Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018

Once again, the temperature was in the mid– to upper 80s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 60°. It was 62° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43920. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43902 and 43903. Consumption was 17½ kWh.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

April 29, 2018

The temperature climbed into the mid– to upper 80s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 60°. It was 64° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43902 and 43903. Yesterday's meter reading was 43887. Consumption was 15½ kWh.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

April 28, 2018

The temperature was in the upper 70s yesterday and may well have reached the 80s at some point.

Last night's low was expected to be 55°. It was 53° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43887. Yesterday's meter reading was 43880. Consumption was 7 kWh.

Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27, 2018

The temperature was mostly in the 70s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 54°. It was 60° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43880. Wednesday's meter reading was between 43868 and 43869. Consumption for the last two days was 11½ kWh, which was a daily average of 5¾ kWh.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

April 26, 2018

The temperature was mostly in the 50s yesterday after starting in the 60s in the morning. It was also a bit rainy.

Last night's low was expected to be 48°, and that was the temperature when I woke up.

My camera is acting up this morning so I will have to try to photograph the meter tomorrow. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43868 and 43869.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

April 25, 2018

As expected, the temperature was in the 80s yesterday. They say it will be cooler today.

Last night's low was only expected to be 60°. It was 67° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43868 and 43869. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43852 and 43853. Consumption was 16 kWh.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 24, 2018

The temperature was in the 70s yesterday, and it was sunny all day. They say it will be in the 80s today.

Last night's low was expected to be 56°. It was 57° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43852 and 43853. Yesterday's meter reading was 43846. Consumption was 6½ kWh.

Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018

The temperature stayed in the 60s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 52°. It was 53° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43846. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43838 and 43839. Consumption was 7½ kWh.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

April 22, 2018

It was in the 60s mostly yesterday with rain much of the day.

The rain tapered off overnight. Last night's low was expected to be 53°. It was 54° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43838 and 43839. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43831 and 43832. Consumption was 7 kWh.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

April 21, 2018

The temperature probably stayed mostly in the 60s yesterday although it may have touched 70° at some point.

Last night's low was expected to be 53°. It was 56° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43831 and 43832. Yesterday's meter reading was 43826. Consumption was 5½ kWh.

Friday, April 20, 2018

April 20, 2018

It was much cooler yesterday with temperatures in the 70s.

Last night's low was expected to be in the low 50s, and it was 52° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43826. Yesterday's meter reading was 43820. Consumption was 6 kWh.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 19, 2018

The temperature probably got into the low 80s yesterday — a few degrees cooler than it has been but not exactly cool.

It was supposed to drop to 51° last night. It was 53° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43820. Yesterday's meter reading was 43812. Consumption was 8 kWh.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

April 18, 2018

The temperature was in the mid–80s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 62°. It was 66° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43812. Yesterday's meter reading was 43796. Consumption was 16 kWh.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17, 2018

The temperature probably got into the low 80s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 59°. It was 60° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43796. Yesterday's meter reading was 43786. Consumption was 10 kWh.

Monday, April 16, 2018

April 16, 2018

Yesterday was a lot like the day before. The temperature was mostly in the 50s although it probably warmed into the 60s by late afternoon.

Last night's low was expected to be 43° — chilly, like the night before, but not quite as chilly — and it was 43° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43786. Yesterday's meter reading was 43780. Consumption was 6 kWh.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 15, 2018

The temperature was mostly in the upper 50s yesterday. It may have reached the low 60s at some point.

Last night's low was expected to be 38°. It was 40° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43780. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43773 and 43774. Consumption was 6½ kWh.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

April 14, 2018

The temperature got into the 80s again yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be considerably cooler at 50°. It was 48° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43773 and 43774. Yesterday's meter reading was 43759. Consumption was 14½ kWh.

Friday, April 13, 2018

April 13, 2018

The temperature got into the 80s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 68°. It was 73° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43759. Yesterday's meter reading was 43751. Consumption was 8 kWh.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 12, 2018

Yesterday's temperature was in the low 80s.

Last night's low was expected to be 60°. It was 63° when I woke up

This morning's meter reading is 43751. Yesterday's meter reading was 43739. Consumption was 12 kWh.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 11, 2018

Yesterday's temperature reached 70°. It may have been a degree or two warmer than that.

Last night's low was expected to be 49°. It was 55° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43739. Yesterday's meter reading was 43731. Consumption was 8 kWh.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April 10, 2018

The temperature was in the 60s, possibly low 70s yesterday afternoon.

Last night's low was expected to be 46°. It was 49° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43731. Yesterday's meter reading was 43724. Consumption was 7 kWh.

Monday, April 9, 2018

April 9, 2018

Forecasters expected the temperature to get into the 60s yesterday, but it wasn't quite that warm. The temperature was in the mid– to upper 50s.

Last night's low was expected to be 46°. It was 45° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43724. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43709 and 43710. Consumption was 14½ kWh.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 8, 2018

Yesterday may have been winter's last gasp. The temperature was in the low to mid–40s.

Last night's low was expected to be 39°. It was 40° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43709 and 43710. Yesterday's meter reading was 43678. Consumption was 31½ kWh.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

April 7, 2018

The temperature soared into the mid–80s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 38°. It was 43° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43678. Yesterday's meter reading was 43671. Consumption was 7 kWh.

Friday, April 6, 2018

April 6, 2018

The temperature reached the 70s yesterday.

Last night's low was expected to be 64°. It was 68° when I woke up. Much cooler weather is expected tonight.

This morning's meter reading is 43671. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43662 and 43663. Consumption was 8½ kWh.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

April 5, 2018

The temperature was in the low 60s yesterday afternoon.

Last night's low was expected to be 45°. It was 53° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43662 and 43663. Yesterday's meter reading was between 43656 and 43657. Consumption was 6 kWh.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

April 4, 2018

The temperature was in the upper 70s yesterday. It may have reached 80° before some rain came through the area and cooled things down in the afternoon.

Last night's low was expected to be 40°. It was 45° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is between 43656 and 43657. Yesterday's meter reading was 43647. Consumption was 9½ kWh.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April 3, 2018

Conditions were much cooler yesterday. The temperature was in the low to mid–50s yesterday afternoon. Temperatures are expected to be in the 70s today.

Not much change was expected last night. The overnight low was predicted to be 51°, but it was actually 71° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43647. Yesterday's meter reading was 43635. Consumption was 12 kWh.

Monday, April 2, 2018

April 2, 2018

I believe the temperature stayed in the 70s yesterday. It was overcast all day, but we got no rain.

Last night's low was expected to be 41°. It was 43° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43635. Yesterday's meter reading was 43627. Consumption was 8 kWh.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

April 1, 2018

I think the temperature stayed in the 70s yesterday, but it may have reached 80° at some point.

Last night's low was expected to be 61°. It was 65° when I woke up.

This morning's meter reading is 43627. Yesterday's meter reading was 43618. Consumption was 9 kWh.