Saturday, June 30, 2012
June 30, 2012
I've been monitoring my electric meter on a daily basis for nearly 13 weeks now.
That's one–quarter of a year — and I have reached some tentative conclusions in that time.
I really need at least a year's worth of data — but that will only tell me about my usage in that year alone. You can't draw any long–term conclusions based on short–term observation.
Take this past week for example. Here in north Texas, we have 100° days, on average, about a dozen times a year. Some years, we have more than a dozen. Last year, for example, my memory is we had about 10 weeks of days in which the temperature was in triple digits.
It was comparable to — but never as severe as — the summer of 1980, which is still remembered as the mother of all hot summers. I spent part of that summer here in Dallas, and my memory is that we reached the 100° mark before lunch most days. By the middle of the afternoon, it was frequently over 110°.
Last summer wasn't like that. There may have been as many days when it reached triple digits, but there were never as many days when the temperature went way past 100° before the sun went down. (Don't get me wrong. I believe hot is hot. But extreme heat is something else entirely.)
In fact, there were several days last summer when the temperature just barely made it to 100°, and there were several times when the local media wondered if the streak of 100° days would end.
I didn't start monitoring my meter until April so I have no data concerning the cold months. However, data from this February wouldn't have been very helpful. It was unseasonably warm all month — quite a contrast from the February of 2011, when an ice storm influenced most people's plans for Super Bowl week in north Texas.
A typical February falls somewhere between the two extremes.
In June around here, temperatures are usually in the 90s. I've seen a few Junes when we had mostly daytime highs in the 80s, and I've seen others when the temperatures were in triple digits. Both were anomalies.
Last summer wasn't typical here, either, just a little hotter than normal.
My bills continue to show my meter readings as estimates, and all you have to do is divide the number of kWh claimed by the number of days in the billing period to figure out the daily consumption average. And, for at least the last four months, the daily average upon which my bill has been based is 30 kWh.
I am no mathematician, but I do know that if some number represents an average, then there must be figures in the calculation that are both lower and higher than that average.
In the case of electricity consumption, if I average 30 kWh daily, there must be some days when my use is in the 20s and some days when my use is well into the 30s.
So — if I really want to save money, and I do — it is helpful to know the kinds of conditions that are likely to increase my electricity consumption.
I live alone in a one–bedroom. The other elements on my monthly utility bill — i.e., water and sewer — are pretty consistent. The thing that tends to vary is electric consumption, and the variable on that is the use of heat and air conditioning.
In the last three months, I have seen for myself that when I don't have to run the heat or A/C — or if I only have to use one or the other sparingly — my consumption drops dramatically.
As a result, my consumption was virtually negligible in the spring. But there were times in the spring when the temperature was unseasonably warm, and I had to run my A/C a little. On those occasions, I could see a spike in my use.
On days when the high was no greater than, say, 75° or 80° (and the low was in the 50s or 60s), I seldom had to run the heat or the A/C — and my consumption was often in single digits.
If the temperature dropped into the 40s or rose into the 80s, I could see a difference in my usage — typically into the teens.
By and large, May was warmer, with temperatures that routinely went into the 80s, sometimes low 90s, and my daily consumption reflected that. In the billing period for May, my daily consumption averaged slightly more than 20 kWh.
This month has been hot, and I know my daily consumption figures have shown that. I fully expect my average for June to be around 30 kWh — the only month in which that assumption by my utility company will be correct.
The 100° days of last week appear to be over, so my consumption should drop as we ease into the 90s.
In fact, I'm already seeing that. A few days ago, when temperatures were 100° or, more frequently, higher, I was using around 40 kWh a day just to cool my apartment to around 84°. There were times when it took all the self–control I could muster not to adjust my thermostat to 82°.
Yesterday's high temperature was around 99°, and my consumption in the last 24 kWh appears to have been 32. This morning's reading is 3900 on the nose. Yesterday's reading was 3868.
Perhaps, in the next few days, I can lower my daily consumption to 30 — or a shade or two below. Today's high is supposed to be 98°, and tomorrow's high is supposed to be 95°.
Then it's supposed to start going back up — forecasts indicate we'll be back in the 100° range by Independence Day.
Friday, June 29, 2012
June 29, 2012
Yesterday was practically a carbon copy of the day before.
I couldn't say precisely how high the temperature went either day — I just know it was over 100° — and my electricity consumption appears to have been exactly what it was the day before — approximately 39½ kWh.
Yesterday's reading was between 3828 and 3829. Today's reading is 3868.
We're supposed to stay below 100° in each of the next seven days — well, according to the current forecast. It's still going to be hot, though — with temperatures in the upper 90s. The very best of the forecasts is the one for the day after tomorrow. Sunday's high is only supposed to be 95°.
We'll see.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
June 28, 2012
I don't know how I did it, but I seem to have kept my electricity consumption below 40 kWh in the last 24–hour period.
Well, just barely.
Yesterday's reading was 3789. Today's reading is one of those 'tweeners — and it looks to be between 3828 and 3829.
That means my consumption was about 39½ kWh.
It got seriously hot yesterday and stayed that way long after the sun went down. When I got up this morning, around 6 a.m., the temperature was 82°.
Today is supposed to be another triple–digit day, then the forecasts call for daytime highs in the upper 90s.
Not really much of a difference. It's a psychological thing more than anything else, really.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
June 27, 2012
I knew my electric consumption yesterday would be higher than it has been since I started tracking my meter on a daily basis back in April.
I don't know precisely how hot it was yesterday, but, around 3 p.m., the NOAA website said the air temperature was 103° — and the heat index was a few degrees higher. The extended forecast doesn't offer much hope for the next seven days.
Although I had my thermostat set at around 82°, the air conditioning started kicking on well before noon — and, after noon, it seemed to run constantly. I finally adjusted it upwards — to about 83°, maybe even 84° — and it started shutting down periodically.
Anyway, this morning's reading was 3789. Yesterday's reading was 3742. Thus, my consumption was 47 kWh.
Actually, that's probably better than a lot of people did. It's just so much higher than any other 24–hour period I have observed in the last 12 weeks. It's kind of a shock.
But I guess I'd better get used to it. That's what I can expect for the next three months.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
June 26, 2012
Well, I know it happened yesterday.
"It" is the 100–degree barrier. I don't if it was the first time this year that we've recorded a daytime high of 100° or higher. I just know we crossed the three–digit threshold yesterday — heat index was a few degrees higher.
And it resulted in greater electric consumption. I had my thermostat set at 80° or higher — it's hard to tell — most of the day, and my air conditioning was kicking on constantly. No sooner would it cool the place down a little than it would shut off for about 5–10 minutes, then it would kick on again.
My reading this morning is 3742. Yesterday's reading was between 3702 and 3703 so my consumption was right around 40 kWh. I expect more of the same the rest of this week — and probably through most of July and August.
I can only imagine what it would have been if I had set my thermostat at 78° — but I don't usually do that until I am ready to go to bed.
Monday, June 25, 2012
June 25, 2012
It was very hot yesterday, and it is expected to be very hot again today ... and tomorrow ... and the next day ...
Yet, somehow, I managed to keep my electricity consumption relatively under control. This morning's reading is between 3702 and 3703. Yesterday's reading was between 3668 and 3669.
At the most, I used 35 kWh — realistically, it was about 1 or 2 kWh less than that.
Can I do it again? We shall see.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
June 24, 2012
We didn't break 100° yesterday, but it was still very hot.
However, I appear to have kept my consumption below 40 kWh.
Whether I will be able to do that today remains to be seen. Today's high temperature is expected to be in triple–digit territory, and that is the forecast for the remainder of the week.
Anyway, today's meter reading appears to be between 3668 and 3669. Yesterday's reading was 3631.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
June 23, 2012
Well, it seems we're really into the hot weather now.
This morning's meter reading is 3631. Yesterday's reading was 3589. Thus, I had my first 40–plus kWh consumption in a 24–hour period (well, my first since I started my daily tracking of this about three months ago).
I don't know exactly how hot it was yesterday, but I do know that, at one point, the air temperature was 95° — and the heat index was around 100°.
The forecast for the next week offers no real encouragement. Daytime highs are predicted to be between 98° and 101°, with nighttime lows in the upper 70s.
Friday, June 22, 2012
June 22, 2012
I don't know exactly how warm it was yesterday.
I only know that it felt warmer yesterday afternoon than it has felt.
And it was already hot when I went out to shoot my meter picture a few minutes ago.
The meter reading reflected what I suspected. My reading this morning was 3589. Yesterday's reading was 3556. Consequently, my consumption exceeded 30 kWh.
More of the same is expected. Today's predicted high is 95°. Before the weekend is over, they say the temperature will hit 100° and it will probably remain that high for most of the week.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
June 21, 2012
I don't know what precisely yesterday's high temperature was.
I only know it was hot, like most of the days have been lately.
And my electricity consumption was exactly what it was in the previous 24 hours — 25 kWh.
Today's reading is 3556. Yesterday's reading was 3531.
Actually, yesterday's reading indicated approximately 24½ kWh in use — but ½ kWh probably doesn't mean anything.
Recent high temperatures around here have been in the low to mid 90s. Forecasts are calling for steadily rising daily temperatures through the next week, with a prediction for a 100° high in the extended forecast.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
I only used about 25 kWh in the last 24 hours.
I'm not sure how warm it got yesterday, but it seemed like a fairly average June day in Dallas. Temperatures were probably in the low–to–mid–90s, and there is talk of temperatures reaching 100° by Sunday.
The heat index crossed that triple–digit barrier a few weeks ago.
Anyway, today's reading is 3531. Yesterday, you may recall, it was between 3506 and 3507. So I held my consumption to about 24 or 25 kWh.
And I'm bracing myself for even warmer days to come.
Because I know they're coming.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
June 19, 2012
I want to go on record as saying that I really tried yesterday to keep my electricity consumption down.
And, to a certain extent, I was successful.
Today's reading is between 3506 and 3507. Yesterday's reading was 3479. So, clearly, I remained below that 30 kWh threshold — either way.
But I know it won't last — unless this summer is unusually mild for Texas.
Perhaps it will be. We're about two–thirds of the way through June, and we still haven't hit 100° in actual air temperature (heat index, in which one factors in the humidity, is an entirely different matter). We've also had more rain lately than we've tended to have at this time of the year, and that moisture in the ground helps keep the temperature down.
Still, I've lived through too many Texas summers to think that this one will be anything but miserably hot before it ends.
Monday, June 18, 2012
June 18, 2012
Yesterday was Father's Day, and I spent a good chunk of the afternoon at the facility where Dad is doing his inpatient rehab.
They had a jazz band playing, and they were serving refreshments. It was pleasant.
While my brother and I were there, conditions changed outside. The skies became overcast, and the temperatures actually dropped into the 80s.
Consequently, my electricity consumption at home dropped, too. My reading this morning is 3479. Yesterday, it was 3455.
Not really much of a drop from the previous 24 hours, though — only about 1 kWh.
But I'll take it. Hotter times are coming.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
June 17, 2012
I checked the meter at about the same time today that I did yesterday, and my usage was about the same.
Today's reading was 3455. Yesterday's reading was 3430. Thus, my usage in the last 24 hours has been 25 kWh.
For those of you keeping score at home, my daily usage has been under 30 kWh far more often than it has exceeded it
Saturday, June 16, 2012
June 16, 2012
It hasn't been raining this morning — it isn't even overcast — so I was able to check my meter earlier.
That may account for the lower consumption number — or it may indicate that my daily usage is consistent (which could be proven, I suppose, if I could check my meter at precisely the same time every day).
This morning's reading is 3430. Yesterday's reading was 3405 — but that reading was taken perhaps 2½ hours later in the day. My reading on Thursday was 3371 — and that reading was taken at about the same time as today's.
Consequently, my average daily consumption since Thursday morning has been 29½ — a little higher yesterday because the time period was more than 24 hours and a little lower today because the time period was less than 24 hours.
Friday, June 15, 2012
June 15, 2012
We had a little rain this morning, and I didn't get to shoot my meter photo as early as I would like.
But the weather seems to have settled into its summer mode.
Yesterday's reading was 3371. Today's reading is 3405. That equals more than 30 kWh, but I actually read my meter about three hours later than I did yesterday, which may have accounted for a few kWh.
Anyway, the weather forecast tells us to expect more of the same.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
June 14, 2012
Yesterday was practically a carbon copy of the day before — and so was my electricity usage.
It was a little higher, though. My reading today is 3371. Yesterday's reading was 3351. The day before, it was between 3332 and 3333.
I suppose I am a little disappointed. We had some rain yesterday afternoon (with considerable hail, too), and I thought the overcast skies and slightly cooler temperatures might keep my consumption down.
No such luck.
Still, it was lower than I might ordinarily expect in mid–June.
More of the same is expected in the next seven days. Hopefully, my daily usage will remain around 20.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
June 13, 2012
It's a mild, overcast morning in Dallas, which has affected the clarity of the meter picture.
But today's reading appears to be 3351 — which means I kept my kWh consumption below 20 in the last 24 hours. Yesterday's reading was between 3332 and 3333.
Considering we are now in mid–June, that isn't too bad. And the forecast for the next week appears remarkably consistent — highs in the low 90s and lows in the low 70s.
For summer in Dallas, that's pretty good. I know it won't last, though.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
June 12, 2012
I don't know precisely how hot it was yesterday.
I only know that it must have been the hottest day of the year — so far. Bank clocks and my car radio told me the temperature was in the mid–90s when I went to visit my father in the hospital, and the guy on the radio said the heat index would be around 110° before the day was over.
So it doesn't surprise me that my electricity consumption in the last 24 hours exceeded 30 kWh. Yesterday's reading was 3298. Today it is between 3332 and 3333.
I might catch the tiniest bit of a break in the coming week. Forecasts call for temperatures right around 90°. If that happens, my air conditioning might kick on later in the day.
And I might be able to stay below 30 kWh a few more times.
But I know that the 100°–plus days are coming, and I know my consumption will skyrocket in July and August — and probably September.
Monday, June 11, 2012
June 11, 2012
It was hot and humid yesterday, practically a carbon copy of the previous 24 hours.
Fittingly, so was my electricity consumption.
Today's reading is 3298. Yesterday's reading was 3271. Thus, my consumption was 27 kWh.
Intriguingly, that is precisely what my usage was yesterday morning.
I've only been monitoring my meter for 10 weeks now — I know, I should have been doing this long ago (no telling how much I have been overcharged over the years) — but, in that short time, I have noticed that there is something of a pattern at work — sometimes. Perhaps it is nothing more than the consistency of my own usage.
Whatever it is, I like having this kind of first–hand information.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
June 10, 2012
Hot weather is returning to north Texas — and my electricity consumption is going up.
There has been a noticeable upward progression in my kWh consumption lately. Yesterday's meter reading was 3244. Today, the reading is 3271. My use did not exceed 30 kWh, but it came close. My usage was 27 kWh.
Actually, that isn't bad for Texas in the summer. If only it would stay that way in July and August!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
June 9, 2012
It got warmer in Dallas yesterday afternoon than it has been for a couple of days, and my electricity consumption reflects that.
Today's reading is 3244. Yesterday's reading was 3224. Thus, my consumption was 20 kWh.
It may be higher today. The forecast calls for temperatures to be back in the 90s before the day is over, and the extended forecast calls for more of the same.
I had planned to discuss my latest utility bill today, but time is short. My father is still in the hospital, and I need to spend some time with him.
Perhaps tomorrow I can write about my utility bill — which is, as far as I know, resolved, although I thought that last month, only to be given a bogus eviction notice midway through May.
But more on that later.
Friday, June 8, 2012
June 8, 2012
I haven't got much time this morning so I will have to keep this brief.
But, apparently, the cool front really paid off for me in the last 24 hours. Here we are, a week into June, and I only used 10 kWh since yesterday morning. Seriously! Yesterday's reading was 3214. Today's reading is, as you can plainly see, 3224.
That's apparently coming to an end sometime today. The weather forecast calls for a high today of 88° and temperatures in the 90s the rest of the time.
Well, I knew it wouldn't last forever.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
June 7, 2012
As forecast, a cool front has arrived, bringing rain, for which we should be grateful since we likely won't see much more for a few months.
Temperatures are in the 70s, which is nice, but, as you can see, the conditions have affected the quality of the meter picture.
Today's reading is 3214. Yesterday's reading was 3194. Temperatures are supposed to remain low tomorrow, then we start seeing 90°–plus days again on Saturday.
I'm in a bit of a hurry today. I need to visit my father in the hospital, but I will write here, perhaps tomorrow, about my latest utility bill, which was, once again, an estimate. The office adjusted the amount owed to reflect the photographic evidence I compiled for the month of April, but I shouldn't have to go through that every month.
Well, I could go on and on about that, but I have other things demanding my attention today.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
June 6, 2012
I spent yesterday afternoon at the hospital, but the temperature climbed into the mid–90s yesterday afternoon, and I'm sure that accounts for much of my electricity consumption.
This morning's reading is 3194. Yesterday's reading was 3160. Therefore, my consumption yesterday exceeded 30 kWh.
I hope it drops in the next few days. We're expecting a 70% chance of rain after 1 p.m. today and through tonight, then a 50% chance of rain tomorrow and tomorrow night, then a 30% chance on Friday. Temperatures all three days are supposed to be in the 80s.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
June 5, 2012
My life has suddenly turned chaotic.
My father has had a heart attack. It appears to be mild — as these things go — but my daily routine has been radically altered as a result.
I spent most of yesterday afternoon in his hospital room. He wasn't actually there most of the time that I was. I didn't know that he was undergoing tests when I went over to see him, and his room was empty when I arrived.
Not knowing how long he would be gone — or even where in the sprawling Presbyterian Hospital complex he might be — I decided to remain in his room until he returned.
So I waited ... and I waited ... and I waited.
It was about three hours after I arrived that he was brought back to his room. He seemed tired so, after his surgeon came by and talked about the bypass surgery he probably will undergo this afternoon, we had a little while to talk before I excused myself.
Anyway, I was away from home most of the afternoon, which accounts for the lower electricity consumption in the last 24 hours compared to the previous 24 hours.
The drop wasn't dramatic, but it was noticeable. The weather yesterday was pretty much what it was like on Saturday and Sunday, but my consumption on those days reached and/or exceeded that 30 kWh benchmark.
This morning's reading is 3160. Yesterday it was 3133. Thus, my use yesterday was 27 kWh.
Might be the same story today. I will be going to the hospital around 1:30 this afternoon. Dad's surgeon said he couldn't be penciled in to the schedule until at least 3.
Monday, June 4, 2012
June 4, 2012
We do seem to be settling into summer mode here in Dallas.
Yesterday's temperatures were in the 90s, and last night's lows were in the 70s. I do expect it to get worse and stay that way for awhile before it starts to get better, and my meter reading for the last 24 hours (3133) suggests to me that, if the option were offered, I might be willing to take that 30 kWh average that the billing company has been claiming this spring for billing purposes for the next three or four months, at least. It would probably be a better average than I will be getting.
Since yesterday's reading was 3103, my usage actually was 30 kWh. I can only imagine what it will be when daytime highs are in triple digits and nighttime lows don't drop below 80°.
Those days aren't far off.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
June 3, 2012
The heat has returned to north Texas, and, as I have been saying, it likely will remain with us until October — or even November.
It was back in the 90s yesterday — after a couple of relatively cool days on Thursday and Friday — and my electricity consumption reflects that. Today's reading is 3103 (it's a little hard to read because direct sunlight has been spotty this morning). Yesterday's reading was 3068. Thus, my consumption was about 35 kWh — more than my consumption on Thursday and Friday combined.
As high as that consumption rate is for me, I'm afraid it will look good in another month.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
June 2, 2012
Yesterday wasn't quite as mild as the forecasters said it would be, but I still kept my electricity consumption below 20 kWh.
This morning's reading is 3068. Yesterday's reading was 3051.
Thus, my consumption in the last 24 hours has been 17 kWh.
OK, I know things are going to change — and soon. Like today. The forecasters say we'll be back in the 90s today and every day in every extended forecast I have seen calls for 90s during the days and 70s at night.
This is Texas, though. It could be warmer than that.
I expect brutal heat. Lots of it.
So I'm grateful for days like the last two. They offer a glimpse into a world we likely will not see again for four or five months.
Friday, June 1, 2012
June 1, 2012
It remained relatively mild (for this time of year) in the last 24 hours — even dropped into the low 60s, as forecast, last night — so my electricity consumption remained low.
This morning's reading is 3051. Yesterday's reading was 3037, which means I stayed well below 20 kWH in the last 24 hours.
I don't expect to have many — if any — days like that between now and September or October. In fact, I expect today to be the last sub–90° day we have for quite awhile.
But I plan to take advantage of it!
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