As forecast, a cool front has arrived, bringing rain, for which we should be grateful since we likely won't see much more for a few months.
Temperatures are in the 70s, which is nice, but, as you can see, the conditions have affected the quality of the meter picture.
Today's reading is 3214. Yesterday's reading was 3194. Temperatures are supposed to remain low tomorrow, then we start seeing 90°–plus days again on Saturday.
I'm in a bit of a hurry today. I need to visit my father in the hospital, but I will write here, perhaps tomorrow, about my latest utility bill, which was, once again, an estimate. The office adjusted the amount owed to reflect the photographic evidence I compiled for the month of April, but I shouldn't have to go through that every month.
Well, I could go on and on about that, but I have other things demanding my attention today.
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