Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5, 2012

Even though, apparently, it was in the 90s around here yesterday afternoon, this morning's meter reading suggests that my consumption in the last 24 hours was below my consumption for the previous 24 hours.

I say "apparently" because I spent about eight hours in the Richland College student newsroom yesterday. The students were putting the finishing touches on their final paper of the semester, and it took much longer than usual.

Consequently, I was away from home for the hottest part of the day, and I have no idea how frequently the air conditioning may have switched on. It was nearly 9 o'clock when I got home, and we had some rain showers while I was in the newsroom (I could tell from the residue on my vehicle), but I can only assume that it didn't get quite as warm for quite as long as forecasters were saying it would on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

That's Texas for you.

Anyway, today's reading indicates that I used 24 or 23 Kwh. Once again, the last digit is hard to read, but it appears to be 2452. Yesterday's reading was 2428 or 2429.

Still haven't cracked 30.

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