Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 2012

Until late yesterday afternoon, it appeared that it would be a typically hot, sunny July day in Dallas.

The temperature did rise into the mid–90s or so, but there was consistent cloud cover, and, by about 4 o'clock, the rain began to come down — hard. That lasted for about half an hour, then there was a consistent drizzle.

When all was said and done, the temperature was in the upper 70s. It stayed in the 70s the rest of the day and into the night.

And my electricity consumption backs it up. Today's meter reading is between 4146 and 4147. Yesterday's reading was between 4120 and 4121 — so, clearly, my consumption was below 30 kWh.

The forecast for the next several days is encouraging — daytime highs in the low 90s, nighttime lows around 75° or 74° and roughly a 40% chance of rain for the next three days.

Yesterday's forecast only called for a 20% chance of rain.

It's been a rough summer so far for folks to the north of us, but it is turning out to be a better July than we could have hoped for here in north Texas.

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