast calls for more wintry conditions in the next week.

This morning's meter reading is 42336. Yesterday's meter reading was 42326. Consumption was 10 kWh.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

January 10, 2018

Yesterday was cooler than originally predicted. I heard predictions a few days ago that the temperature would be in the low 60s, but it was cloudy and stayed in the 40s all morning. Then the sun came out in the afternoon, and the temperature may have been in the 50s for awhile.

Last night's low was expected to be 44°. It was 47° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42326. Yesterday's meter reading was 42309. Consumption was 17 kWh.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 9, 2018

The temperature was in the low 60s with sunshine yesterday afternoon. Forecasters expect much the same today.

Last night's low was expected to be 37°. It was 40° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42309. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42294 and 42295. Consumpion was 14½ kWh.

Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8, 2018

The temperature got into the 60s again yesterday, but it was overcast all day and we got some rain in the late afternoon so it felt cooler and it was damp.

Last night's low was expected to be 40°. It was 43° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42294 and 42295. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42283 and 42284. Consumption was 11 kWh.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 7, 2018

The temperature reached the 60s yesterday afternoon, and it was sunny so it felt pretty good for early January.

Last night's low was expected to be 48°. It was 53° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42283 and 42284. Yesterday's meter reading was 42275. Consumption was 8½ kWh.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

January 6, 2018

The temperature climbed into the 60s yesterday, and forecasts indicate that we should be seeing 50s and 60s for about the next week.

Last night's low was expected to be 39°, which is what it was when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42275. Yesterday's meter reading was 42262. Consumption was 13 kWh.

Friday, January 5, 2018

January 5, 2018

The temperature was in the upper 40s yesterday afternoon. It is even possible that it cracked 50° for awhile. Forecasters think it will be in the 50s today and tomorrow, then maybe the 60s by Sunday.

Last night's low was expected to be 32°. It was 34° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42262. Yesterday's meter reading was between 42227 and 42228. Consumption was 34½ kWh.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

January 4, 2018

The warming trend has begun — but I have no idea how long it will last. Yesterday's temperature rose above freezing in the morning and made it into the 40s by the afternoon.

Last night's low was expected to be 25°. It was 27° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 42227 and 42228. Yesterday's meter reading was 42185. Consumption was 42½ kWh.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

January 3, 2018

Yesterday was another cold day with temperatures in the mid–20s, but a gradual warming trend is expected to begin today. Forecasters say the temperature will be in the mid–40s today, which should feel balmy by comparison.

Last night's low was expected to be 19°. It was 22° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42185. Yesterday's meter reading was 42112. Consumption was 73 kWh.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

January 2, 2018

The temperature stayed below freezing all day, but the sun came out, which made it feel warmer.

Last night's low was expected to be 19°. It was 23° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42112. Yesterday's meter reading was 42048. Consumption was 64 kWh.

Monday, January 1, 2018

January 1, 2018

The temperature may have risen above freezing yesterday, but if it did it didn't stay there long.

Last night's low was expected to be 17°. It was 18° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 42048. Yesterday's meter reading was 41972. Consumption was 76 kWh.