Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 31, 2013

There really is no obvious rhyme or reason to my utility consumption when neither the heat nor the air conditioning is in use.

Yesterday was a mild day, overcast, a bit breezy, temperature probably in the upper 70s. Last night's low probably was around 60° or so.

Nevertheless, my electricity consumption went up.

(It's been overcast this morning. It was raining just a few minutes ago. Consequently, I have had to adjust my position for photography because the automatic flash tends to wash out readings.)

This morning's reading is 8553. Yesterday's reading was around 8544. That's roughly 9 kWh.

But Friday's reading was 8537 — 7 kWh consumed from Friday to Saturday. And Thursday's reading was 85325 kWh consumed between Thursday and Friday.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 30, 2013

Yesterday was warmer than it has been, and last night's low probably wasn't below 60°.

But I was home most of the day, which meant my computer was on and my TV was on, and they were consuming electricity — even if my heat was not.

Anyway, my consumption went up. It remained in single digits, but it still went up.

This morning's meter reading is slightly past 8544. Yesterday's reading was 8537 so my consumption was a little more than 7 kWh.

The reading on Thursday was 8532 so consumption in the previous 24 hours was 5 kWh.

Friday, March 29, 2013

March 29, 2013

Today is Good Friday. I've been told the temperature will be in the mid– to upper 70s today, and the low tonight will be around 60°.

I have no idea what the weather was like yesterday. School is closed for Good Friday today so we had to wrap up next week's paper a day early. I went to campus early; I had two classes to teach. Then I went to the newsroom around 2 in the afternoon, and I was there until nearly 11 last night. All in all, I was up there more than 12 hours yesterday, all of it spent inside.

Since I wasn't home much, I really had no idea what to expect from my meter.

What I found was that there was a slight decline in my consumption.

This morning's reading is 8357. Yesterday's reading was between 8351 and 8352. My 5½ kWh consumption in the last 24 hours is 1 kWh lower than my consumption in the previous 24 hours.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28, 2013

The temperatures were a little higher yesterday than they were the day before.

Inexplicably, my electricity consumption went up.

As it has been for the last several weeks, the increase was only a kWh or two, but even so, for someone who looks for any pattern at all that can affect my electricity consumption, it is frustrating.

This morning's meter reading is between 8531 and 8532. Yesterday's reading was 8525 so my consumption was roughly 6½ kWh.

That's an increase of about 30% over the previous 24–hour period. My meter reading on Tuesday was 8520.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27, 2013

I heard that yesterday's high was about 60°.

Once again, I was on campus much of the day. When I left, I know that this much was true — the sun was shining; it was cool (neither cold nor hot); and there was a light breeze blowing.

Last night, it got cold but not freezing cold. It may have dropped to the low 40s. I don't know. I do know that the temperature was 45° when I got up this morning.

Those may be optimum conditions for keeping my electricity consumption down. This morning's meter reading is 8525. Yesterday's reading was 8520. Consumption in the last 24 hours was 5 kWh.

That's actually a drop of more than 28% — and, in the last two days, my consumption has dropped by more than 50% since the weekend.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26, 2013

The last 24 hours have been much colder.

But I've been inside at school much of the time. Spring break is over, and we're starting the final push of the semester.

Since I wasn't at home most of the day yesterday, there wasn't much running to consume electricity. The heat might have come on during the day, but, apparently, not for long.

This morning's meter reading is 8520. Yesterday's reading was 8513. That means my usage was 7 kWh.

That's a substantial drop from the previous 24–hour period. My meter reading on Sunday was 8502. That's a decline of more than 36%.

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25, 2013

It was cold and windy here yesterday, but I guess it could have been worse.

My friends in Missouri were hit with roughly a foot of snow yesterday. Here, it was in the low 50s — albeit with a wind chill in the high 30s — and sunny.

Last night, though, the temperatures plunged to near freezing, and my heat kicked on once or twice (that I know of).

As a result, my electricity consumption went into double digits — slightly.

Yesterday's meter reading was 8502. Today's reading is 8513 so my consumption was 11 kWh.

Since this is Texas, I really think this will be winter's last gasp. But I'm not ready for another Texas summer.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24, 2013

It's been getting gradually colder in the last couple of days.

The temperature remained in the 50s yesterday, but the low last night dropped to around 40°.

And my best guess is that the heat must have come on at some time during the night because my electricity consumption went up a little.

This morning's meter reading is 8502. Yesterday's reading was 8494 so my consumption was 8 kWh.

Friday's reading was 8487 so my consumption in the previous 24–hour period was 7 kWh.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 23, 2013

The temperatures were much colder yesterday and last night than they have been.

Yesterday's high was probably around 50° or 51°. I'm not sure what last night's low was. It was overcast all day yesterday so my guess is the temperature may have dropped a few degrees last night.

My electricity consumption went up — but not by a lot.

This morning's meter reading is 8494. Yesterday's reading was 8487 so my use was 7 kWh. That's my highest daily consumption in a week.

Friday, March 22, 2013

March 22, 2013

Except for the unusually strong winds around here, yesterday was an awful lot like the day before.

And so was my electricity consumption.

This morning's meter reading is 8487. Yesterday's reading was 8481. Thus, my consumption was 6 kWh.

That's actually a slight decline. My consumption in the previous 24–hour period was 6½ kWh.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 21, 2013

I'm not exactly sure what the high and low temperatures were in the last 24 hours — but I'm reasonably sure that, if there was a variation of some kind, it was by a degree or two, at the most.

I assume I am correct about that.

This morning's meter reading is 8481. Yesterday's reading was between 8474 and 8475 so my consumption in the last 24 hours was about 6½ kWh.

That is roughly a ½ kWh increase. The day before yesterday (Tuesday) my meter reading was between 8468 and 8469.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

Yesterday was the kind of early spring day that reminds me of my college days — not hot, not exactly warm but not exactly cold, either, a light breeze and semi–cloudy.

The high temperature was probably around 70°, and last night's low was probably about 50°. Apparently, it kept my electricity consumption below the previous day's level.

This morning's meter reading is between 8474 and 8475. Yesterday's meter reading was between 8468 and 8469 so my consumption was about 6 kWh.

Monday's meter reading was 8460 so my use in the previous 24–hour period was about 8½ kWh. That's a drop of nearly 30% — and I am as unable to explain it as I was to explain the increase that preceded it. There was no apparent reason for either.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19, 2013

The weather forecasts said last night's low would be around 45°.

It did get cold last night, but if it got that cold, it must have been in the early morning hours. When I woke up this morning — and that was before sunrise — the temperature was already in the 50s.

It was warmer than expected yesterday, too. Forecasts said it would be in the 60s, but I'm sure it got into the low 70s.

I'm 99.999999% sure that my heat never came on in the last 24 hours. Inexplicably, though, my electricity consumption actually went up — a little.

This morning's meter reading is between 8468 and 8469. Yesterday's reading was 8460 so my consumption was roughly 8½ kWh. The reading on Sunday, however, was 8452 so my consumption went up ½ kWh.

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013

Yesterday was a lot like Saturday — and my electricity consumption was much the same.

Today's meter reading is 8460. Yesterday's reading was 8452 so consumption was 8 kWh.

That is actually a drop of roughly ½ kWh from the previous 24–hour period. The meter reading on Saturday was between 8443 and 8444.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17, 2013

Temperatures rose into the 80s again yesterday, and last night's temperatures were in the low 60s — possibly in the upper 50s.

The forecast for this week calls for milder temperatures, both during the day and at night. But they would have to drop considerably before my daily electricity consumption would be likely to be in double digits again.

My electricity consumption did go up. This morning's meter reading is 8452. Yesterday's reading was between 8443 and 8444 so my consumption in the last 24 hours was about 8½ kWh.

But the reading on Friday was 8436 so my consumption actually went up by 1 kWh. That isn't much, but, at this level, it represents a shift of about 13%.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

March 16, 2013

As expected, yesterday's temperature was in the 80s — just as today's is expected to be.

And last night's low was around 60° — maybe in the upper 50s.

Electricity consumption wasn't extreme — and that is reflected in this morning's meter reading.

Nevertheless, my consumption did go up.

This morning's reading is between 8443 and 8444. Yesterday's reading was 8436 so my consumption was about 7½ kWh.

However, the reading on Thursday was 8430 so my consumption in the previous 24–hour period was 6 kWh.

Consumption went up 25%, and I can't figure out why.

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15, 2013

Apparently, that 9–kWh day I had last week was a seasonal aberration.

Yesterday's high was in the 70s — the forecast calls for 80s today and tomorrow — and the low last night must have been in the upper 50s.

And my meter barely budged.

Today's reading is 8436. Yesterday's reading was 8430 — 6 kWh in the last 24 hours, about the same as it has been in recent days.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 14, 2013

Mild weather is here, and it is keeping my electricity consumption in single digits.

This morning's meter reading is 8430. Yesterday it was between 8423 and 8424, which means my consumption was about 6½ kWh.

That's pretty low. Certainly, it is nothing to complain about. But it is a slight drop from my consumption in the previous 24 hours. My meter reading on Tuesday was 8418.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

March 13, 2013

The daytime temperature yesterday was in the 60s. The same is expected today, then forecasts call for 70s and 80s into next week.

The low last night was in the 40s, and the same is expected tonight, but lows from that point on should be in the 50s.

Sounds like great weather for the beginning of spring break ... especially if it keeps my electricity consumption constant.

My consumption in the last 24 hours went down. This morning's meter reading is between 8423 and 8424. Yesterday's reading was 8418 so my consumption was roughly 5½ kWh. That's a drop of more than 20% from the previous day. My meter reading on Monday was 8411 so my consumption in the Monday–Tuesday period was 7 kWh.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12, 2013

It was a little warmer yesterday than it has been.

Sunday was in the 50s, I think, but the temperature climbed into the 60s before the end of the day.

And it wasn't quite as cold last night as it was. Last night, the temperatures dropped into the 30s, but I think it stayed in the 40s last night.

I didn't expect much movement in my electricity consumption. And there wasn't much. But there was a little.

This morning's meter reading was 8418. Yesterday's reading was 8411 so my consumption was 7 kWh. But Sunday's reading was 8405 so my consumption between Sunday and Monday was 6 kWh.

I'm not sure how that happened.

Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013

The last 24 hours were much cooler than the previous 24, but my heat never kicked on during the day and I doubt it came on during the night ...

Because this morning's meter reading was 8411, and yesterday's reading was 8405. That is 6 kWh, and it is a return to the level of consumption I enjoyed until Saturday morning through Sunday morning when my usage was 9 kWh.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013

Yesterday was mild and mostly overcast. Last night, the temperature dropped into the 50s.

All things considered, there were no really obvious reasons for my electricity consumption to go up — but it did. By about half.

This morning's meter reading is 8405. Yesterday's reading was 8396 — so my consumption remained in single digits at 9 kWh.

But Friday's reading was 8390 so my use from Friday to Saturday was only 6 kWh. And the reading on Thursday was 8385 — so consumption has been going up.

And I can't figure out why. It is frustrating.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 9, 2013

There has been a remarkable consistency to my electricity consumption in recent days.

It has settled into a clear pattern of 5 kWh or 6 kWh in every 24–hour period for, oh, a month or so now. There have been occasional — very occasional — exceptions, but I'm anticipating lower electric bills for the next couple of months, at least.

I know my next bill, which will cover late January and most, if not all, of February, will be much lower than the one that preceded it. And now, roughly midway through the current billing period, my consumption seems to be about what it was last month.

I'm hoping this will continue through April and, if we're lucky, well into May.

Anyway ...

This morning's meter reading is 8396. Yesterday's reading was 8390 so my consumption was 6 kWh, my highest consumption since Wednesday, which was also 6 kWh. Consumption on Thursday and Friday was 5 kWh on both days.

Friday, March 8, 2013

March 8, 2013

The temperature got into the 70s yesterday, I think, and it dropped into the 50s last night.

Consumption was virtually unchanged.

This morning's meter reading is 8390. Yesterday's reading was 8385, and my usage was 5 kWh.

That's actually a drop from yesterday. The meter reading on Wednesday was 8379 so my usage yesterday was 6 kWh.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013

Yesterday was a mild — not really warm — day. The temperature got into the low 60s.

Last night was cool — not quite cold — with temperatures in the 40s.

And my electricity consumption remained in single digits.

This morning's meter reading is 8385. Yesterday's reading was 8379 — about 6 kWh, slightly more than the day before.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

It was much cooler around here yesterday — about 30° cooler — than it was on Monday.

And the temperature was expected to be around freezing in the wee small hours of the morning. (I was asleep at that time, and I couldn't tell you what the temperature actually was.)

So I didn't know what to expect when I checked my meter this morning.

Turned out my electricity consumption dropped nearly 50%. I don't know why. But this morning's meter reading is 8379, and yesterday's was 8374 so my consumption was around 5 kWh. The meter reading on Monday was 8366.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013

I had heard that the record high for March 4 in Dallas was something like 86°. That record had stood for more than 55 years.

I was indoors most of the day, but I monitored the conditions via the NOAA website. And, around the middle of the afternoon, the record fell — if NOAA was correct, and my experience has been that it usually is. Around 3 p.m. yesterday, NOAA was reporting a temperature of 88°.

Clearly, my heat never came on yesterday. In fact, my apartment was so warm when I got home that I had to switch on my box fan to help cool the place down a little.

The temperature last night was cooler than the night before but not nearly as cold as it has been. It was probably in the 40s.

Anyway, this morning's meter reading is 8374. Yesterday's reading was 8366. Thus, my consumption remained in single digits.

Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013

Yesterday's temperature was in the 70s, and last night's low was in the mid–50s.

I didn't expect much in the way of electricity consumption, and I was right.

This morning's meter reading was 8366. Yesterday's reading was 8358. My consumption dropped below double digits to 8 kWh.

Today's high temperature is expected to rise into the 80s — possibly threatening the all–time record of 86°, which I think was set more than 50 years ago.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March 3, 2013

For the first time in weeks, my electricity consumption was in double digits.'

I'm not really sure how that happened. I was away from the apartment most of the day yesterday, attending a workshop. Perhaps it was colder yesterday than I realized.

Anyway, this morning's meter reading was 8358. Yesterday's reading was 8347 so my consumption was 11 kWh.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2, 2013

The temperature dropped to near freezing again last night, and I really thought my electricity consumption would be in double digits.

But, again, I was surprised.

The meter reading this morning was 8347. Yesterday's reading was 8339 so my consumption did go up. Yesterday, my use was 5 kWh. Today, it was 8 kWh.

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1, 2013

The temperature dropped to near freezing last night, and I remember waking up a couple of times and hearing my heat running.

As a result, I expected my electricity consumption to rise into double digits.

But it didn't.

In fact, my consumption dropped.

The meter reading this morning was 8339. Yesterday's reading was 8334. Thus my use was 5 kWh.

Yesterday's consumption was 5½ kWh.