Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 12, 2013

Yesterday was another day spent away from the apartment.

The fix that the utility company eventually made on the electric line on Monday was a temporary one. The permanent one was done yesterday. In order to do it, the power had to be shut off — which meant I had to vacate again, and the management told me the power would be off all day. When it went off around 9:40 a.m., I vacated.

I returned around 5 p.m., and the power was on. When I went inside, the apartment was cool, much cooler than I would have expected if the power had just come back on — so my guess was that the power was restored earlier, probably much earlier. How much earlier, I do not know.

Anyway, when I checked my meter this morning, I found that my reading was between 9294 and 9295. Yesterday's reading was 9263. Electricity consumption in the last 24 hours was roughly 31½ kWh.

That's more than double my consumption in the previous 24 hours, and the power was out nearly all day Monday. I only had electricity during the nighttime hours. That suggests to me that the power wasn't off nearly as long yesterday as I had been led to believe, and consumption skyrocketed during my absence.

Even so, my consumption was still below my level on the same date a year ago. Last year, my consumption was 34½ kWh so usage dropped nearly 9%. That isn't much, at least compared to what I have managed so far this summer, but sometimes you have to take your triumphs where you can find them.

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