Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31, 2012

The forecasts yesterday called for a high of 105° — and every forecaster I saw on TV or heard on the radio reminded the audience that 105° is just one degree away from the all–time record for that date.

I don't know when the record was set, but I have no reason to doubt that 106° is the record for July 30. There are always summer days in Dallas when the temperature exceeds triple digits.

I don't know if we equaled or broke that record yesterday, but, if we didn't, we came close. Late yesterday, around 5 p.m., NOAA reported that the temperature was 103° — and it might very well have been a degree or two higher than that at its peak.

I was worried about my electricity consumption for the last 24 hours. I figured it might exceed 40 kWh.

But I kept my thermostat in the mid–80s and managed to match my consumption for the previous 24 hours, which was 39 kWh.

Yesterday's reading was 4859. This morning's reading was 4898. That means my consumption was, again, 39 kWh.

It did get quite warm in this apartment yesterday afternoon, and the extended forecast calls for at least 100° every day for the next seven days. I'm not sure how long I can keep this up.

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012

Well, I don't know if yesterday's temperature reached (or exceeded) its expected high (105°), but I do know it went over 100°.

And I don't really know if yesterday was hotter, cooler or about the same as the day before.

What I do know is that the forecast calls for more of the same all week.

Briefly, the forecast suggested that the daily highs would drop below 100° by next weekend, but the latest outlooks seem to have given up on that possibility.

This is what summer in Texas is like. If the extended forecast suggests that a string of 100°–plus days is going to end in about a week, you can be sure the line will be pushed back the closer you get to that anticipated break in the weather.

They're still saying that the nighttime lows will drop below 80° this weekend, which would be nice. When I woke up this morning around 5 a.m., the temperature was 85°.

No kidding.

Yet somehow I used less electricity in the last 24 hours than I did in the 24 hours that preceded it.

When I got yesterday's reading, I calculated that I had used 44 kWh. But yesterday's reading was 4820 and today's is 4859. Thus, my consumption went down to 39 kWh.

I have a fair idea how I accomplished it. I set my thermostat in the mid–80s range, which made it quite warm in here, especially in the late afternoon — and I kept it there as long as I could.

Eventually, though, I had to adjust it downward. It was just too warm in my apartment.

But, by golly, I saved 5 kWh!

That isn't as low as I'd like, but, at this time of the year, it will have to do.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

The temperature was over 100° yesterday, and my electricity consumption certainly reflects it.

Today's reading is 4820. Yesterday's reading was 4776. Thus, my usage was 44 kWh. That's my highest use in a 24–hour period in more than a month.

In fact, if I could have kept my daiy usage below 40 kWh for a couple more days, I would have gone through the entire month of July without using 40 kWh in any 24–hour period.

I'm afraid it may be routine for awhile now, though. The weather forecast calls for daily highs in the 100s for the next seven days, and we aren't expected to dip below 80° at night until at least the middle of next week.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, 2012

Based on the latest forecast, we can expect temperatures to be in triple digits during the days and to remain at or above 80° at night — for the next week.

Judging from my electric consumption in the last 24 hours, I'm settling into a pattern. I used 35 kWh yesterday. Same as I used the day before — and about the same as my consumption has been every day for the last week.

Today's meter reading is 4776. Yesterday's reading was 4741.

Friday, July 27, 2012

July 27, 2012

I don't know how long it remained there, but I know yesterday's temperature reached tripe–digit territory yesterday.

Looks like more of the same for the next week. Well, with the exception of today. Today, the temperature is supposed to be 98°, but it's supposed to be 100° — or higher — through next week.

My experience this year has been that I tend to be in the upper 30s in my kWh usage/day when the temperature is in triple digits.

But I kept my consumption in the mid–30s yesterday. My meter reading this morning is 4741. Yesterday's reading was 4706 so my usage was 35 kWh.

The longer this heat wave goes on, though, the more likely it is that my daily electricity consumption will rise. I live on the second floor, and heat rises so ...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26, 2012

I cannot, in all honesty, say that I know precisely how hot it got here yesterday.

The temperature may well have reached 100°. Maybe it was a little higher ... or a little lower. I don't know.

I do know, however, that it was hot.

I also know that today's meter reading is 4706. Yesterday's reading was about 4671 — actually, it was between 4671 and 4672 so my usage was in the mid–30s.

That really isn't too bad for this time of year — no matter how hot it was.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25, 2012

It was in the upper 90s yesterday, but I don't think the temperature ever got into triple digits.

As a result, I suppose, I was able to keep my electricity consumption below 40 kWh.

Tuesday's meter reading was between 4635 and 4636. Today's reading is 4671. Obviously, my usage was in the mid–30s range.

I'm eager to return to the days when my consumption is below 30 kWh. We had an unexpected stretch of milder than usual July weather, and, as I was able to document on this blog, electricity consumption was well below 30 kWh/day — on one occasion well below that level.

But I don't expect us to return to those days on a regular basis for at least a couple of months.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, 2012

Yesterday was hot, but the temperature didn't quite make it to 100°.

Thus, my electricity usage dropped some more — but this appears to be short–lived. Forecasters are saying the triple–digit temperatures will be back before the weekend.

Yesterday's meter reading was 4602. Today it appears to be between 4635 and 4636, which means my usage was about 33½ kWh.

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, 2012

Yesterday's temperature reached triple digits, but I have no idea if it exceeded 100°.

I do know, however, that my electricity consumption went down by about 6 kWh so I am inclined to think the temperature did not go beyond 100°.

And the forecast for the next three days is daytime highs of 97° so I am hoping that my consumption will drop even more.

My consumption from Saturday to Sunday exceeded 40 kWh because the temperature Saturday got up to at least 105°.

Yesterday's reading was 4565. Today's is between 4601 and 4602, probably leaning a little more in the direction of the latter. Either way, my consumption was below 40 kWh, which is pretty darn good in north Texas.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22, 2012

For one of the few times since I have been monitoring my electric meter, I used more than 40 kWh yesterday.

That really isn't surprising. The temperature reached at least 105° yesterday (heat index 108°), and, even though my thermostat was set in the low 80s, it seemed like my air conditioning was running every minute.

It might be nearly that bad today. The forecast calls for 100°.

But, for the remainder of the week, forecasters are talking about temperatures in the upper 90s. Nothing like the low 90s we were getting early last week, but an improvement over triple digits — and one that is likely to keep my consumption in the 30–35 kWh range.

Anyway, today's reading is 4565. Yesterday's reading was 4522. Thus, my usage was 43 kwh.

That isn't the highest number I've reached in the last 16 weeks — but it's close.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21, 2012

I am truly bewildered.

Yesterday was a hot day, possibly the hottest one yet this year, certainly the hottest this month. And, yet, my electricity consumption was lower than it was in the previous 24–hour period.

This morning's reading is 4522. Yesterday's reading was 4490. Therefore, my use was 32 kWh.

But here's the baffling part. The reading on Thursday was 4453. So my usage from Thursday to Friday was 37 kWh.

I did make several upward adjustments to my thermostat yesterday, but the primary factor may have been the cloudburst we had late yesterday afternoon. It didn't last long, but my guess is that the temperature may have dropped about 20 degrees after it went through.

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012

I've been expecting this.

In fact, I expected it to be like this a lot more by now, especially when we had that stretch at the end of June when daily highs were 100° or higher.

But then we had what must be regarded as a cool front for Texas in which daytime highs were in the low 90s and nighttime lows dipped into the lower 70s.

No more.

Local forecasters anticipate daily highs of 100° or better through the weekend — and tonight's low is supposed to be 80°.

It was pretty hot yesterday, too, so I wasn't surprised to see my electricity consumption go up, even though I set my thermostat considerably higher than it has been. (And that is for a one–bedroom apartment. I can only imagine what the total was for larger units — or tenants who weren't as willing to sweat as I was.)

Today's reading is 4490. Yesterday's was 4453. My use was 37 kWh — and, no matter what I do, I expect it will be higher in at least the next three days, if not more.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19, 2012

The temperature was in the upper 90s yesterday, but, somehow, I managed to keep my consumption around 30 kWh.

I did exceed that figure — but just barely.

Today's reading is 4453. Yesterday's reading was 4422. So my use in the last 24 hours was 31 kWh.

I'm bracing myself, though. The local forecast calls for temperatures in triple digits for the next several days, and I expect that will bring my daily electricity consumption up.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18, 2012

I had hoped to keep my electricity consumption below 30 kWh in the last 24–hour period.

But the heat wave that the forecasters have been predicting seems to be coming into the area.

I'm not sure precisely how hot it was yesterday. It didn't make it to 100°, but it warmed up enough that my air conditioning had to run more frequently — and, ultimately, I wound up using more than 30 kWh.

This morning's reading is 4422. Yesterday's reading was 4390. That means my use was 32 kWh.

I expect my use to be higher in the next several days — unless the forecast changes radically. Temperatures are supposed to be in the 100s this weekend.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012

It was a little bit warmer for a little bit longer yesterday than it was the day before — so my electricity consumption was a little higher, too.

But, for mid–July in Texas, it wasn't bad at all.

This morning's reading was 4390. Yesterday's reading was 4366. Thus, my consumption was 24 kWh, about 5 kWh higher than the day before.

The respite appears to be over. The forecast calls for steadily higher temperatures in the next seven days — but I will do all I can to keep my daily consumption below 30 kWh.

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012

In recent weeks, I have been pleasantly pleased with the lower–than–expected temperatures here in north Texas this summer.

They've provided me with several days of sub–30 kWh electricity consumption.

But I wasn't prepared for what I found when I checked my meter this morning.

Temperatures did get into the 90s yesterday afternoon — but they plummeted into the upper 70s when a thunderstorm rolled through, and they stayed in that range. It was 72° when I got up this morning, and it is currently 77°.

Anyway, to make a long story short, my meter reading this morning was 4366. Yesterday's reading was 4347. I used only 19 kWh in the last 24 hours. That's unbelievable for July, and it's my first sub–20 kWh day in more than a month.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, 2012

Yesterday's temperature got up to around 95° before an unexpected cloudburst brought it down to the low 80s well before sundown.

When I got up this morning, the temperature was 73° and the revised forecast calls for a high today of only 90°.

If that forecast holds up, my kWh total for the next 24 hours may be between 20 and 25.

The usage in the last 24 hours was only 27 kWh — which is really astonishing for Texas in July.

Yesterday's reading was 4320. This morning's reading is 4347.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14, 2012

I have really been astonished at the weather this summer.

Oh, it has been hot around here. It always is. But hasn't been brutally hot around here.

To be sure, it has been brutally hot in other parts of the country — but only because those parts of the country are rarely exposed to the kind of heat they have experienced this summer.

We've had a few days when the temperature got into triple digits, but here we are, about midway through July, and the forecast for the next week doesn't mention triple–digit temperatures even once.

In fact, the forecast says tomorrow's high will be 92° and Monday's high will be 94°. Today's high is expected to be 93°.

I managed to keep my electricity consumption below 30 kWh again.

Yesterday's meter reading was 4293. Today's reading is 4320. Thus, use was about 27 kWh.

I'm hoping for similar readings in the next two days.

Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13, 2012

I honestly don't know how I did it, but I held my electricity consumption just under 30 kWh in the last 24–hour period.

I know the temperature was about 93° or 94° yesterday, which is roughly what it has been every day this week. That's still pretty warm — but nothing like the weeks–long stretch of 100°–plus days we had last summer.

Anyway, this morning's reading was 4293. Yesterday's reading was 4264.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, 2012

I'm not really sure why, but my electricity consumption was up slightly yesterday.

As far as I can tell, the high temperature yesterday was about the same as the day before. But my electricity consumption from Tuesday through Wednesday was about 29 kWh, while my consumption from Wednesday through this morning was about 33.

I don't think I did anything that was different, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Anyway, yesterday's reading was 4231 kWh. This morning's reading was 4264.

Go figure.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 2012

I honestly don't know what yesterday's high temperature was.

The day started off relatively cool — around 75° at sunup would be my guess — but it rose into the 90s by the afternoon.

We did get some rain in the early evening, which appeared to cool things off a bit, but I figured that probably had a negligible effect on my electricity consumption.

Nevertheless, I kept my 24–hour consumption below 30 kWh — barely.

Yesterday's meter reading was 4202. This morning's reading is 4231, so my consumption was 29 kWh.

Today's forecast calls for a high of 92° with a 40% chance of rain.

Looks like the best chance we'll have for rain — at least for the next seven days.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012

I think yesterday's high temperature was higher than the forecast anticipated — but that isn't unusual around here, especially in the summer.

Extended forecasts are almost always revised as the forecast date draws closer. In the summer, that typically means that temperatures will be higher than predicted.

And, usually, any forecast of rain shrivels.

But this week may be an exception.

There was a 40% chance of rain in this area yesterday — and we did, actually, get some drizzle yesterday morning. There is a 50% chance of rain today.

Anyway, that drizzle might have held the heat in check yesterday. This morning's reading is 4202. Yesterday's reading was 4175.

Consequently, I kept my electricity consumption below 30 kWh.

The forecast for the next several days calls for temperatures in the mid–90s and the possibility of rain today and tomorrow.

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 2012

Yesterday was a lot like the day before — only without the rain.

A friend of mine who lives north of here says he got a respectable amount of rain last night, but it doesn't seem to have come through this area.

Yesterday's high was in the mid–90s so, based on previous experience, my estimate was that I would use 30 kWh, maybe more.

But, somehow, I managed to keep it below 30.

Sunday's meter reading was between 4146 and 4147. Today's reading is 4175. That means my usage in the last 24 hours was roughly 28½.

It is cloudy this morning, which accounts for the quality of this morning's photo. In fact, we have already had some drizzle today, and the latest forecast I have seen calls for a 50% chance of rain with a high of about 93°.

In fact, if the seven–day outlook turns out to be correct, daytime highs will be around 91°, maybe 92° — now, depending on where you are, that might not sound so good, but here in Texas, that's a summer cool front — and we will continue to have a 50% chance of rain tomorrow.

Even if the forecast of rain doesn't pan out, I'll be glad if we keep this cloud cover. It helps keep the temperature down (although we could really use the rain).

Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 2012

Until late yesterday afternoon, it appeared that it would be a typically hot, sunny July day in Dallas.

The temperature did rise into the mid–90s or so, but there was consistent cloud cover, and, by about 4 o'clock, the rain began to come down — hard. That lasted for about half an hour, then there was a consistent drizzle.

When all was said and done, the temperature was in the upper 70s. It stayed in the 70s the rest of the day and into the night.

And my electricity consumption backs it up. Today's meter reading is between 4146 and 4147. Yesterday's reading was between 4120 and 4121 — so, clearly, my consumption was below 30 kWh.

The forecast for the next several days is encouraging — daytime highs in the low 90s, nighttime lows around 75° or 74° and roughly a 40% chance of rain for the next three days.

Yesterday's forecast only called for a 20% chance of rain.

It's been a rough summer so far for folks to the north of us, but it is turning out to be a better July than we could have hoped for here in north Texas.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, 2012

I expected yesterday to be a lot like the day that preceded it — and it was.

But it appears that I managed to keep my electricity consumption a little below yesterday's level.

Yesterday's meter reading was 4086. The day before that, the reading was 4050. Consequently, my consumption was 36 kWh.

Today's reading is between 4120 and 4121. Thus, my use in the last 24–hour period was between 34 and 35 kWh.

Temperatures today are expected to be close to 100°, then Sunday is supposed to be in the mid–90s with a 40% chance of rain.

It is supposed to be a few degrees cooler on Monday and Tuesday — so it is possible my consumption will be below 30 kWh on those days.

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 6, 2012

Yesterday was a lot like the day before — weatherwise.

And my consumption was almost the same, too. Today's reading is 4086. Yesterday's reading was 4050. My use in the last 24 hours was 36.

My use in the previous 24 hours was 35.

Temperatures were in the upper 90s yesterday. As a matter of fact, I checked the temperature just before I went to bed last night around 10 p.m. The temperature was 91°.

More of the same is expected today and tomorrow, but then we're supposed to have a chance of rain that will be increasing daily — and pushing temperatures into the low 90s (I've even seen forecasts that call for a high of 88° on Tuesday) — and recent experience tells me I can keep my electricity use below 30 kWh on days like that.

But, heck, it's only Friday. Forecasts can change a lot in Texas in three or four days.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 5, 2012

The temperature was in the upper 90s yesterday; as a result, I really expected a meter reading that was higher than the one I got.

So that was a pleasant surprise.

The unpleasant part — the part I had been expecting — was the fact that my use exceeded 30 kWh in the 24–hour period — snapping my three–day streak of sub–30 kWh days.

My reading this morning was 4050. Yesterday's reading was 4015. Hence, my usage was 35 kWh.

The forecast calls for upper 90s today, Friday and Saturday, then the forecast calls for lower 90s Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. My experience in the last three months tells me that, if the forecast holds up, I have a pretty good chance of keeping my daily consumption below 30 kWh on those four days.

But I have also learned that, in Texas, extended forecasts are almost always wrong.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4, 2012

The temperature was in the mid–90s yesterday, but I still managed to keep my use below 30 kWh.

I don't think I will be as fortunate today. Forecasts are calling for highs in the upper 90s.

This morning's reading was 4015. Yesterday's reading was 3986. Therefore, for the third straight day, my consumption was below 30 kWh.

But the weather forecasts are bleak. They anticipate daily highs in the upper 90s until Sunday, when it will dip to around 95° or 86°.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 3, 2012

It is overcast this morning, as it was yesterday morning, and it feels cooler than it has — all of which is deceptive.

According to the weather forecasts, the temperature will reach 95° before the sun goes down today — and it will be in the upper 90s (at least) through the rest of the week.

But I took advantage of similar conditions yesterday, and I had my second straight sub–30 kWh usage day. Today's meter reading is 3986. Yesterday's reading was 3961.

That's even better than yesterday.

As I say, though, it appears to be coming to an end.

Still, we're better off than we were at this time last year. Temps were in the 100s by this time last summer, but we've only crossed the triple–digit threshold a few times so far.

That, however, is likely to change ... soon.

Monday, July 2, 2012

July 2, 2012

Yesterday brought a welcome — albeit temporary — break from what folks in these parts expect in July.

True, the temperature did rise into the 90s yesterday, but, around mid–afternoon, there was a cloudburst, and temperatures fell into the 80s after it passed through.

It remained milder than usual the rest of the day and into the night. In fact, here it is around 9:30 a.m. the next day and it still isn't terribly hot. It is humid, but the heat definitely is not what we usually expect around Independence Day.

That, unfortunately, does appear to be in the cards for us. We'll be back in the upper 90s by tomorrow or Wednesday, the forecasters say.

Well, for the time being, I'm getting the most out of this break.

Today's reading was 3961. Yesterday's was between 3933 and 3934, which means my use was about 27½.

That's my first sub–30 kWh day in almost two weeks.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1, 2012

Yesterday was a lot like the day before — and so was my electricity consumption.

I used 32 kWh between Friday and Saturday mornings. Yesterday's reading was 3900. Today's reading is between 3933 and 3934 so my consumption was roughly 33½.

Perhaps I will do better at lowering my consumption today and/or tomorrow. The current forecast calls for highs of 94° both days with a 20% chance of rain today, tonight and tomorrow.