Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012

Well, I don't know if yesterday's temperature reached (or exceeded) its expected high (105°), but I do know it went over 100°.

And I don't really know if yesterday was hotter, cooler or about the same as the day before.

What I do know is that the forecast calls for more of the same all week.

Briefly, the forecast suggested that the daily highs would drop below 100° by next weekend, but the latest outlooks seem to have given up on that possibility.

This is what summer in Texas is like. If the extended forecast suggests that a string of 100°–plus days is going to end in about a week, you can be sure the line will be pushed back the closer you get to that anticipated break in the weather.

They're still saying that the nighttime lows will drop below 80° this weekend, which would be nice. When I woke up this morning around 5 a.m., the temperature was 85°.

No kidding.

Yet somehow I used less electricity in the last 24 hours than I did in the 24 hours that preceded it.

When I got yesterday's reading, I calculated that I had used 44 kWh. But yesterday's reading was 4820 and today's is 4859. Thus, my consumption went down to 39 kWh.

I have a fair idea how I accomplished it. I set my thermostat in the mid–80s range, which made it quite warm in here, especially in the late afternoon — and I kept it there as long as I could.

Eventually, though, I had to adjust it downward. It was just too warm in my apartment.

But, by golly, I saved 5 kWh!

That isn't as low as I'd like, but, at this time of the year, it will have to do.

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