Friday, May 31, 2013

May 31, 2013

I expected it.

Late yesterday afternoon, the air temperature was in the upper 80s and the heat index was around 93°. My air conditioning ran more than it has on any day since probably last September, and today is expected to be even hotter.

My electricity consumption has been dropping in recent days, but I fully expected it to go up yesterday.

And it did.

This morning's meter reading is 9098. Yesterday's reading was 9079. Electricity consumption in the last 24 hours was 19 kWh, which is an increase of about 72% over the previous 24 hours.

Ironically, we were apparently experiencing a wave of cool weather at this time last year so my consumption in the last 24 hours was only about 5% lower than this date in 2012.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 30, 2013

Yesterday's high temperature probably was about 84° or 85°, and it was overcast most of the day.

I ran the AC briefly last night because the apartment was too warm and stuffy when I was trying to fall asleep. Otherwise, electricity consumption was noticeably down for this time of year.

Consequently, I nearly kept my electricity consumption in single digits — but not quite.

This morning's meter reading is 9079. Yesterday's reading was 9068 so consumption was 11 kWh.

That's a drop of nearly 16% over my usage in the previous 24 hours — and it is nearly 68% less than my consumption on this date a year ago.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29, 2013

I've been living in Texas for the last 17 years, and I've been visiting the state longer than that.

I've seen mild weather (by Texas standards) in late May before but not often.

Forecasts lately have flirted with 90° or higher, but temperatures almost always seem to end up in the 80s (heat indices have been a different conversation sometimes).

And today's forecast calls for a high of ... 85°!

Nighttime lows have been consistently in the 70s.

This is so radically different from the weather we were having at this time last year that it doesn't seem fair to make a comparison. But I will, anyway.

My usual daily comparison suggests that electricity consumption was down in the last 24 hours. Yesterday's meter reading was 9055. Today's reading is 9068 so my consumption was about 13 kWh.

Since my consumption in the previous 24 hours was 16 kWh, my daily consumption went down nearly 19%.

But, once again, the big difference can be seen compared to this date last year when we were experiencing temperatures in the 90s.

In 2012, my consumption on this day was around 30 kWh so my consumption this year was about 57% lower.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, 2013

Yesterday's predicted high was 90°, which made me believe I could expect an increase in my electricity consumption.

But, by 3 p.m., the temperature was only about 83° or 84°, and the sky was overcast. I was wondering if the AC would kick on at all — and it wouldn't have bothered me if it hadn't.

That hope died about an hour later when the skies cleared and the sun came out and warmed everything up. By the time I went to bed, I was worried that my electricity consumption was in the 20s.

I needn't have worried. My meter reading this morning is 9055. Yesterday's reading was 9039. Consumption was 16 kWh. Now, that is an increase — but only ½ kWh, which is slightly more than 3%.

Once again, my consumption was below that of the same date a year ago. Last year, I used 22 kWh. That was a drop over the previous day but not nearly as impressive as the one I had this year over last year. My electricity use went down more than 27% over this date in 2012.

Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27, 2013

It was warmer yesterday — and humid — and I was forced to use the air conditioning.

I expect to be using it again today. The forecast high for today is 90°. It might be a degree cooler tomorrow, then it is supposed to dip to around 85° on Wednesday before going back up to near 90° later in the week.

Anyway, my electricity consumption went up yesterday. My meter reading this morning is 9039. Yesterday's reading was between 9023 and 9024, which means my consumption was about 15½ kWh. That is actually a significant increase — roughly 39% — over yesterday's consumption level.

But it is more than 50% lower than my consumption a year ago.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26, 2013

It was hard to get a handle on things yesterday.

Initially, the revised forecast (as of yesterday morning) was for a high of 84°, but it was 86° by 3 p.m. and may well have gotten warmer. The heat index at 3 o'clock was nearly 90°.

But, although I was home most of the afternoon, I don't recall hearing the air conditioning come on until late in the day — and then for only a few minutes at a time.

Then the rain came and brought cooler temperatures — and today's forecast has been revised from earlier predictions of a high around 88° — first to 83°, then back up to to the current prediction of 87°.

Anyway, I really didn't know what to expect when I read the meter this morning. Yesterday's reading was 9012. This morning's meter is a little hard to read. It is between two figures which appear to be 9023 and 9024, which would make my consumption roughly 11½ kWh. That means my consumption went down modestly — about 8% — in the last 24 hours.

Last year on this date, my consumption was 35 kWh. If my reading is accurate, that means my consumption is down by 67% since this date last year.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 25, 2013

Well, Friday was a lot like Thursday — warm (upper 80s) and humid (which made it feel more like it was in the 90s).

There were times in the afternoon and early evening when the air conditioning came on. It may have come on during the night as well — but I'm not inclined to think that is likely.

Anyway, I expected a consumption level similar to yesterday's — until sometime in the evening, when a cool front swept through the area and brought rain. It remained cool the rest of the night.

Well, that helped to suppress my overall electricity consumption. When I checked the meter this morning, the reading was 9012. Yesterday's reading was between 8999 and 9000 so my consumption was 12½ kWh. That's very good for this time of year.

On a day–to–day basis, it's nearly 20% lower than my consumption the day before.

Even better, though, for the second straight day it is half my consumption rate from this date last year.

Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24, 2013

For awhile yesterday, I wondered if it was possible that I might have three consecutive single–digit days in late May.

The sky was overcast through the morning, and — although it was humid — the temperature stayed in the 70s — but the temperature was in the low 80s by noon and well on its way to the predicted high of 90°. (I don't know if the air temperature reached 90°, but I know the heat index did.)

And, as the afternoon went on, I gradually lost hope that I would have a third straight single–digit day. And I was right.

This morning's meter reading is between 8999 and 9000. Yesterday's reading was 8984 so consumption was about 15½ kWh.

On the negative side, that is more than twice my usage in the previous 24 hours.

On the plus, side, though, it is half of my consumption from this date a year ago. I prefer to look at it that way!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23, 2013

The temperature stayed below 80° until about the middle of the afternoon yesterday and never got close to the mid–80s until nearly sunset, giving me what I expected to be another day of low electricity consumption.

We had cloud cover until early in the afternoon, but, by 3 o'clock, the sun was shining, and the warmer temperatures were noticeable, and I wasn't as certain as I had been.

To be honest, I didn't think I would stay in single digits. But I did expect to keep my usage well below my consumption level on this day last year, which was 25 kWh. After all, I was home nearly all day, and the air conditioning never kicked on once.

Anyway, it turned out I did keep my consumption in single digits for a second straight day. This morning's meter reading is 8984. Yesterday's meter reading was between 8976 and 8977 so consumption was about 7½ kWh. Compared to the previous 24 hours, that was a drop of more than 21%, which is really good news for me at this time of the year.

But the even better news is that, compared to this 24–hour period last year, consumption went down 70%.

The high temperature today is supposed to be 90° so I expect the trend to reverse itself — and I almost certainly won't see another single–digit kWh consumption day for five months.

This is, after all, Texas.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22, 2013

A cool front came through the area yesterday, bringing rain and temperatures in the 60s and 70s.

When I checked the meter this morning, I expected to find a considerable drop in my consumption. And I was right.

This morning's meter reading appears to be another 'tweener — between 8976 and 8977. Since yesterday's meter reading was 8967, that means my consumption was about 9½ kWh.

That will be temporary, I am sure, and, considering that we are past mid–May, it is likely to be my last single–digit reading for awhile. Forecasters say we will be back in the mid–80s today, and higher temperatures are in the forecast for the next week.

So it's worth celebrating.

On the day–to–day basis, my electricity consumption went down nearly 55%; compared to this time last year, the drop was even more dramatic — more than 66%.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21, 2013

Yesterday was much like the days that preceded it — hot and humid. It might even have been a little hotter than the days that came before.

Last night may have been a wee bit cooler than recent nights have been, but the temperature remained in the 70s.

I guess my general perception was that it was hotter. Maybe it was the humidity. Anyway, whatever my reasoning may have been (and I'm not sure what it was) , as I went to check the meter this morning, I felt that my electricity consumption probably got into the 20–kWh range. And I was right.

The reading this morning is 8967. Yesterday's reading was 8946 so consumption was 21 kWh.

There are two ways of looking at that, I guess.

On a day–to–day comparison, my consumption went up nearly 17% over what it was in the previous 24 hours.

But, when compared to last year at this time, it's about 25% lower than my consumption on this date in 2012.

And, at this point, I have reason to hope that today will be easy on my utility bill. Clouds and the possibility of rain are expected to keep today's high temperature around 83° — and tonight's low is expected to be in the mid–60s.

Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20, 2013

I guess the weather is settling into its usual summer pattern, but the unseasonably cool temperatures we experienced well into the spring months seems to have left me unprepared for the sudden arrival of the hot and humid conditions we can expect for the next several months.

Yesterday's high was somewhere in the 90s, and I doubt that the temperature dropped below 75° last night. (It is 76° as I write this.)

This morning's meter reading is 8946. Yesterday's reading was 8928 so consumption was 18 kWh. That is a 10% drop from this date a year ago.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19, 2013

The transition to hot weather can be abrupt in this part of the country.

Just a few days ago, we were having mild nights and reasonably mild days. But yesterday's high temperature was in the mid–90s and last night's low was probably in the mid–70s. If there has been one good thing about this year, it is that the arrival of hot weather has been delayed by unseasonably cool temperatures in April and early May.

But I am resigned to the reality that single–digit electricity consumption days are a thing of the past — at least until sometime this fall.

This morning's meter reading is 8928. Yesterday's reading was between 8910 and 8911 so electricity consumption was roughly 17½ kWh.

And the good news is that's about 20% below my consumption on the same date a year ago.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

May 18, 2013

Well, the temperature rose into the lower 90s yesterday, and the forecasters say we can expect more of the same for the foreseeable future, along with nighttime lows in the 70s.

I had been doing a pretty good job of keeping my daily electricity consumption in single digits, but I'm afraid those days are at an end — at least for the next four or five months. My apartment is on the second floor, and it was necessary to run the air conditioning periodically in the afternoon.

And, as I expected, my electricity consumption was in double digits in the last 24 hours.

This morning's meter reading is between 8910 and 8911. Yesterday's reading was 8895 so my consumption was around 15½ kWh. That's an increase of more than 63%.

However, it is well below my consumption a year ago on this date (26 kWh).

Friday, May 17, 2013

May 17, 2013

We're settling into a pattern (currently) of mid– to upper 80s during the day and low 70s at night.

Before long, I expect my electricity consumption to return to double digits on a daily basis. But, in the last 24 hours, it appears that my consumption remained slightly below that level.

Yesterday's meter reading was between 8885 and 8886. This morning's reading is 8895 so consumption was about 9½ kWh.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 16, 2013

The rain from yesterday and last night still lingers in the form of cloud cover this morning.

As a result, it is hard to tell what this morning's meter reading is. But it appears to be between 8885 and 8886. Yesterday's reading was 8877 so that would mean my consumption was about 8½ kWh. That is roughly the same consumption as I had yesterday — which is a little disappointing. I really hoped consumption would drop some since yesterday's high temperature was probably in the 70s.

On the plus side, I have been reviewing my consumption from this time last year, and it appears that I've been using about half as much electricity as I did a year ago.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May 15, 2013

I don't know if the temperature hit 90° yesterday, but I do know it was quite warm. And, although it wasn't as humid as it can be in Dallas, the humidity was higher than it was the day before.

Consequently, I did run my air conditioning for a few minutes to cool off the apartment around 10 p.m.

The temperature was supposed to drop into the 60s last night — with a possibility of rain after 1 a.m. I don't know if it did. I usually wake up briefly during the night, and I may well have done so last night, but I have no recollection of it. I do know, though, that it was already in the 70s when I got up this morning.

I expected an increase in electricity consumption when I checked my meter. And my suspicions were correct — but the increase wasn't as dramatic as I feared.

This morning's meter reading is 8877. Yesterday's reading was between 8868 and 8869, making consumption 8½ kWh.

That is an increase of nearly 12% over yesterday's consumption.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14, 2013

Yesterday's high temperature was around 87° or 88° — but it didn't feel quite that hot, thanks to a humidity level that was down around 20%.

Nevertheless, I expected my electricity consumption to go up. But, apparently, I was wrong. This morning's meter reading is between 8868 and 8869. Yesterday's reading was 8861 so consumption was about 7½ kWh. That's actually a drop of roughly 6%.

It will probably go up today. Forecasts call for a high near 90°. But we should get a temporary breather. Rain is supposed to move into the area tonight, and tomorrow's high is supposed to be about 10° lower than today's.

Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013

It was a somewhat mild day yesterday, I guess. It was warm but not hot.

And last night's low was probably in the upper 50s.

As a result, my electricity consumption remained in single digits for another day — but I'm not sure how long that will last. Weather forecasts are calling for highs in the upper 80s today and tomorrow. After temperatures dip into the upper 70s on Wednesday, it's going to be back into the 80s for the latter part of the week.

Anyway, this morning's meter reading is 8861. Yesterday's reading was 8853 so consumption was 8 kWh.

Consumption was unchanged.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12, 2013

The temperatures were warmer yesterday, and I expected my electricity consumption to go up.

And it did — but I still managed to stay in single digits.

This morning's meter reading is 8853. Yesterday's reading was 8845. That's 8 kWh used in the last 24 hours.

And that's a 23% increase over the last couple of days.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11, 2013

I was on campus for quite awhile yesterday, helping the student newspaper staff finish the last edition of the paper for this school year.

Anyway, the point is I wasn't home much to use electricity — and my consumption level was virtually unchanged.

This morning's meter reading is about 8845. Yesterday, it was between 8838 and 8839, making my consumption 6½ kWh — which is almost precisely what it was yesterday.

Friday, May 10, 2013

May 10, 2013

A modest cool front came through the area yesterday, bringing overcast conditions and spotty rain.

The temperature probably didn't get out of the low 70s.

Anyway, that kept my electricity consumption down. Today's meter reading is between 8838 and 8839. Yesterday's reading was 8832. Consumption was 6½ kWh — a drop of nearly 28%.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9, 2013

The temperature yesterday rose into the mid– to upper 80s, and the temperature probably fell into the upper 60s last night.

Even though I did not run the air conditioning, recent history told me my electricity consumption probably would go up. And it did.

This morning's meter reading is 8832. Yesterday's reading was 8823 so consumption was 9 kWh. That is an increase of just under 29%.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

May 8, 2013

The temperature rose into the mid–80s yesterday and dropped into the 60s last night.

And my electricity consumption went up — but not by a lot.

OK, it went up ½ kWh, which is roughly 8%.

This morning's meter reading is 8823. Yesterday's reading as 8816 so consumption in the last 24 hours was 7 kWh..

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7, 2013

Yesterday's temperature was in the upper 70s, and last night's low was around 60°.

The rest of the week looks to be warm (mid– to upper 80s in the day, 60s at night) with varying chances for rain from Wednesday through Saturday. Consequently, I've been bracing myself for an increase in electricity consumption — even though my air conditioning is off.

Before long, I am sure, my daily consumption will be back in double digits. But not today.

Today, my consumption increase continues to be minimal. This morning's meter reading is 8816. Yesterday's reading was between 8809 and 8810, making my consumption in the last 24 hours 6½ kWh.

Same as yesterday.

Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013

Yesterday's high temperature was probably around 70° and it probably dropped to around 55° last night.

We had no rain, and the wind wasn't as strong as it has been. All in all, it was a very pleasant day.

And my electricity consumption remained in single digits.

This morning's meter reading is between 8809 and 8810. Yesterday's reading was 8803, which means consumption in the last 24 hours was 6½ kWh — a ½ kWh increase over the day before.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5, 2013

This time last year, I was already sweating.

I remember because May 5 is the anniversary of my mother's death, and I went out to the cemetery last year, as I usually do (and as I plan to do sometime today). The heat and humidity was incredible. The temperature was already well on its way to the 90s.

Today, though, it is still quite cool, even chilly. If the temperature reaches 70° today, it will be late in the day — and then probably only for a few minutes.

This morning's meter reading is 8803. Yesterday it was 8797 so consumption was 6 kWh in the last 24 hours.

That sounds good — and it is — but it is actually a ½ kWh increase over yesterday.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4, 2013

I spent most of yesterday at school.

We were working on the next–to–last edition of the paper for this semester.

Anyway, I was inside. That's the point. I don't know how warm it may have become outside. I only know it was cold and windy when I went to school, and forecasts weren't encouraging for spring–weather enthusiasts.

It's had a positive effect on my electricity consumption, though. Yesterday's unbelievably low meter reading is confirmed by this morning's reading.

Today's meter reading is 8797. Yesterday's reading was between 8791 and 8792 so consumption was 5½ kWh.

It was hard to tell yesterday if the reading actually was between 8797 and 8798, but that wouldn't have made a lot of sense. It would have made consumption a lot higher than it should be, given the conditions we had.

Friday, May 3, 2013

May 3, 2013

Last night was supposed to be the coldest it's ever been on this date.

I guess it was. The temperature was 41° (wind chill was 36°) when I got up this morning.

In two days it will be the anniversary of my mother's death. I usually go out to the cemetery on that day. It was a Saturday last year, and I went early. I remember how brutally hot and humid it was — not as bad as it could be, but hotter and muggier than it tends to be in north Texas in early May.

No chance of that this year. The forecast indicates that we'll be lucky if the temperature reaches 70° on Sunday.

Electricitywise, that's fine with me. Ever since I have had downstairs neighbors, I have seen for myself (via my daily monitoring of my meter) that cooler temperatures lower my consumption — presumably because I benefit from the heat from downstairs. I suppose that means my neighbors will benefit from my A/C this summer.

My theory appears to be correct.

This morning's meter reading appears to be just past 8791 (but not quite midway between 8791 and 8792). Yesterday's reading was between 8788 and 8789, which means my electricity consumption in the last 24 hours was about kWh!

The cooler weather is supposed yield to 80s in a few days — after that, I expect we'll be in summer mode around here until about October.

Better enjoy it while I can.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013

The warm weather has come to an end — temporarily.

During the night, the temperature dropped. It has been in the 80s the last three or four days, but right now it is a little over 50° and temperatures are supposed to fall into the 40s by mid–morning.

It is also drizzly and overcast this morning — not the best conditions for taking photographs.

Nevertheless, the meter reading this morning is between 8788 and 8789. Yesterday it was between 8780 and 8781. Consumption was 8 kWh.

That means I regained the ½ kWh that I lost yesterday.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1, 2013

Shortly, I will be discussing the new utility bill with the apartment manager.

I am so furious about this bill. It makes me feel that all the things I have been doing to reduce electricity — and general utility — consumption in the last year has been pointless. And it deeply concerns me to think what this may mean in a few months, when temperatures are soaring into triple digits.

Anyway, this morning's meter reading is between 8780 and 8781. Yesterday's meter reading was 8773 so consumption was roughly 7½ kWh in the last 24 hours. That is a decline of ½ kWh — a drop of a little more than 6%.