Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The New Billing Company

As I wrote earlier today, we have a new billing company in this apartment complex.

The only variable in my utility bills previously was my electricity consumption, which — and you already know this if you have been following this blog — is prone to be rather high in the warm–weather months. And we've been rather lucky for the last few months. There have been a few extreme days, but mostly the highs have been in the 70s and the lows have been in the 50s — on average. Based on my observations, my average daily consumption has been well under 10 kWh, probably around 6 or 7 kWh.

About the same, actually, as my consumption in most months in 2013 so far — which brings me back to my latest billing statement.

Here are the highlights I intend to discuss with the apartment manager when I go in to pay my rent tomorrow:

1) Last month's utility bill was $83.87. This month’s utility bill is $144.45. That's a 72% increase.

I checked my electricity consumption. By their own figures (which closely matched mine), my consumption went DOWN by 10 kWh (nearly 5%). But the amount I am being billed for electricity went up by 43% (from $20.33 to $29.24). Why?

As I say, in the past, electricity has been the only real variable in my utility billing. Everything else has been constant.

2) I live alone. I take a shower most days. Unless I am sick — which is unusual — I use the toilet about the same number of times as I always have on any given day.

I have been consciously attempting to lower my water consumption by switching it on and off when I do things like brush my teeth or shave. I was doing that long before I got my latest bill, which encourages that as a "water conservation tip" when people wash their hands.

On my last bill, I was charged $39.71 for water and sewer service.

The bills are set up differently, but the items on my new bill that refer to water and sewer expenses total $81.60.

That is an increase of 78%. Again, why?

3) There is a category on the earlier statement that does not appear on the new statement. It is for "solid waste," which I assume is covered in one of the water or sewer categories on the new statement. On the old statement, it was for $3.82.

There are a couple of things on the new statement that were NOT on the older statement: One is $15.00 for an "intrusion alarm." I believe the alarm was installed in my apartment in January 2012 — at the request of the management, not at my own request. If this fee is going to be a monthly thing, I want to opt out of it.

The other charge is $6.00 for "trash collection."

April 30, 2013

I have some serious questions about my utility bill, which just arrived yesterday.

I don't have time to go into all the details in this post — although I might tomorrow, when I have a little more time — but a new biller is handling the utility bills. There are a few things I need to straighten out with the management.

It was close to 90° here yesterday, and I expected my electricity consumption to be up — even though I resisted the temptation to switch on the air conditioning.

This morning's meter reading is 8773. Yesterday's reading was 8765, making consumption 8 kWh. The meter reading on Sunday was 8757. Consumption was unchanged.

Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29, 2013

Forecasters are predicting the continuation of a by–now familiar pattern around here.

The early part of this week is expected to be warm — predictions call for mid– to upper 80s today, tomorrow and Wednesday — followed by a cool front in the latter part of the week. That's OK, as far as I am concerned. Anything that delays the arrival of summer is fine with me.

Anyway, this morning's meter reading is 8765. Yesterday's reading was 8757 so consumption in the last 24 hours was 8 kWh.

That's not bad except for the fact that — at my consumption level — it represents about a 33% increase over the previous 24–hour period.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

April 28, 2013

Yesterday, I looked back at the entries in this blog at this time last year.

It's clear I have learned a few things about electricity conservation. Of course, the daily consumption is affected by temperatures — and this time last year, apparently, temperatures were in the 90s. This led to daily consumption levels in double digits.

I've been luckier this year. April 2013 appears to have been milder than April 2012 — so I anticipate a lower electric bill next month than was the case last May.

I've been keeping consumption in single digits. In fact, my consumption actually dropped in the most recent 24–hour period.

This morning's meter reading is 8757. Yesterday's reading was 8751 so consumption was 6 kWh.

Friday's reading was between 8743 and 8744 so consumption between Friday and Saturday was 7½ kWh.

Consequently, consumptioon dropped 20%.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

April 27, 2013

Yesterday was Friday and, as usual on a Friday during the semester, I was in the newsroom all afternoon and into the evening, helping the newspaper staff finish next week's paper.

Consequently, I can't say, from personal observation, what the weather was like until I left the newsroom around 7:30. At that time, the temperature was probably in the upper 70s, maybe the mid–70s. And the forecast called for a low last night in the mid–60s. I did sleep through most of the night so I don't know if that prediction was accurate or not. I assume it was.

Anyway ...

I am bewildered by my meter reading. This morning's reading is 8751. Yesterday's reading was between 8743 and 8744, making my usage roughly 7½ kWh. That isn't terrible — I know it will be worse before long — but it is an increase of more than 36% over the previous 24–hour period.

I know the last 24 hours were warmer, but I did not run my air conditioning. I did use my box fan at night, but could that alone account for the increase? The only other appliance in my apartment that runs constantly is my refrigerator.

It's a mystery.

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26, 2013

I know this morning's meter picture is hard to read.

It is quite overcast this morning, and the built–in flash in my digital camera tends to wash out things when it is as overcast as it is today.

In case you can't read the meter, this morning's reading is between 8743 and 8744. Yesterday's reading was 8738 so my consumption was 5½ kWh — same as the day before.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, 2013

The gradual warming trend has begun — yesterday's high was in the 60s and last night's low was in the 50s — and my electricity consumption did go up in the last 24 hours.

But not by much.

This morning's meter reading is 8738. Yesterday's reading was between 8732 and 8733 so consumption was about 5½ kWh.

Tuesday's meter reading was 8728 so my consumption went up 22%.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24, 2013

The cool front came through yesterday and temperatures plunged to about 40° last night.

My electricity consumption dropped as well — nearly 36%.

This morning's meter reading is between 8732 and 8733. Yesterday's reading was 8728 so my consumption was roughly 4½ kWh.

The reading on Monday was 8721 so consumption yesterday was 7 kWh.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23, 2013

According to the forecasters, the warm front we've been experiencing the last few days reached its peak yesterday and cooler weather will be with us for the next few days.

There was not much change in my electricity consumption in the last 24 hours. This morning's meter reading is 8728. Yesterday's reading was 8721 so my consumption was 7 kWh, an increase of 1 kWh (or nearly 17%) over the previous 24 hours.

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

Yesterday's high was around 70° and the low last night was probably in the upper 50s.

There was no rain, only some wind.

As is often the case these days, I had no idea what to expect when I checked the electric meter.

This morning's reading is 8721. Yesterday's reading was 8715 so usage was 6 kWh — almost exactly what my usage was the day before.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

April 21, 2013

The gradual warming trend the forecasters told us to expect has arrived.

Yesterday's temperatures were in the 70s, more of the same is expected today (it is about 8:30 a.m. as I write this, and the temperature is already around 52°), and tomorrow's high temperature is expected to be 80°.

I don't know if that is the reason — or if it is the fact that yesterday was Saturday, and I spent most of the day around the apartment, consuming more electricity than I usually do — but my consumption went up. Proportionately, it went up more than 40%, which, because of my current level of consumption, sounds worse than it is.

This morning's meter reading is 8715. Yesterday's reading was between 8708 and 8709, putting my consumption in the last 24 hours at 6½ kWh. But the meter reading on Friday was 8704 so consumption in the previous 24 hours was 4½ kWh.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 20, 2013

The temperatures in the last 24 hours remained about the same as they were the day before.

Forecasters are calling for a gradual warming trend through the weekend, with daytime highs peaking in the low 80s on Monday, then settling into the 70s through the rest of the week. Little rain is in the forecast — and then only in modest chances.

Anyway, my electricity consumption in the last 24 hours was just about as modest as it was in the previous 24.

Today's meter reading is between 8708 and 8709. Yesterday's meter reading was 8704 so consumption was roughly 4½ kWh. That's about a 12% increase. Thursday's meter reading was nearly 8700 so consumption between Thursday and Friday was 4 kWh.

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19, 2013

Yesterday was roughly 30° cooler than it was the day before.

I don't know the precise reason for this — if there is only one — but my electricity consumption went down by more than 70%!

Part of the reason, I guess, is that I was on campus much of the day, then I joined my father for dinner so I was away from home for about nine hours. That was nine hours in which virtually none of the electricity–using items in my apartment was in use.

Anyway, this morning's meter reading is 8704. The reading yesterday was around 8700 so my consumption was only 4 kWh. That's a drop from 14 kWh the day before.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013

Cooler temperatures finally returned to the area, as predicted, last night, bringing rain.

But the last three days have seen temperatures that have been at least in the upper 80s, if not lower 90s. And the humidity has raised the heat index by a couple of degrees, at least.

It was necessary, however briefly, to run the AC yesterday, which elevated my electricity consumption. I would not have been able to fall asleep last night, though, had I not run the AC — the heat index was still in the 80s well after 11 p.m.

This morning's meter reading is perhaps a shade under 8700. Yesterday's meter reading was between 8685 and 8686 so my consumption was around 14 kWh.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17, 2013

Yesterday was another warm day — upper 80s, if not lower 90s.

I don't know what last night's low was, but I do know that I woke up several times, hot and sweaty, so my guess is it was in the 70s. It was about 75° when I finally got up around 6 a.m.

It was still dark then so all I could do was wait until daylight — and hope my electricity consumption dropped back into single digits.

And it did — but just barely.

Yesterday's meter reading was 8676. Today's reading is between 8685 and 8686 so my consumption was 9½ kWh. That's a decline of nearly 14% over the previous 24–hour period.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 16, 2013

The forecasters said Monday would be warm, and, by golly, they were right.

I'm not sure what yesterday's official high temperature was, but I suspect that, if it didn't hit 90°, it reached 88° or 89°, and the hit index certainly must have pushed it past 90°.

It didn't cool off a lot at night, either, probably stayed in the 70s, but I know that, after the sun went down, a pleasant breeze was blowing through my window. Maybe it just felt pleasant when compared to the heat of the day. Anyway, it felt pretty nice.

And I was proud of myself. It got pretty warm in this apartment, but I made do with my box fan and only switched on the AC briefly around 10 p.m. to cool down the apartment a bit (opening the windows really wasn't doing the trick).

I really wanted to extend my streak of single–digit electricity consumption days. But it wasn't to be. My consumption went up more than 20%. This morning's meter reading is 8676. Yesterday's reading was 8665.

Monday, April 15, 2013

April 15, 2013

Yesterday's high was in the mid–80s (forecasts are saying it will be near 90° today) and last night's low was probably in the mid–60s.

Frankly, I didn't know what to expect when I checked my meter this morning.

Unfortunately, I found that my electricity consumption went up again.

OK, the increase wasn't huge — 1 kWh — but it is an increase of about 12½% over the previous 24–hour period.

This morning's meter reading is 8665. Yesterday's reading was 8656 so consumption was 9 kWh.

On Saturday, my reading was 8648.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 14, 2013

Another slight uptick in my electricity consumption. Another increase for which I cannot account.

As far as I could tell, yesterday was a seasonably mild day with highs in the 70s and lows last night in the 50s.

Inexplicably, though, my electricity consumption went up.

This morning's meter reading is 8656. Yesterday's reading was 8648 so consumption in the last 24 hours was 8 kWh.

My reading on Friday was 8641 so consumption in the previous 24 hours was 7 kWh. Therefore, my consumption went up a little more than 14% in the last 24 hours.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 13, 2013

We've been experiencing a gradual warming trend over the last couple of days, which may explain why my electricity consumption went up by 40% in the last 24 hours.

I know, that sounds like a lot. But, at my current level of consumption, it really isn't as bad as it sounds.

This morning's meter reading is 8648. Yesterday's reading was 8641 so consumption was 7 kWh. My consumption in the previous 24 hours was 5 kWh so my consumption went up, as I say, by 40%.

Forecasts say we will be in the 70s today, then the 80s on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday before dropping back to the 70s and then 60s by the end of the week.

But that's what they're saying today.

Friday, April 12, 2013

April 12, 2013

Inexplicably, my electricity consumption dropped about 23% in the last 24 hours.

This morning's meter reading is 8641. Yesterday's reading was 8636. Thus, consumption in the last 24 hours was 5 kWh.

Wednesday's meter reading was between 8629 and 8630 so consumption in the previous 24 hours was 6½ kWh.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11, 2013

It was cold yesterday, and it got cold last night. And my apartment was so cold I wondered if my downstairs neighbors have moved out.

In fact, I'm still wondering about that.

But that may not be all that important at this point in the calendar. Before long, it will be warm here — and it will stay that way for something like four or five months, at least — and, since hot air rises, I can't expect much benefit from downstairs — until the cold weather returns on a regular basis.

This cold snap is expected to be mostly gone in a few hours. Today's high temperature is expected to be in the 60s, maybe the 70s. It is expected to dip into the 40s tonight, then the extended forecast speaks of 50s and 60s at night. Since that takes us past the midpoint of April, I have to expect warmer temperatures to stay with us.

My heat kicked on a time or two during the night, but I don't think it is likely to be much of a factor again for awhile.

My consumption dropped by about 1 kWh in the last 24 hours.

Today's meter reading is 8636. Yesterday's reading was between 8629 and 8630. My consumption was 6½ kWh.

Whether it was due to the cooler weather or not, my consumption declined by a little more than 13%.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10, 2013

In the first week and a half of April, temperatures tended to be fairly typical for this time of year in Texas.

We had a cold snap last week, but mostly we've had temperatures in the 70s, even 80s, during the day, and mostly in the 50s at night.

Yesterday, as a matter of fact, the temperature soared past 80°. Summer seemed to be just around the corner.

It may still be — and, judging from past experience, I'm sure it is closer than I would like — but there has been a delay.

And it wouldn't bother me if it lasts for awhile.

The temperature dropped into the 40s last night — which was a bit of a shock since it was around 70° when I went to bed around 11 p.m. — and the forecast today is for highs in the low 50s. The temperature will creep back up over the next few days, but I hope progress is slow.

There seems to have been a negligible effect on my electricity consumption so far, but, of course, today's meter reading reflects my consumption yesterday, when it was rather warm, more than the overnight consumption. A better barometer (so to speak) will be my meter reading tomorrow.

This morning's meter reading is between 8629 and 8630. Yesterday's reading was 8622 so my consumption was 7½ kWh — a drop of roughly ½ kWh (or slightly more than 6%).

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013

It's been warmer here of late, and it nudged my electricity consumption up a bit in the last 24 hours.

This morning's meter reading is 8622. Yesterday's reading was 8614 so my consumption was 8 kWh. That's an increase of 1 kWh — or about 15% — over the previous 24 hours.

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 8, 2013

It was mild yesterday and last night, and, given the way my recent meter readings have gone, I honestly didn't know what to expect when I checked the meter this morning.

My consumption remained in single digits.

This morning's meter reading is 8614. Yesterday's reading was 8607 so consumption was 7 kWh.

Actually, that was a return to my usage level as of Saturday morning. Between Saturday and Sunday, my consumption went up to 9 kWh, but, as you can see, it went back down in the most recent 24–hour period.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 7, 2013

My electricity consumption went up nearly 30% in the last 24 hours, and I cannot figure out why.

It may have had something to do with the fact that this is a weekend, and I have been at home. I've also been having sinus congestion issues, which have prevented me from sleeping more than about four hours each night. It has become routine recently for me to get up around 4 a.m. and be unable to go back to sleep. That, of course, leads to me getting out of bed, switching on the lights in my apartment, switching on my computer, switching on my TV, and all that consumes electricity.

Not much because my consumption rate remained below double digits — but just barely.

This morning's meter reading is 8607. Yesterday's reading was 8598 so my consumption was 9 kWh. The meter reading on Friday morning was 8591 so consumption in the previous 24–hour period was 7 kWh.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 6, 2013

Conditions were warmer yesterday.

The high was around 70° and last night's low was probably 55°.

My electricity consumption went down about 33%.

This morning's meter reading is 8598. Yesterday's reading was 8591. My consumption was 7 kWh in the 24–hour period immediately following one in which my consumption was 10½ kWh.

Friday, April 5, 2013

April 5, 2013

It has been quite cool and overcast around here the last few days. At times, we've even had some rain — which we really need with summer just weeks away. If we don't get much rain in the spring, it tends to be hotter in the summer.

The cool, wet weather seems to have aggravated my annual problems with pollen, and I have been struggling with congestion the last few days. If warmer weather will ease my congestion, I'm all for it.

Yesterday's temperature was mired in the 50s, and, although I'm not certain, I think last night's low must have been in the upper 30s. With the generally overcast conditions, it was dreary.

But the sun is shining this morning, and the forecast calls for a high of 70° today.

Well, anyway.

This morning's meter reading is 8591. Yesterday's reading was between 8580 and 8581 so my consumption was 10½ kWh.

Hopefully, I won't see my consumption in double digits again for awhile.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4, 2013

Yesterday was chilly when compared with the temperatures we enjoyed over the weekend.

Upper 70s and low 80s were the norm on Easter weekend, but yesterday the temperature barely got into the 50s, and last night's low was in the mid– to low 40s.

We've had warm spells in recent weeks, followed by returns to more seasonal temperatures; on those occasions, my electric meter has indicated that my electricity consumption went down (unless it got cold enough for my heat to kick on). I was hoping that would be the case this time as well.

Well, it did drop — but not by much, only ½ kWh or so.

Today's meter reading is between 8580 and 8581. Yesterday's reading was 8574 so my consumption was roughly 7½ kWh. My consumption in the previous 24 hours was 7 kWh.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3, 2013

It turned cooler yesterday and then dropped to around 50° last night.

I know that may not sound so bad, especially given the kind of weather the folks to the north of us have had to endure, but it's a bit of a shock to the system when you've grown accustomed to the much warmer temperatures we've had in recent days.

It does not, however, seem to have affected my electricity consumption.

This morning is overcast, and we've had some rain, which may explain the quality of the meter picture. Also, such conditions require me to alter the position of the camera because it has a built–in flash that tends to wash out the numbers.

Anyway, I understand it may be difficult to see. But the reading is 8574. Yesterday's reading as 8567 so consumption was 7 kWh — the same as it was on Monday and Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2, 2013

There was no noticeable difference in conditions yesterday compared to conditions on Sunday.

The only difference was the fact that I spent much of the day on campus.

Nevertheless, my consumption remained about the same as it was the day before.

Today's meter reading is 8567. Yesterday's reading was 8560 so my consumption was 7 kWh — virtually the same as the day before.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1, 2013

It was one year ago today that I began monitoring my electric meter.

And once again, I cannot figure out my electricity consumption.

There was no noticeable difference in the weather conditions yesterday from several days around here recently. Yet my electricity consumption between Saturday and Sunday was nearly in double digits — an extremely rare occurrence here in the last couple of months — whereas consumption from Sunday morning to this one appears to have dropped more than 22%.

This morning's meter reading is 8560. Yesterday's reading was 8553.